
OpenEJB and EJB Help

The java.rmi.RemoteException is thrown whenever something unexcpected happens while invoking the requested method on your enterprise bean instance. Usually, these are runtime exceptions that your bean didn't catch, java.lang.NullPointerException being the most common.

The java.rmi.RemoteException itself is just a wrapper for the real exception. It may have a useful message associated with it, but it's stack trace is usually worthless to you. To get the most useful output from a RemoteException, use the error handling code bellow.

try {
} catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re){
    Throwable realException = re.detail;
Sometimes, the exception nested inside the java.rmi.RemoteException caught is actually another java.rmi.RemoteException. A clever strategy to unwrap all the nested RemoteExceptions is to cycle through them in a while loop as follows. This is the approach the OpenEJB Object Invoker takes, so if you like the error messages you see here, just copy the this code:
try {
} catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re){
    Throwable t = re;
    while (t instanceof java.rmi.RemoteException) {
        t = ((java.rmi.RemoteException)t).detail;