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Page: 1.0 Branch Test Status
test:all: test:local: java java java java Running EJB compliance tests on IntraVM Server java java OpenEJB 1.0SNAPSHOT build: 200602222356 java http://www.openejb.org java resources 1 java OpenEJB ready. java ...


Page: About OpenEJB
Page: Apache OpenEJB 3.1.3
Release Date: October 20th, 2010 Partial EJB 3.1 support EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download Apache OpenEJB Standalone Server Apache OpenEJB 3.1.3 Apache ...
Page: Apache OpenEJB 3.1.4
Release Date: November 17th, 2010 Partial EJB 3.1 support EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download Apache OpenEJB Standalone Server Apache OpenEJB 3.1.4 Apache ...
Page: April2008
highlight of early February was the release of OpenEJB 3.0 beta 2 which was very well received and triggered another small increase in overall users@openejb.a.o traffic. We've also seen some encouraging growth signs we haven't seen for quite ...
Page: April2009
patch release of OpenEJB 3.0 (3.0.1) was released with fixes aimed to support the Geronimo 2.1.4 release. Talk has started on a release of the current 3.1 branch (to be OpenEJB 3.1.1), which already contains several fixes and improvements over the 3.1 version ...
Page: Articles
OpenEJB Articles 3.0 Developing EJB 3 Applications in Apache Tomcat Using Apache OpenEJB http://java.syscon.com/read/4875612.htm, by Dario Laverde, java.syscon.com OpenEJB 3 and Tomcat 6 http://javanotebook.com/2007/09/28/openejb3andtomcat6.html, by Dario Laverde, javanotebook.com 1.0 Containter ...
Page: ASF
ASF Board meetings are the third Wednesday of each month: Reports must be filed monthly for the first three months after Incubation: June 18, 2007 June2007 July 16, 2007 July2007 August 13, 2007 August2007 Then quarterly after ...
Page: August2007
Work on the OpenEJB 3.0 release is coming to a close. Documentation remains the largest outstanding item. A complete audit of all documentation was completed and concrete steps to improve it were detailed. Progress on updating the outofdate documentation has already been made. The usability ...


Page: Building from source
Building from source Checking out the source To checkout the source, run this command with your subversion client. svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejbeclipseplugin openejbeclipseplugin Building the source To build the plugin you will need Maven ...


Page: Card Test
Card 1 contents. Card 2 contents
Page: Collapsed EAR
One archive The basic idea of this approach is that your Servlets and EJBs are together in your WAR file as one app. No classloader boundries between Servlets and EJBs EJBs and Servlets can share all thirdparty libraries (like Spring\!) no EAR required ...
Page: Common Errors
Cannot find container "FOO" for bean "BAR" When a bean gets deployed in OpenEJB, it gets associated with a particular container. Subsequently, that container may not be configured in that instance of the server. When the server loads the Jar with the deployed beans, it places beans in the containers ...
Page: Community
Page: Concepts
OpenEJB was founded on the idea that it would be embedded into thirdparty environments whom would likely already have three things: their one "server" platform with existing clients and protocols their own way to configure their platform existing services like TransactionManager, Security, and Connector ...
Page: Configuration
Short Overview Configuration Properties openejb.home OpenEJB home (installation) directory path. All relative paths are resolved against the property unless openejb.base is set. Unless set, the value is assigned to the user.dir Java property. openejb.base OpenEJB base directory ...
Page: Configuration and Assembly
Disclaimer that we do tweak and change this code frequently, without notice. It is the very heart of OpenEJB. To keep things tight and clean, we reserve the right to change it at anytime. Do not consider it a stable public API. Overview in Code First a glimpse ...
Page: Containers
Declaring your Container CMP Entity containers are defined with the <Container> element, under the <openejb> element. This is actually the declaration used for all containers defined in the container system. The part that actually makes it a cmp container is the ctype attribute, specifially, a ctype attribute ...
Page: Contribution Tips
First steps # Subscribe to the dev list mailto:devsubscribe@openejb.apche.org and say Hi # Get the source code with svn or git svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3 # Build the code (maven 2.2.1 or higher recommended) mvn clean ...
Page: created on Thu Apr 22 16.59.59 EDT 2010
Page: Creating itests
OpenEJB itests The OpenEJB itests module is a framework to create EJB test cases that are designed according to the JUnit rules, i.e. they all have setUp, tests and tearDown methods. Since it's JUnitbased, you can do whatever you could do ...


Page: Deployment ID
What is a Deployment ID? Every bean deployed in OpenEJB has a unique deploymentid that identifies it within the scope of the entire container system. The server and container system refer beans at runtime using the bean's deployment id. Like ejbname This deployment id ...
Page: Details on openejb-jar
What is an openejbjar.xml? This is the file created by the Deploy Tool that maps your bean's deployment descriptor (ejbjar.xml) to actual containers and resources declared in your OpenEJB configuration (openejb.conf). In fact, the Deploy tool really does nothing more than create ...
Page: Developers (IDE)
Page: Developing EJBs with OpenEJB and NetBeans IDE
Feel free to contribute your ideas if they're about the OpenEJB and NetBeans IDE mixture. Don't worry about the style and such it gets fixed over time
Page: Download
Apache OpenEJB 3.1.4
Page: Downloads


Page: Eclipse
Page: Eclipse (D)
Page: Eclipse Plugin
What is it? The OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin will be a suite of tools made available via Eclipse to make EJB development with OpenEJB easier. The initial offering will probably provide basic functionality by taking advantage of WebTools http://www.eclipse.org/webtools to allow for OpenEJB to be an ...
Page: EJB 3 RoadMap
set( $jira = $rss.fetch("http://issues.apache.org/jira/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequestxml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?&pid=12310530&component=12311366") ) #set( $axis = $rss.fetch("http://issues.apache.org/jira/si/jira.issueviews:issuexml/OPENEJB114/OPENEJB114.xml") ) #set( $corba = $rss.fetch("http://issues.apache.org ...
Page: EJB 3.1 RoadMap
set( $jira = $rss.fetch("https://issues.apache.org/jira/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequestxml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?&pid=12310530&component=12313252") ) #set( $issues = $jira.fillSubTasks() ) #set( $parents = "1133", "1134", "1135", "1136", "1137", "1138", "1139", "1140", "1141", "1142 ...
Page: EJB Annotation Example
EJB Annotation Example Each EJB 3.0 annotation example comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded ...
Page: EJB Annotation Examples
EJB Annotation Examples All EJB 3.0 annotation examples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded ...
Page: EJB Example
EJB Example Each EJB 3.0 example comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB Examples
EJB Examples All EJB 3.0 examples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB Glossary
JPA javax.persistence API component interface refers to the legacy interfaces that extend either javax.ejb.EJBObject or javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject business interface refers to the new style of local or remote interfaces that does not extend either javax.ejb.EJBObject or javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject
Page: EJB HowTo
EJB HowTo All EJB 3.0 howtos come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB Sample
EJB Sample Each EJB 3.0 sample comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB Sample Applications
EJB Sample Applications All EJB 3.0 sample applications come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded ...
Page: EJB Samples
EJB Samples All EJB 3.0 samples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB Tutorial
EJB Tutorial Each EJB 3.0 tutorial comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB Tutorials
EJB Tutorials All EJB 3.0 tutorials come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB3 Annotation Example
EJB3 Annotation Example Each EJB 3.0 annotation example comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded ...
Page: EJB3 Annotation Examples
EJB3 Annotation Examples All EJB 3.0 annotation examples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded ...
Page: EJB3 Example
EJB3 Example Each EJB 3.0 example comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB3 Examples
EJB3 Examples All EJB 3.0 examples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB3 HowTo
EJB3 HowTo All EJB 3.0 howtos come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB3 Sample
EJB3 Sample Each EJB 3.0 sample comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB3 Sample Applications
EJB3 Sample Applications All EJB 3.0 sample applications come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded ...
Page: EJB3 Samples
EJB3 Samples All EJB 3.0 samples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB3 Tutorial
EJB3 Tutorial Each EJB 3.0 tutorial comes with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EJB3 Tutorials
EJB3 Tutorials All EJB 3.0 tutorials come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant or any IDE or build system without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container ...
Page: EjbContext Whiteboard
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ...
Page: Embedded
Page: Embedding
Page: Embedding OpenEJB
OpenEJB embedded in your app, server, IDE, or JUnit Say what?! A local server? Yes, you read correctly. OpenEJB can be embedded and treated as your very own personal EJB container. If they can have Local and Remote EJB's ...
Page: Example Generated Documentation
Containers Default CMP Container Property Name Description CmpEngineFactory Default value is org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.jpa.JpaCmpEngineFactory. Default BMP Container Property Name Description PoolSize Specifies the size of the bean pools for this\\ bmp entity container.\\ \\ Default value is 10. Default Stateless ...
Page: Examples
Page: Executables
doc describes the designinprogress for revamping the commandline execution of openejb. Basic ideas: Commands can be added/removed (start, stop, test, validate, deploy) Adding/removing only requires adding/removing jars from the classpath We can stuff ...


Page: FAQ
nbsp;General &nbsp; What spec version does OpenEJB support? OpenEJB supports the Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 specification and previous versions 2.1, 2.0 and 1.1. I don't plan to use EJBs, so why would I embed ...
Page: faq_openejb-jar.html
Need Complete stes to deploy a bean using openejb
Page: Features
Page: Functional testing with OpenEJB, Jetty and Selenium
Obviously, OpenEJB is great for unit testing EJBs, but I wondered whether I might also be able to use this embedded functionality to functionally test my application. You can use tools like Selenium, or HtmlUnit to run functional tests ...


Page: Generating EJB 3 annotations
Generating EJB 3 annotations The OpenEJB Eclipse plugin is able to provide some assistance in helping you migrate EJB 2.x projects to EJB 3.0, by analyzing your ejbjar.xml file, and adding EJB annotations to your source code. This page ...
Page: Geronimo
OpenEJB is the EJB Container implementation for Apache Geronimo http://geronimo.apache.org. That integration is quite a bit different than what OpenEJB users are familiar with. The best source of documentation on Geronimo and it's usage of OpenEJB is here: http://geronimo.apache.org/documentation.html
Page: Getting Support


Page: Hello World
Page: HomeBaseDiscussion
Life in 0.9.2 Some background on how a 0.9.2 installation behaves. Basic layout Basically, openejb.base is the source for 100% of all configuration information and third party config files (log4j, castor, instantdb, whatever). This includes finding where the, possibly many ...
Page: HomeLinks
Looking for an example of how to use an EJB 3.0 or OpenEJB feature? Check out the newly revised examples OPENEJBx30:Examples. Examples include: Stateless OPENEJBx30:Simple Stateless Example Stateful OPENEJBx30:Simple Stateful Example Dependency ...
Page: How to contribute


Page: IDE Integration
Home page: Index
Welcome to Apache OpenEJB! Apache OpenEJB is an embeddable and lightweight EJB 3.0 implementation that can be used as a standalone server or embedded into Tomcat, JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Maven, Ant, and any IDE or application. OpenEJB is included in Apache Geronimo ...
Page: Installation
Installation Installation is easiest from an update site. In Eclipse, select Help, Software Updates, Find and install... !http://jrg.me.uk/openejb/installstep1.jpg! Select 'Search for new features to install' !http://jrg.me.uk/openejb/installstep2.jpg! Select 'New Remote site'. Enter ...
Page: IntelliJ IDEA (D)
Page: IntelliJ IDEA
Page: IRC
Page: Issue Tracking
Page: iTests Overview
Motivation The basic idea behind itests that makes them slightly different than plain junit tests ran by maven is that it's assumed that there are other systems (servers, databases, brokers, etc) that need to be started or connected to before the tests can run. The tests ...


Page: January2008
release of OpenEJB 3.0 beta 1 at the end of September showed an mild but noticeable increase in user traffic which has continued since. Several usability improvements and related new features have been added, particularly around a returning ...
Page: January2010
Main areas of development activity include OSGi support, upgrading JAXWS and potential support for JAXRS, and Java EE 6 @ManagedBean support. More detailed planning has also begun for the remaining EJB 3.1 work. Overall user list ...
Page: Javadocs
Page: JAXB2 Java Inheritance
EnterpriseBean superclass / Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http ...
Page: July2007
CURRENT FOCUS Primary activities in the project are around polishing up features, userfacing code, reducing dependencies, documentation, and taking care of legal in preparation for the coming 3.0 release. No real issues stand in the way at this point, builds and voting should start ...
Page: July2008
OpenEJB 3.0 Final release in mid April brought some good attention to the project and more new users. User list traffic showed a small increase in April and May and a sharp spike in June. July looks to be a slow month so ...
Page: July2009
OpenEJB 3.1.1 was released in June. The release contained a mix of improvements and fixes. Overall it was very well received and very anticipated as the last trunk release was in October 2008. More frequent dot releases are planned and a 3.1.2 will hopefully be not too far behind ...
Page: July2010
Work on the 3.1.next development has slowed and a release of that codebase (3.1.3) is likely to come out soon. Activity on the 3.2 codebase is going strong with significant progress on EJB 3.1 features, specifically; @AccessTimeout, @AfterBegin, @BeforeCompletion, @AfterCompletion and some support for the @Asynchronous ...
Page: June2007
All Incubator Infrastructure has been migrated over to openejb.apache.org as well as removal of any miscellaneous Incubator related disclaimers in code and website. The project is excited to have implementation of EJB 3.0 complete and to see our sister project, Geronimo, announced ...


Page: keywords
Page: Known Issues


Page: Latest Unstable
Good to know Firsttime Users of OpenEJB should try out a stable release unless otherwise noted. People currently in development with OpenEJB are encouraged to try out unstable builds from time to time and get us feedback. This really helps ...
Page: Lightening Demos
Lightening Demos Details Demo Name Description Sponsor Links/Comments TestCase Injection David Blevins Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5l14G9RBCM, Vimeo http://vimeo.com/16876983 Simple @WebService David Blevins Youtube http://www.youtube.com ...
Page: Loading Deployments from the Classpath
Page: Local Server
http://www.openejb.org/images/diagramlocalserver.gif valign=top, align=right, hspace=15! Accessing EJBs Locally When OpenEJB embedded in your app, server, IDE, or JUnit, you can use what we call the Local Server and avoid ...
Page: Logging
Logging for Users All logging in OpenEJB is done using the openejb.base/conf/logging.properties file. When you download and extract OpenEJB, you will not find this file under the openejb.base/conf directory. However, when you start the server, this file magically ...


Page: Mailing Lists
User Mailing List Where the general OpenEJB community goes to ask questions, make suggestions, chat with other users and developers, and keep a finger on the pulse of the project. Medium volume mailing list, dedicated to the OpenEJB community. users@openejb.apache.org mailto:users@openejb.apache.org ...
Page: Management and Voting
Basic info Apache has a few roles that relate to all Apache projects: Contributors http://www.apache.org/dev/contributors.html Committers http://www.apache.org/dev/committers.html PMC Members http://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html Despite there being various roles ...
Page: Multiple Business Interface Hazzards
UndeclaredThrowableException When two java interfaces are implemented by a proxy and those two interfaces declare the same method but with different throws clauses some very nasty side effects happen, namely you loose the ability to throw any checked exceptions ...


Page: Navigation
Overview Home Index News FAQ Download Documentation OPENEJBx30:Index Examples Lightning Demos http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENEJB/LighteningDemos Mailing Lists Source Code Project Blog http://blogs.apache.org/openejb Servers Local Local ...
Page: Netbeans
Page: Netbeans (D)
Page: New in OpenEJB 3.0
EJB 3.0 OpenEJB 3.0 supports the EJB 3.0 specification as well as the prior EJB 2.1, EJB 2.0, and EJB 1.1. New features in EJB 3.0 include: Annotations instead of xml No home interfaces Business Interfaces Dependency Injection ...
Page: New Index Text
Welcome to Apache OpenEJB! Apache OpenEJB is an embeddable and lightweight EJB 3.0 implementation that can be used as a standalone server or embedded into Tomcat, JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Maven, Ant, and any IDE or application. OpenEJB is included in Apache Geronimo ...
Page: New_FAQ
Page: New_Navigation
About OpenEJB &nbsp; &nbsp;\ What is OpenEJB? &nbsp; &nbsp;\ Features &nbsp; &nbsp;\ FAQ &nbsp; &nbsp;\ Getting Support &nbsp; &nbsp;\ Release Notes &nbsp; &nbsp;\ Known Issues Downloads &nbsp;\ Binary &nbsp;\ Source &nbsp ...
Page: News
Page: News (staging)
Apache OpenEJB community is proud to release OpenEJB 3.1. This release contains significant enhancements, improvements, new functionality and allows developers to get early access to some key parts of EJB 3.1. In addition to the embeddable EJB container and Collapsed EAR ...


Page: October2007
OpenEJB 3.0 beta 1 released. First contribution from Jonathan Gallimore. (was anything checked in, if not yank this line) Completed Export Control (Cryptography) process. Completed integration with Tomcat 6. Expanded documentation and examples. Activity on the user list has ...
Page: October2008
user base has grown significantly. The primary areas seem to be people replacing the JBoss Embedded platform with OpenEJB as an embedded container for either testing or Swing/GUI work and people using OpenEJB in Tomcat for web work. There have also ...
Page: October2009
Release 3.1.2 Eclipse Plugin 1.0.0 alpha release More EJB 3.1 activity
Page: OpenEJB 0.9.2
OpenEJB 0.9.2 June 5th, 2003 openejb0.9.2.zip http://dist.codehaus.org/openejb/distributions/openejb0.9.2.zip openejb0.9.2.tar.gz http://dist.codehaus.org/openejb/distributions/openejb0.9.2.tar.gz openejb0.9.2src.zip http://dist.codehaus.org/openejb/distributions/openejb0.9.2src.zip openejb0.9.2src.tar.gz http://dist.codehaus.org/openejb/distributions/openejb0.9.2src.tar.gz Release Notes OpenEJB ...
Page: OpenEJB 1.0
Release Date: February 26th, 2006 EJB 1.1 support EJB 2.0 Local Interface support Download Binary: openejb1.0 \ Source: openejb1.0src \ Tested On Windows XP (JDK 1.4) Windows XP (JDK 1.5) Linux (JDK 1.4 ...
Page: OpenEJB 1.0 Beta 1
Release Date: August 28th, 2005 Download Binary: openejb1.0beta1 \ Source: openejb1.0beta1src \ Updated ejbtestingexamples.zip http://www.openejb.org/1.0beta1/ejbtestingexamples.zip for the Container Driven Testing Series http://www.theserverside.com/articles/article.tss?l=ContainerDrivenTestingSeries on TheServerSide.com Use the Latest Unstable ...
Page: OpenEJB 1.0 Test Matrix
Windows XP (JDK 1.4) Windows XP (JDK 1.5) Linux (JDK 1.4) Linux (JDK 1.5) Mac OSX (JDK 1.4) Mac OSX (JDK 1.5) Embedded (/) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/) Standalone (/) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/) Tomcat 4.1.x (Global Mode) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/) (/) Tomcat 4.1.x ...
Page: OpenEJB 3
Past, Present, and Future The goal of OpenEJB 3 is to merge our past, present, and future into one codebase. OpenEJB 3 will take the excellent features in OpenEJB 1.0 (tomcat integration, testability, embeddibility, ease of use, etc), move towards an ...
Page: OpenEJB 3.0
Release Date: April 12th, 2008 EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download OpenEJB Standlone Server openejb3.0.zip http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openejb/3.0/openejb3.0.zip (pgp http ...
Page: OpenEJB 3.0 beta 1
Release Date: September 29th, 2007 EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download OpenEJB Standlone Server openejb3.0beta1.zip http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openejb/3.0beta1/openejb3.0beta1.zip (pgp http ...
Page: OpenEJB 3.0 beta 2
Release Date: January 31st, 2008 EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download OpenEJB Standlone Server openejb3.0beta2.zip http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openejb/3.0beta2/openejb3.0beta2.zip (pgp http ...
Page: OpenEJB 3.1
Release Date: October 22nd, 2008 Partial EJB 3.1 support EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download OpenEJB Standlone Server openejb3.1.zip http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi ...
Page: OpenEJB 3.1.1
Release Date: June 2nd, 2009 Partial EJB 3.1 support EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download OpenEJB Standlone Server openejb3.1.1.zip http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi ...
Page: OpenEJB 3.1.2
Release Date: October 14th, 2009 Partial EJB 3.1 support EJB 3.0 support EJB 2.1 support EJB 2.0 support EJB 1.1 support Download OpenEJB Standalone Server openejb3.1.2.zip http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi ...
Page: OpenEJB and Eclipse
you aspire to be an OpenEJB developer and you use Eclipse as your IDE, this page is for you
Page: OpenEJB Binaries
Add this to your {{$HOME/.m2/settings.xml}} to enable publishing to the Apache Nexus repo. This works for snapshots or staging final binaries. <settings> <servers> <server> <id>apache.snapshots.https</id> <username>yourapacheid</username> <password>yourapachepass</password> </server> <server> <id ...
Page: OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin
OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin Overview The OpenEJB plugin for Eclipse provides the ability to run an OpenEJB standalone server and deploy projects directly from within the IDE, using functionality provided by the Eclipse Web Tools Project (WTP). Additionally, the plugin ...
Page: OpenEJB JSR-107 Integration
OpenEJB JSR107 (JCACHE) Integration This page is for the collaboration for those involved with the integration of JSR107 into OpenEJB. Overview The idea here is to add a caching layer to OpenEJB. The overall objective is to improve performance in OpenEJB where applicable through caching EJBs. Status Dain ...
Page: OpenEJB Release Process
mvn release:prepare Dusername=dblevins Dassemble mvn release:perform Dassemble Dusername=dblevins DaltDeploymentRepository=dblevins::default::scp://people.apache.org/x1/home/dblevins/publichtml/stage Dgpg.passphrase=xxxxx mvn clean deploy Prelease Dassemble Dusername=dblevins ...
Page: OSGi & OpenEJB
Getting started The OpenEJB Eclipse plugin provides the org.apache.openejb.server plugin which can be run as an OSGi bundle in a container such as Equinox. First of all, you will need to obtain the org.apache.openejb.server bundle. If you develop using Eclipse, you might want ...


Page: Privacy Policy
Information about your use of this website is collected using server access logs and a tracking cookie. The collected information consists of the following: # The IP address from which you access the website; # The type of browser and operating system you use to access ...
Page: Proxies
Where's the Java source for the proxies? The short answer is we do not generate java code containing any ejb logic at all as other platforms like WebSphere and WebLogic do. We use dynamic proxy generation via java.lang.reflect.Proxy. Most ...


Page: QuickLinks
Home Index News FAQ Download Lists Mailing Lists
Page: Quickstart
Installation To install OpenEJB, simply download the latest binary Downloads and unpack your zip or tar.gz into the directory where you want OpenEJB to live. Windows users can download the zip and unpack it with the WinZip program. Linux users can download ...


Page: Release Notes
Page: Remote Server
http://www.openejb.org/images/diagramremoteserver.gif valign=top, align=right, hspace=15! Accessing EJBs Remotely When using OpenEJB as a standalone server you can connect across a network and access EJBs from a remote client. The client code ...
Page: Repository
Page: Rules of Thumb
Configuration Configuration settings should have configurable defaults at the module, ear, server and cluster level (when clustering is added). For example, security settings should be configurable on a per ejb, ejb jar, ear and server levels. Settings should have ...
Page: Running a standalone OpenEJB server
Configuring the OpenEJB Runtime The OpenEJB Eclipse plugin provides support for running OpenEJB as a standalone server in Eclipse using WTP. To setup a server, first of all, you will need to have a copy of OpenEJB extracted on your machine. Once you have ...


Page: Securing a Web Service
Web Services are a very common way to implement a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). There are lots of web service standards/specifications (XML, SOAP, WSDL, UUDI, WS, ...) coming from organizations like W3C, OASIS, WSI, ... And there are java web service ...
Page: Singleton Beans
Page: Singleton EJB
Page: Singleton Example
Page: Source
Page: Source Code
Browsing You can browse the source code via the web interface http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openejb/trunk/. Downloading You can download (aka checkout) the sources of Apache OpenEJB with Subversion client using the following URL http://svn.apache.org ...
Page: Space Index


Page: Take My Code
Gladly! We (the individuals who makeup the community) will happily take your code. The easiest way for us to take code both legally and practically is by: # Create a patch and attach it in a new JIRA issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENEJB # Send ...
Page: Team
Brett Porter mailto:brett@apache.org Committer brett http://people.apache.org/brett map http://people.apache.org/map.html?brett Jason van Zyl mailto:jvanzyl@apache.org Committer jvanzyl http://people.apache.org/jvanzyl map http://people.apache.org/map.html?jvanzyl Henri ...
Page: Telnet Console
Availability: Since OpenEJB 0.9 Basic Usage To use OpenEJB's Telnet Console, simply boot your server normally. $ ./bin/openejb start OPENEJBHOME=/Users/dblevins/Desktop/openejb1.0 OpenEJB 1.0 build: 200602261701 http://www.openejb.org resources 1 ...
Page: The Team
Page: Thread Dumps
Java 5 tools This should work on any Java 5 or newer platform. $ jps 3392 Jps 3387 JConsole $ jstack 3387 Attaching to process ID 3387, please wait... Debugger attached successfully. Client compiler detected. JVM ...
Page: Time Saved
Ever wonder exactly how much time you might be saving being able to quickly compile and test code with OpenEJB? Well, find out! Deploy times in Java EE in general are partially based on the platform and partially on the size of the application ...
Page: Tips and Suggestions
Useful information for contributors JIRA usage It's good to leverage JIRA, but everything that happens there should be considered invisible for the most part and only reviewed on a random and infrequent basis. A good way to bring jira "discussion" back to the list is to follow up on the list ...
Page: Tomcat
Page: Tomcat Object Factory
TomcatEjbFactory as discussed in the OnJava article "OpenEJB: EJB for Tomcat" http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/02/12/ejbtomcat.html is no longer required. As of OpenEJB 3.0 references from Servlets to EJBs happen automatically with usage of the @EJB annotation OPENEJBx30:Injection of other EJBs Example ...


Page: Users (IDE)


Page: Validation Keys Audit Report
page is autogenerated. Any manual changes would be overwritten the next time this page is regenerated Out of a total of 144 keys, 123 have been tested. Test coverage for keys is 85.41666666666666 %. List of untested keys \\ abstractAnnotatedAsBean ann.ejb.beanClass ann.ejb.notInterface ann.localRemote.generalconflict ...
Page: Validation Tool
NAME openejb validate OpenEJB Validation Tool SYNOPSIS openejb validate options jarfiles NOTE The OpenEJB Validation tool must be executed from the OPENEJBHOME directory. This is the directory where OpenEJB was installed or unpacked. For for the remainder of this document we will assume you ...


Page: Webadmin
Webadmin is a new addition to OpenEJB 1.0 and very innovative in that it lets you plugin your own admin beans. Here are some screenshots: Main http://openejb.apache.org/images/webadminmain.png EJB Details http://openejb.apache.org/images/webadminejbdetails.png List Logs ...
Page: WebObjects
We don't officially support the WebObjects OpenEJB integration, but we are happy to offer up this page for those users to place information on usage of EJBs in WebObjects 5.1. Click the edit link above, sign up for an wiki account and edit ...
Page: What is OpenEJB ?
Page: Writing Validation Tests
Summary Validation is a critical and integral part of the project. If you are writing some code which validates some rules, you should definitely write a test for it. A little validation test framework is available to write tests specifically for Validation. This page explains ...


Page: Xbean usage in OpenEJB
How XBean is used in OpenEJB Below is an explanation by David Blevins on the usage of xbean in OpenEJB. This text was taken from an email conversation. To view the full conversation, click&nbsp;here http://www.nabble.com/HowisXBeanusedinOpenEJB3tf2148639.html#a5959172 xbeanreflect xbeanreflect is a beefed ...
Page: XDoclet plugin
XDoclet plugin XDoclet 1's OpenEJB Support http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/xdoclet/browse/XDT669 openejb module http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net/xdoclet/ant/xdoclet/modules/openejb/ejb/OpenEJBSubTask.html http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO778





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