







The following is a list of all annotations and their attributes, the xml tags that correspond to them (for overriding), and what the default values are when left unspecified.

Annotation xml element(s) default value
  • <session>
  • <ejb-class>
  • <session-type>Stateless</session-type>
  • name
<ejb-name> The simple name of the bean class. For org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean the ejb-name will be WidgetBean
  • description
  • mappedName
  • <session>
  • <ejb-class>
  • <session-type>Stateful</session-type>
  • name
<ejb-name> The simple name of the bean class. For org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean the ejb-name will be WidgetBean
  • description
  • mappedName
  • <message-driven>
  • <ejb-class>
  • <session-type>Stateful</session-type>
  • name
<ejb-name> The simple name of the bean class. For org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean the ejb-name will be WidgetBean
  • description
  • mappedName
  • messageListenerInterface
<messaging-type> The interface the bean class implements. When relying upon the default is illegal for the bean to implement more than one interface
  • activationConfig[]
@ActivationConfigProperty <activation-config-property>  
  • propertyName
  • propertyValue
  • <home>
  • <remote>
The home is inspected to determine the value of <remote>
  • <local-home>
  • <local>
The local-home is inspected to determine the value of <local>
@TransactionManagement <transaction-type> TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER (xml value "Container")
  • <container-transaction>
  • <transaction-attribute>
All method default to TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED (xml value "Required")
  • <method-permission>
  • <role-name>
  • <method-permission>
  • <unchecked>
All methods default to unchecked
@DenyAll <exclude-list>  
  • <security-identity>
  • <run-as>
  • <role-name>
@DeclareRoles <security-role-ref>  
  • <interceptor>
  • <interceptor-binding>
  • <interceptor-class>
  • <interceptor-binding>
  • <exclude-default-interceptors>
  • <interceptor-binding>
  • <exclude-class-interceptors>
@AroundInvoke <around-invoke>  
@PostConstruct <post-construct>  
@PreDestroy <pre-destroy>  
@PrePassivate <pre-passivate>  
@PostActivate <post-activate>  
@Init <init-method>  
@Remove <remove-method>  
  • retainIfException
<retain-if-exception> false
@Timeout <timeout-method>  
  • <application-exception>
  • <exception-class>
  • rollback
<rollback> false
  • <ejb-ref>
  • <ejb-local-ref>
  • <injection-target>
  • name
  • <ejb-ref-name>
  • on class: illegal to leave undefined
  • on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in org.superbiz.Widget/myEjb
  • on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyEjb() defaults to org.superbiz.Widget/myEjb
  • beanInterface
  • <home>
  • <local-home>
  • <remote>
  • <local>
  • on class: illegal to leave undefined
  • on field: the data type of the field
  • on setter: the data type of the first method param
  • beanName
  • description
  • mappedName
  • <env-entry>
  • <resource-ref>
  • <resource-env-ref>
  • <injection-target>
  • name
  • <env-entry-name>
  • <res-ref-name>
  • <resource-env-ref-name>
  • on class: illegal to leave undefined
  • on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in org.superbiz.Widget/myDataSource
  • on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyDataSource() defaults to org.superbiz.Widget/myDataSource
  • type
  • <env-entry-type>
  • <res-type>
  • <resource-env-ref-type>
  • on class: illegal to leave undefined
  • on field: the data type of the field
  • on setter: the data type of the first method param
  • description
  • mappedName
  • shareable
<res-sharing-scope> true (xml value "Shareable")
  • authenticationType
<res-auth> AuthenticationType.CONTAINER (xml value "Container")
  • <persistence-unit-ref>
  • <injection-target>
  • name
<persistence-unit-ref-name> on class: illegal to leave undefined
  • on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in org.superbiz.Widget/myUnit
  • on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyUnit() defaults to org.superbiz.Widget/myUnit
  • unitName
<persistence-unit-name> vendor specific
  • <persistence-context-ref>
  • <injection-target>
  • name
<persistence-context-ref-name> on class: illegal to leave undefined
  • on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in org.superbiz.Widget/myContext
  • on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyContext() defaults to org.superbiz.Widget/myContext
  • unitName
<persistence-unit-name> vendor specific
  • type
<persistence-context-type> PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION (xml value "Transaction")
  • properties[]
@PersistenceProperty <persistence-property>  
  • name
  • value


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