#!/bin/bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if [ "${TESTPATCHDEBUG}" == "true" ] ; then set -x fi BASEDIR=$(pwd) TESTPATCHDIR=${BASEDIR}/test-patch TOOLSDIR=${TESTPATCHDIR}/tools TEMPDIR=${TESTPATCHDIR}/tmp REPORTDIR=${TESTPATCHDIR}/reports SUMMARYFILE=${REPORTDIR}/TEST-SUMMARY.jira SUMMARYFILETXT=${REPORTDIR}/TEST-SUMMARY.txt JIRAHOST="https://issues.apache.org" JIRAURL="${JIRAHOST}/jira" JIRAURLISSUEPREFIX="${JIRAURL}/browse/" JIRAUPDATE="false" JIRAUSER="oozieqa" JIRAPASSWORD="" VERBOSEOPTION="" JIRAISSUE="" PATCHFILE="" TASKSTORUN="" TASKSTOSKIP="" RESETSCM="false" DIRTYSCM="false" STDOUT="/dev/null" MVNPASSTHRU="" ############################################################################### gitOrSvn() { SCM="NONE" which git &> /dev/null if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then git status &> /dev/null if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then SCM="git" fi fi if [ "${SCM}" == "NONE" ] ; then which svn &> /dev/null if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then svnOutput=`svn status 2>&1` if [[ "$svnOutput" != *"is not a working copy" ]] ; then SCM="svn" fi fi fi if [ "${SCM}" == "NONE" ] ; then echo "The current workspace is not under Source Control (GIT or SVN)" exit 1 fi } ############################################################################### prepareSCM() { gitOrSvn if [ "${DIRTYSCM}" != "true" ] ; then if [ "${RESETSCM}" == "true" ] ; then if [ "${SCM}" == "git" ] ; then git reset --hard HEAD > /dev/null git clean -f -d > /dev/null fi if [ "${SCM}" == "svn" ] ; then svn revert -R . > /dev/null svn status | grep "\?" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm -rf fi else echo "It should not happen DIRTYSCM=false & RESETSCM=false" exit 1 fi echo "Cleaning local ${SCM} workspace" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} else echo "WARNING: Running test-patch on a dirty local ${SCM} workspace" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} fi } ############################################################################### prepareTestPatchDirs() { mkdir ${TESTPATCHDIR} 2> /dev/null rm -rf ${REPORTDIR} 2> /dev/null rm -rf ${TEMPDIR} 2> /dev/null mkdir ${TOOLSDIR} 2> /dev/null mkdir ${TEMPDIR} 2> /dev/null mkdir ${REPORTDIR} 2> /dev/null if [ ! -e "${TESTPATCHDIR}" ] ; then echo "Could not create test-patch/ dir" exit 1 fi } ############################################################################### updateJira() { if [[ "${JIRAUPDATE}" != "" && "${JIRAISSUE}" != "" ]] ; then if [[ "$JIRAPASSWORD" != "" ]] ; then JIRACLI=${TOOLSDIR}/jira-cli/jira.sh if [ ! -e "${JIRACLI}" ] ; then curl https://bobswift.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/16285777/jira-cli-2.6.0-distribution.zip > ${TEMPDIR}/jira-cli.zip if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo echo "Could not download jira-cli tool, thus no JIRA updating" echo exit 1 fi mkdir ${TEMPDIR}/jira-cli-tmp (cd ${TEMPDIR}/jira-cli-tmp;jar xf ${TEMPDIR}/jira-cli.zip; mv jira-cli-2.6.0 ${TOOLSDIR}/jira-cli) chmod u+x ${JIRACLI} fi echo "Adding comment to JIRA" comment=`cat ${SUMMARYFILE}` $JIRACLI -s $JIRAURL -a addcomment -u $JIRAUSER -p "$JIRAPASSWORD" --comment "$comment" --issue $JIRAISSUE echo else echo "Skipping JIRA update" echo fi fi } ############################################################################### cleanupAndExit() { updateJira exit $1 } ############################################################################### printUsage() { echo "Usage: $0 " echo " (--jira= | --patch=)" echo " (--reset-scm | --dirty-scm)" echo " [--tasks=]" echo " [--skip-tasks=]" echo " [--jira-cli=]" echo " [--jira-user=]" echo " [--jira-password=]" echo " [-D...]" echo " [-P...]" echo " [--list-tasks]" echo " [--verbose]" echo } ############################################################################### parseArgs() { for i in $* do case $i in --jira=*) JIRAISSUE=${i#*=} ;; --patch=*) PATCHFILE=${i#*=} ;; --tasks=*) TASKSTORUN=${i#*=} ;; --skip-tasks=*) TASKSTOSKIP=${i#*=} ;; --list-tasks) listTasks cleanupAndExit 0 ;; --jira-cli=*) JIRACLI=${i#*=} ;; --jira-user=*) JIRAUSER=${i#*=} ;; --jira-password=*) JIRAPASSWORD=${i#*=} JIRAUPDATE="true" ;; -D*) MVNPASSTHRU="${MVNPASSTHRU} $i" ;; -P*) MVNPASSTHRU="${MVNPASSTHRU} $i" ;; --reset-scm) RESETSCM="true" ;; --dirty-scm) DIRTYSCM="true" ;; --verbose) VERBOSEOPTION="--verbose" STDOUT="/dev/stdout" ;; *) echo "Invalid option" echo printUsage exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ "${JIRAISSUE}" == "" && "${PATCHFILE}" == "" ]] ; then echo "Either --jira or --patch option must be specified" echo printUsage exit 1 fi if [[ "${JIRAISSUE}" != "" && "${PATCHFILE}" != "" ]] ; then echo "Cannot specify --jira or --patch options together" echo printUsage exit 1 fi if [[ "${RESETSCM}" == "false" && "${DIRTYSCM}" == "false" ]] ; then echo "Either --reset-scm or --dirty-scm option must be specified" echo printUsage exit 1 fi if [[ "${RESETSCM}" == "true" && "${DIRTYSCM}" == "true" ]] ; then echo "Cannot specify --reset-scm and --dirty-scm options together" echo printUsage exit 1 fi } ############################################################################### listTasks() { echo "Available Tasks:" echo "" getAllTasks for taskFile in ${TASKFILES} ; do taskName=`bash $taskFile --taskname` echo " $taskName" done echo } ############################################################################### downloadPatch () { PATCHFILE=${TEMPDIR}/test.patch jiraPage=${TEMPDIR}/jira.txt curl "${JIRAURLISSUEPREFIX}${JIRAISSUE}" > ${jiraPage} if [[ `grep -c 'Patch Available' ${jiraPage}` == 0 ]] ; then echo "$JIRAISSUE is not \"Patch Available\". Exiting." echo cleanupAndExit 1 fi relativePatchURL=`grep -o '"/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^"]*' ${jiraPage} \ | grep -v -e 'htm[l]*$' | sort | tail -1 \ | grep -o '/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^"]*'` patchURL="${JIRAHOST}${relativePatchURL}" patchNum=`echo $patchURL | grep -o '[0-9]*/' | grep -o '[0-9]*'` curl ${patchURL} > ${PATCHFILE} if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then echo "Could not download patch for ${JIRAISSUE} from ${patchURL}" echo cleanupAndExit 1 fi echo "JIRA ${JIRAISSUE}, patch downloaded at `date` from ${patchURL}" echo } ############################################################################### applyPatch() { echo "Applying patch" >> $STDOUT echo "" >> $STDOUT patch -f -E --dry-run -p0 < ${PATCHFILE} | tee ${REPORTDIR}/APPLY-PATCH.txt \ >> $STDOUT if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} != 0 ]] ; then echo "Patch failed to apply to head of branch" echo "{color:red}-1{color} Patch failed to apply to head of branch" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "----------------------------" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo cleanupAndExit 1 fi patch -f -E -p0 < ${PATCHFILE} > ${REPORTDIR}/APPLY-PATCH.txt if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then echo "ODD!, dry run passed, but patch failed to apply to head of branch" echo cleanupAndExit 1 fi echo "" >> $STDOUT echo "Patch applied" echo "{color:green}+1 PATCH_APPLIES{color}" >> $SUMMARYFILE echo } ############################################################################### run() { task=`bash $1 --taskname` if [[ "${TASKSTORUN}" == "" || "${TASKSTORUN}" =~ "${task}" ]] ; then if [[ ! "${TASKSTOSKIP}" =~ "${task}" ]] ; then echo " Running test-patch task ${task}" outputFile="`basename $1`-$2.out" $1 --op=$2 --tempdir=${TEMPDIR} --reportdir=${REPORTDIR} \ --summaryfile=${SUMMARYFILE} --patchfile=${PATCHFILE} ${MVNPASSTHRU} \ ${VERBOSEOPTION} | tee ${TEMPDIR}/${outputFile} >> $STDOUT if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then echo " Failure, check for details ${TEMPDIR}/${outputFile}" echo cleanupAndExit 1 fi fi fi } ############################################################################### getAllTasks() { TASKFILES=`ls -a bin/test\-patch\-[0-9][0-9]\-*` } ############################################################################### prePatchRun() { echo "Pre patch" for taskFile in ${TASKFILES} ; do run $taskFile pre done echo } ############################################################################### postPatchRun() { echo "Post patch" for taskFile in ${TASKFILES} ; do run $taskFile post done echo } ############################################################################### createReports() { echo "Reports" for taskFile in ${TASKFILES} ; do run $taskFile report done echo } ############################################################################### echo parseArgs "$@" prepareTestPatchDirs echo "" > ${SUMMARYFILE} if [ "${PATCHFILE}" == "" ] ; then echo "Testing JIRA ${JIRAISSUE}" echo echo "Testing JIRA ${JIRAISSUE}" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} else if [ ! -e ${PATCHFILE} ] ; then echo "Patch file does not exist" cleanupAndExit 1 fi echo "Testing patch ${PATCHFILE}" echo echo "Testing patch ${PATCHFILE}" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} fi prepareSCM echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} if [ "${PATCHFILE}" == "" ] ; then downloadPatch ${JIRAISSUE} fi echo "----------------------------" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} getAllTasks prePatchRun applyPatch postPatchRun createReports echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "----------------------------" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} MINUSONES=`grep -c "\}\-1" ${SUMMARYFILE}` if [[ $MINUSONES == 0 ]]; then echo "{color:green}*+1 Overall result, good!, no -1s*{color}" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} else echo "{color:red}*-1 Overall result, please check the reported -1(s)*{color}" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} fi echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} WARNINGS=`grep -c "\}WARNING" ${SUMMARYFILE}` if [[ $WARNINGS != 0 ]]; then echo "{color:red}. There is at least one warning, please check{color}" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} fi echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} if [ ! -z "${JIRAISSUE}" ]; then echo "The full output of the test-patch run is available at" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo ". ${BUILD_URL}" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} echo "" >> ${SUMMARYFILE} else echo echo "Refer to ${REPORTDIR} for detailed test-patch reports" echo fi cat ${SUMMARYFILE} | sed -e 's/{color}//' -e 's/{color:green}//' -e 's/{color:red}//' -e 's/^\.//' -e 's/^\*//' -e 's/\*$//' > ${SUMMARYFILETXT} cat ${SUMMARYFILETXT} grep "\-1" ${SUMMARYFILE} &> /dev/null cleanupAndExit `expr $? = 0`