[[index][::Go back to Oozie Documentation Index::]] ---+!! Oozie Quick Start These instructions install and run Oozie using HSQLDB as an in-memory embedded database. It assumes that Tomcat is running in port 8080 and that a Hadoop instance is also running in locally. For detailed install and configuration instructions refer to [[AG_Install][Oozie Install]]. ---++ System Requirements * Unix (tested in Linux and Mac OS X) * Java 1.6+ * Hadoop * [[http://hadoop.apache.org][Apache Hadoop]] (tested with 0.20.2) * [[http://developer.yahoo.com/hadoop][Yahoo! Hadoop]] (tested with * [[http://tomcat.apache.org][Tomcat 6.x]] (tested with 6.0.18) The Java 1.6+ =bin= directory should be in the command path. Tomcat should be installed and running. ---++ Server Installation Download the latest Oozie distribution from [[http://github.com/yahoo/oozie/downloads]]. Expand the Oozie distribution =tar.gz=. Set the =OOZIE_HOME= environment variable to the directory where the expanded Oozie distribution is located. *NOTE:* The =OOZIE_HOME= environment variable is only required and used by the Oozie server. It is not used by the Oozie client. Oozie WAR is bundled without the Hadoop JAR files and without the ExtJS library. The Hadoop JARs are required to run Oozie. The ExtJS library is optional (only required for the Oozie web-console to work). The ExtJS library can be downloaded from [[http://www.extjs.com/learn/Ext_Version_Archives][ExtJS 2.2]] (it must be version 2.2). The ExtJS library is not bundled with Oozie because it uses a different license. Use the =${OOZIE_HOME}/bin/addtowar.sh= script to add the Hadoop JARs and the ExtJS library to the Oozie WAR file. Usage: Usage : addtowar.sh Options: -inputwar INPUT_OOZIE_WAR -outputwar OUTPUT_OOZIE_WAR [-hadoop HADOOP_VERSION HADOOP_PATH] [-extjs EXTJS_PATH] [-jars JARS_PATH] (multiple JAR path separated by ':') The original Oozie WAR file is at =${OOZIE_HOME}/oozie.war=. After the Hadoop JARs and the ExtJS library has been added to the =oozie.war= file Oozie is ready for deployment. Stop Tomcat. If present, delete any previous =oozie.war= and =ooziedocs.war= files, and =oozie= and =ooziedocs= directories from Tomcat's =webapps/= directory. Copy the =oozie.war= file (that contains the Hadoop JARs adn the ExtJS library) and =${OOZIE_HOME}/wars/ooziedocs.war= to Tomcat's =webapps/= directory. Start Tomcat. Check the Oozie log file =${OOZIE_HOME}/logs/oozie.log= to ensure Oozie started properly. Using the Oozie command line tool check the status of Oozie: ${OOZIE_HOME}/bin/oozie admin -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -status Using a browser go to the [[http://localhost:8080/oozie][Oozie web console]], Oozie status should be *NORMAL*. Refer to the [[DG_Examples][Running the Examples]] document for details on running the examples. ---++ Oozie Command Line Installation Copy and expand the =oozie-client= TAR.GZ file bundled with the distribution. Add the =bin/= directory to the =PATH=. Refer to the [[DG_CommandLineTool][Command Line Interface Utilities]] document for a a full reference of the =oozie= command line tool. [[index][::Go back to Oozie Documentation Index::]]