<%@ page import="java.io.File" import="java.util.List" import="java.util.ArrayList" import="java.util.Iterator" import="java.util.Map" import="org.apache.oodt.cas.curation.policymgr.CurationPolicyManager" %> <%@ include file="tools/requireLogin.jsp"%> <% //Get the base path of the application String deployedBase = application.getRealPath("/"); String step = "chooseDatasetCollection"; // This is the default step // If the request includes a step, override the default if (request.getParameter("step") != null) { step = (String) request.getParameter("step"); } // If the request includes a dataset collection, add it to the session if (request.getParameter("dsCollection") != null) { session.setAttribute("dsCollection",request.getParameter("dsCollection")); } // If the request includes a dataset, add it to the session if (request.getParameter("ds") != null) { session.setAttribute("ds",request.getParameter("ds")); } //Determine the path to the requested view String viewRequested = (String) ("views/manageDataset/" + step + ".jsp"); String viewPath = deployedBase + "/" + viewRequested; //Redirect on error if ( ! (new File(viewPath).exists()) ) { session.setAttribute("errorMsg","404 - Not Found"); response.sendRedirect("error.jsp"); return; } // Build the breadcrumbs for the page // Breadcrumb specification format: label or label:url // if :url not provided, breadcrumb will not be clickable // if url begins with '/', context path will be prepended session.setAttribute("breadcrumbs", new String[] { "Manage Dataset Definitions:/manageDataset.jsp", step}); // Build the page %>