<%@ page import="java.io.File" import="java.util.List" import="java.util.ArrayList" import="java.util.Iterator" import="java.util.Map" import="org.apache.oodt.cas.curation.policymgr.CurationPolicyManager" %> <%@ include file="tools/requireLogin.jsp" %> <% String projectName = application.getInitParameter(CuratorConfMetKeys.PROJECT_DISPLAY_NAME);%> <% // Build Breadcrumbs for the page // Breadcrumb specification format: label or label:url // if :url not provided, breadcrumb will not be clickable // if url begins with '/', context path will be prepended session.setAttribute("breadcrumbs",new String[] {"Add Data to "+(projectName != null ? projectName:"")+" CAS"}); %> <%@page import="org.apache.oodt.cas.curation.servlet.CuratorConfMetKeys"%>

Add Data to <%=(projectName != null ? projectName:"")%> CAS:

Add products to an existing Dataset Collection...