Template: ofbiz/admin-password Type: password _Description: Enter the password for ofbiz admin accounts: If this is the first time installing ofbiz, you can leave this blank, and the default of 'ofbiz' will be choosen. Template: ofbiz/password-confirmation Type: password _Description: Password confirmation: Template: ofbiz/admin-password-encrypted Type: password _Description: for internal use Template: ofbiz/mismatched-passwords Type: note _Description: passwords do not match The passwords you have entered do not match. Template: ofbiz/empty-password-not-allowed Type: note _Description: empty password is not allowed The password you have entered is empty. This is not allowed. Template: ofbiz/admin-port Type: string Default: 10523 _Description: Admin port for status queries: This is the port used to communicate with a running ofbiz instance, to see if it is starting, running, or stopping. Template: ofbiz/readers Type: multiselect Choices: demo, ext _Description: Important additional data? OfBiz comes with lots of example data, showing products/categories/users etc. If this is your first time working with ofbiz, you may want to import this extra data to see how to better use it. Template: ofbiz/reimport-data Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Reimport data? Whether data should be reimported on upgrade. Template: ofbiz/database-type Type: string Description: internal Template: ofbiz/_dbmethod Type: string Description: internal