/* * xbStyle-css.js * $Revision$ $Date$ * */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Netscape code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Bob Clary * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ // xbStyle.getClip() function cssStyleGetClip() { var clip = this.getEffectiveValue('clip'); // hack opera if (clip == 'rect()') clip = ''; if (clip == '' || clip == 'auto') { clip = 'rect(0px, ' + this.getWidth() + 'px, ' + this.getHeight() + 'px, 0px)'; } else { clip = clip.replace(/px /g, 'px, '); } return clip; } // xbStyle.setClip() function cssStyleSetClip(sClipString) { this.styleObj.clip = sClipString; } // xbStyle.getClipTop() function cssStyleGetClipTop() { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); return rect.top; } // xbStyle.setClipTop() function cssStyleSetClipTop(top) { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); rect.top = top; this.styleObj.clip = rect.toString(); } // xbStyle.getClipRight() function cssStyleGetClipRight() { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); return rect.right; } // xbStyle.setClipRight() function cssStyleSetClipRight(right) { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); rect.right = right; this.styleObj.clip = rect.toString(); } // xbStyle.getClipBottom() function cssStyleGetClipBottom() { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); return rect.bottom; } // xbStyle.setClipBottom() function cssStyleSetClipBottom(bottom) { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); rect.bottom = bottom; this.styleObj.clip = rect.toString(); } // xbStyle.getClipLeft() function cssStyleGetClipLeft() { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); return rect.left; } // xbStyle.setClipLeft() function cssStyleSetClipLeft(left) { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); rect.left = left; this.styleObj.clip = rect.toString(); } // xbStyle.getClipWidth() function cssStyleGetClipWidth() { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); return rect.getWidth(); } // xbStyle.setClipWidth() function cssStyleSetClipWidth(width) { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); rect.setWidth(width); this.styleObj.clip = rect.toString(); } // xbStyle.getClipHeight() function cssStyleGetClipHeight() { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); return rect.getHeight(); } // xbStyle.setClipHeight() function cssStyleSetClipHeight(height) { var clip = this.getClip(); var rect = new xbClipRect(clip); rect.setHeight(height); this.styleObj.clip = rect.toString(); } // the CSS attributes left,top are for absolutely positioned elements // measured relative to the containing element. for relatively positioned // elements, left,top are measured from the element's normal inline position. // getLeft(), setLeft() operate on this type of coordinate. // // to allow dynamic positioning the getOffsetXXX and setOffsetXXX methods are // defined to return and set the position of either an absolutely or relatively // positioned element relative to the containing element. // // // xbStyle.getLeft() function cssStyleGetLeft() { var left = this.getEffectiveValue('left'); if (typeof(left) == 'number') return left; if (left != '' && left.indexOf('px') == -1) { xbDEBUG.dump('xbStyle.getLeft: Element ID=' + this.object.id + ' does not use pixels as units. left=' + left + ' Click Ok to continue, Cancel to Abort'); return 0; } if (top == 'auto' && this.object && typeof(this.object.offsetTop) == 'number') { left = this.object.offsetTop + 'px'; } if (left == '') left = '0px'; return xbToInt(left); } // xbStyle.setLeft() function cssStyleSetLeft(left) { if (typeof(this.styleObj.left) == 'number') this.styleObj.left = left; else this.styleObj.left = left + 'px'; } // xbStyle.getTop() function cssStyleGetTop() { var top = this.getEffectiveValue('top'); if (typeof(top) == 'number') return top; if (top != '' && top.indexOf('px') == -1) { xbDEBUG.dump('xbStyle.getTop: Element ID=' + this.object.id + ' does not use pixels as units. top=' + top + ' Click Ok to continue, Cancel to Abort'); return 0; } if (top == 'auto' && this.object && typeof(this.object.offsetTop) == 'number') { top = this.object.offsetTop + 'px'; } if (top == '') top = '0px'; return xbToInt(top); } // xbStyle.setTop() function cssStyleSetTop(top) { if (typeof(this.styleObj.top) == 'number') this.styleObj.top = top; else this.styleObj.top = top + 'px'; } // xbStyle.getPageX() function cssStyleGetPageX() { var x = 0; var elm = this.object; var elmstyle; var position; //xxxHack: Due to limitations in Gecko's (0.9.6) ability to determine the // effective position attribute , attempt to use offsetXXX if (typeof(elm.offsetLeft) == 'number') { while (elm) { x += elm.offsetLeft; elm = elm.offsetParent; } } else { while (elm) { if (elm.style) { elmstyle = new xbStyle(elm); position = elmstyle.getEffectiveValue('position'); if (position != '' && position != 'static') x += elmstyle.getLeft(); } elm = elm.parentNode; } } return x; } // xbStyle.setPageX() function cssStyleSetPageX(x) { var xParent = 0; var elm = this.object.parentNode; var elmstyle; var position; //xxxHack: Due to limitations in Gecko's (0.9.6) ability to determine the // effective position attribute , attempt to use offsetXXX if (elm && typeof(elm.offsetLeft) == 'number') { while (elm) { xParent += elm.offsetLeft; elm = elm.offsetParent; } } else { while (elm) { if (elm.style) { elmstyle = new xbStyle(elm); position = elmstyle.getEffectiveValue('position'); if (position != '' && position != 'static') xParent += elmstyle.getLeft(); } elm = elm.parentNode; } } x -= xParent; this.setLeft(x); } // xbStyle.getPageY() function cssStyleGetPageY() { var y = 0; var elm = this.object; var elmstyle; var position; //xxxHack: Due to limitations in Gecko's (0.9.6) ability to determine the // effective position attribute , attempt to use offsetXXX if (typeof(elm.offsetTop) == 'number') { while (elm) { y += elm.offsetTop; elm = elm.offsetParent; } } else { while (elm) { if (elm.style) { elmstyle = new xbStyle(elm); position = elmstyle.getEffectiveValue('position'); if (position != '' && position != 'static') y += elmstyle.getTop(); } elm = elm.parentNode; } } return y; } // xbStyle.setPageY() function cssStyleSetPageY(y) { var yParent = 0; var elm = this.object.parentNode; var elmstyle; var position; //xxxHack: Due to limitations in Gecko's (0.9.6) ability to determine the // effective position attribute , attempt to use offsetXXX if (elm && typeof(elm.offsetTop) == 'number') { while (elm) { yParent += elm.offsetTop; elm = elm.offsetParent; } } else { while (elm) { if (elm.style) { elmstyle = new xbStyle(elm); position = elmstyle.getEffectiveValue('position'); if (position != '' && position != 'static') yParent += elmstyle.getTop(); } elm = elm.parentNode; } } y -= yParent; this.setTop(y); } // xbStyle.getHeight() function cssStyleGetHeight() { var display = this.getEffectiveValue('display'); var height = this.getEffectiveValue('height'); if (typeof(height) == 'number') { // Opera return height; } if (height == '' || height == 'auto' || height.indexOf('%') != -1) { if (typeof(this.object.offsetHeight) == 'number') { height = this.object.offsetHeight + 'px'; } else if (typeof(this.object.scrollHeight) == 'number') { height = this.object.scrollHeight + 'px'; } } if (height.indexOf('px') == -1) { xbDEBUG.dump('xbStyle.getHeight: Element ID=' + this.object.id + ' does not use pixels as units. height=' + height + ' Click Ok to continue, Cancel to Abort'); return 0; } height = xbToInt(height); return height; } // xbStyle.setHeight() function cssStyleSetHeight(height) { if (typeof(this.styleObj.height) == 'number') this.styleObj.height = height; else this.styleObj.height = height + 'px'; } // xbStyle.getWidth() function cssStyleGetWidth() { var display = this.getEffectiveValue('display'); var width = this.getEffectiveValue('width'); if (typeof(width) == 'number') { // note Opera 6 has a bug in width and offsetWidth where // it returns the page width. Use clientWidth instead. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1) return this.object.clientWidth; else return width; } if (width == '' || width == 'auto' || width.indexOf('%') != -1) { if (typeof(this.object.offsetWidth) == 'number') { width = this.object.offsetWidth + 'px'; } else if (typeof(this.object.scrollHeight) == 'number') { width = this.object.scrollWidth + 'px'; } } if (width.indexOf('px') == -1) { xbDEBUG.dump('xbStyle.getWidth: Element ID=' + this.object.id + ' does not use pixels as units. width=' + width + ' Click Ok to continue, Cancel to Abort'); return 0; } width = xbToInt(width); return width; } // xbStyle.setWidth() function cssStyleSetWidth(width) { if (typeof(this.styleObj.width) == 'number') this.styleObj.width = width; else this.styleObj.width = width + 'px'; } // xbStyle.getVisibility() function cssStyleGetVisibility() { return this.getEffectiveValue('visibility'); } // xbStyle.setVisibility() function cssStyleSetVisibility(visibility) { this.styleObj.visibility = visibility; } // xbStyle.getzIndex() function cssStyleGetzIndex() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('zIndex')); } // xbStyle.setzIndex() function cssStyleSetzIndex(zIndex) { this.styleObj.zIndex = zIndex; } // xbStyle.getBackgroundColor() function cssStyleGetBackgroundColor() { return this.getEffectiveValue('backgroundColor'); } // xbStyle.setBackgroundColor() function cssStyleSetBackgroundColor(color) { this.styleObj.backgroundColor = color; } // xbStyle.getColor() function cssStyleGetColor() { return this.getEffectiveValue('color'); } // xbStyle.setColor() function cssStyleSetColor(color) { this.styleObj.color = color; } // xbStyle.moveAbove() function xbStyleMoveAbove(cont) { this.setzIndex(cont.getzIndex()+1); } // xbStyle.moveBelow() function xbStyleMoveBelow(cont) { var zindex = cont.getzIndex() - 1; this.setzIndex(zindex); } // xbStyle.moveBy() function xbStyleMoveBy(deltaX, deltaY) { this.moveTo(this.getLeft() + deltaX, this.getTop() + deltaY); } // xbStyle.moveTo() function xbStyleMoveTo(x, y) { this.setLeft(x); this.setTop(y); } // xbStyle.moveToAbsolute() function xbStyleMoveToAbsolute(x, y) { this.setPageX(x); this.setPageY(y); } // xbStyle.resizeBy() function xbStyleResizeBy(deltaX, deltaY) { this.setWidth( this.getWidth() + deltaX ); this.setHeight( this.getHeight() + deltaY ); } // xbStyle.resizeTo() function xbStyleResizeTo(x, y) { this.setWidth(x); this.setHeight(y); } // xbStyle.setInnerHTML() function xbSetInnerHTML(str) { if (typeof(this.object.innerHTML) != 'undefined') this.object.innerHTML = str; } // Extensions to xbStyle that are not supported by Netscape Navigator 4 // but that provide cross browser implementations of properties for // Mozilla, Gecko, Netscape 6.x and Opera // xbStyle.getBorderTopWidth() function cssStyleGetBorderTopWidth() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('borderTopWidth')); } // xbStyle.getBorderRightWidth() function cssStyleGetBorderRightWidth() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('borderRightWidth')); } // xbStyle.getBorderBottomWidth() function cssStyleGetBorderBottomWidth() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('borderBottomWidth')); } // xbStyle.getBorderLeftWidth() function cssStyleGetBorderLeftWidth() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('borderLeftWidth')); } // xbStyle.getMarginTop() function cssStyleGetMarginTop() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('marginTop')); } // xbStyle.getMarginRight() function cssStyleGetMarginRight() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('marginRight')); } // xbStyle.getMarginBottom() function cssStyleGetMarginBottom() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('marginBottom')); } // xbStyle.getMarginLeft() function cssStyleGetMarginLeft() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('marginLeft')); } // xbStyle.getPaddingTop() function cssStyleGetPaddingTop() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('paddingTop')); } // xbStyle.getPaddingRight() function cssStyleGetPaddingRight() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('paddingRight')); } // xbStyle.getPaddingBottom() function cssStyleGetPaddingBottom() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('paddingBottom')); } // xbStyle.getPaddingLeft() function cssStyleGetPaddingLeft() { return xbToInt(this.getEffectiveValue('paddingLeft')); } // xbStyle.getClientWidth() function cssStyleGetClientWidth() { return this.getWidth() + this.getPaddingLeft() + this.getPaddingRight(); /* if (typeof(this.object.clientWidth) == 'number') return this.object.clientWidth; return null; */ } // xbStyle.getClientHeight() function cssStyleGetClientHeight() { return this.getHeight() + this.getPaddingTop() + this.getPaddingBottom(); /* if (typeof(this.object.clientHeight) == 'number') return this.object.clientHeight; return null; */ } xbStyle.prototype.getClip = cssStyleGetClip; xbStyle.prototype.setClip = cssStyleSetClip; xbStyle.prototype.getClipTop = cssStyleGetClipTop; xbStyle.prototype.setClipTop = cssStyleSetClipTop; xbStyle.prototype.getClipRight = cssStyleGetClipRight; xbStyle.prototype.setClipRight = cssStyleSetClipRight; xbStyle.prototype.getClipBottom = cssStyleGetClipBottom; xbStyle.prototype.setClipBottom = cssStyleSetClipBottom; xbStyle.prototype.getClipLeft = cssStyleGetClipLeft; xbStyle.prototype.setClipLeft = cssStyleSetClipLeft; xbStyle.prototype.getClipWidth = cssStyleGetClipWidth; xbStyle.prototype.setClipWidth = cssStyleSetClipWidth; xbStyle.prototype.getClipHeight = cssStyleGetClipHeight; xbStyle.prototype.setClipHeight = cssStyleSetClipHeight; xbStyle.prototype.getLeft = cssStyleGetLeft; xbStyle.prototype.setLeft = cssStyleSetLeft; xbStyle.prototype.getTop = cssStyleGetTop; xbStyle.prototype.setTop = cssStyleSetTop; xbStyle.prototype.getPageX = cssStyleGetPageX; xbStyle.prototype.setPageX = cssStyleSetPageX; xbStyle.prototype.getPageY = cssStyleGetPageY; xbStyle.prototype.setPageY = cssStyleSetPageY; xbStyle.prototype.getVisibility = cssStyleGetVisibility; xbStyle.prototype.setVisibility = cssStyleSetVisibility; xbStyle.prototype.getzIndex = cssStyleGetzIndex; xbStyle.prototype.setzIndex = cssStyleSetzIndex; xbStyle.prototype.getHeight = cssStyleGetHeight; xbStyle.prototype.setHeight = cssStyleSetHeight; xbStyle.prototype.getWidth = cssStyleGetWidth; xbStyle.prototype.setWidth = cssStyleSetWidth; xbStyle.prototype.getBackgroundColor = cssStyleGetBackgroundColor; xbStyle.prototype.setBackgroundColor = cssStyleSetBackgroundColor; xbStyle.prototype.getColor = cssStyleGetColor; xbStyle.prototype.setColor = cssStyleSetColor; xbStyle.prototype.setInnerHTML = xbSetInnerHTML; xbStyle.prototype.getBorderTopWidth = cssStyleGetBorderTopWidth; xbStyle.prototype.getBorderRightWidth = cssStyleGetBorderRightWidth; xbStyle.prototype.getBorderBottomWidth = cssStyleGetBorderBottomWidth; xbStyle.prototype.getBorderLeftWidth = cssStyleGetBorderLeftWidth; xbStyle.prototype.getMarginLeft = cssStyleGetMarginLeft; xbStyle.prototype.getMarginTop = cssStyleGetMarginTop; xbStyle.prototype.getMarginRight = cssStyleGetMarginRight; xbStyle.prototype.getMarginBottom = cssStyleGetMarginBottom; xbStyle.prototype.getMarginLeft = cssStyleGetMarginLeft; xbStyle.prototype.getPaddingTop = cssStyleGetPaddingTop; xbStyle.prototype.getPaddingRight = cssStyleGetPaddingRight; xbStyle.prototype.getPaddingBottom = cssStyleGetPaddingBottom; xbStyle.prototype.getPaddingLeft = cssStyleGetPaddingLeft; xbStyle.prototype.getClientWidth = cssStyleGetClientWidth; xbStyle.prototype.getClientHeight = cssStyleGetClientHeight;