<#-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <#macro renderScreenBegin> <#macro renderScreenEnd> <#macro renderSectionBegin boundaryComment> <#if boundaryComment?has_content> <#macro renderSectionEnd boundaryComment> <#if boundaryComment?has_content> <#macro renderContainerBegin id style autoUpdateLink autoUpdateInterval> <#if autoUpdateLink?has_content> id="${id}"<#if style?has_content> class="${style}"> <#macro renderContainerEnd> <#macro renderContentBegin editRequest enableEditValue editContainerStyle><#if editRequest?has_content && enableEditValue == "true">
<#macro renderContentBody> <#macro renderContentEnd urlString editMode editContainerStyle editRequest enableEditValue> <#if editRequest?exists && enableEditValue == "true"> <#if urlString?exists>${editMode}<#rt/> <#if editContainerStyle?exists>
<#rt/> <#macro renderSubContentBegin editContainerStyle editRequest enableEditValue><#if editRequest?exists && enableEditValue == "true">
<#macro renderSubContentBody> <#macro renderSubContentEnd urlString editMode editContainerStyle editRequest enableEditValue> <#if editRequest?exists && enableEditValue == "true"> <#if urlString?exists>${editMode}<#rt/> <#if editContainerStyle?exists>
<#rt/> <#macro renderHorizontalSeparator id style> id="${id}"<#if style?has_content> class="${style}"/> <#macro renderLabel text id style> <#if text?has_content> <#-- Label is considered block level element in screen widget. There is not reason to render text outside of any html element. Use of style element has set pattern and we'll use style to determine appropriate html element to use --> <#if style?has_content> <#if style=="h1">


<#if id?has_content > <#if id?has_content> id="${id}" >${text} <#if style?has_content> <#if style=="h1">

<#elseif style=="h2"> <#elseif style=="h3"> <#elseif style=="h4"> <#elseif style=="h5"> <#elseif style=="h6"> <#else>


<#macro renderLink parameterList targetWindow target uniqueItemName linkType actionUrl id style name linkUrl text imgStr> <#if "hidden-form" == linkType>
target="${targetWindow}" onsubmit="javascript:submitFormDisableSubmits(this)" name="${uniqueItemName}"><#rt/> <#list parameterList as parameter> <#rt/>
<#rt/> id="${id}" <#if style?has_content>class="${style}" <#if name?has_content>name="${name}" <#if targetWindow?has_content>target="${targetWindow}" href="<#if "hidden-form"==linkType>javascript:document.${uniqueItemName}.submit()<#else>${linkUrl}"><#rt/> <#if imgStr?has_content>${imgStr}<#else><#if text?has_content>${text} <#macro renderImage src id style wid hgt border alt urlString> <#if src?has_content> id="${id}"<#if style?has_content> class="${style}"<#if wid?has_content> width="${wid}"<#if hgt?has_content> height="${hgt}"<#if border?has_content> border="${border}" alt="<#if alt?has_content>${alt}" src="${urlString}" /> <#macro renderContentFrame fullUrl width height border>