/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { // Autocompleter for shipping panel // Preventing getCountryList() from calling and not removed all autocompleter functions so that we can reuse in future. //getCountryList(); }); function getCountryList() { countryTargetField = $('shipToCountryGeo'); countryDivToPopulate = $('shipToCountries'); countryHiddenTarget = $('shipToCountryGeoId'); new Ajax.Request("getCountryList", { asynchronous: false, onSuccess: callCountryAutocompleter }); } function callCountryAutocompleter(transport) { var geos = new Hash(); var data = transport.responseText.evalJSON(true); countryList = data.countryList; countryList.each(function(country) { var countryName = country.split(': '); geos.set(countryName[1], countryName[0]); }); new Autocompleter.Local(countryTargetField, countryDivToPopulate, $H(geos), { partialSearch: false, afterUpdateElement: setKeyAsParameterAndGetStateList}); } function setKeyAsParameterAndGetStateList(text, li) { countryHiddenTarget.value = li.id; getAssociatedStateListForAutoComplete(); } function getAssociatedStateListForAutoComplete() { stateTargetField = $('shipToStateProvinceGeo'); stateDivToPopulate = $('shipToStates'); stateHiddenTarget = $('shipToStateProvinceGeoId'); new Ajax.Request("getAssociatedStateList", { asynchronous: false, parameters: $('shippingForm').serialize(), onSuccess: callStateAutocompleter }); } function callStateAutocompleter(transport) { var geos = new Hash(); var data = transport.responseText.evalJSON(true); stateList = data.stateList; stateList.each(function(state) { var stateName = state.split(': '); geos.set(stateName[1], stateName[0]); }); if (stateList.size() <= 1) { $('shipToStateProvinceGeo').value = "No States/Provinces exists"; $('shipToStateProvinceGeoId').value = "_NA_"; Effect.Fade('shipStates', {duration: 0.0}); Effect.Fade('advice-required-shipToStateProvinceGeo', {duration: 0.0}); Event.stopObserving($('shipToStateProvinceGeo'), 'blur'); } else { $('shipToStateProvinceGeo').value = ""; $('shipToStateProvinceGeoId').value = ""; Effect.Appear('shipStates', {duration: 0.0}); Event.observe($('shipToStateProvinceGeo'), 'blur', function() { if ($('shipToStateProvinceGeo').value == "") { Effect.Appear('advice-required-shipToStateProvinceGeo', {duration: 0.0}); } }); } new Autocompleter.Local(stateTargetField, stateDivToPopulate, $H(geos), { partialSearch: false, afterUpdateElement: setKeyAsParameter }); } function setKeyAsParameter(text, li) { stateHiddenTarget.value = li.id; } //Generic function for fetching country's associated state list. function getAssociatedStateList(countryId, stateId, errorId, divId) { var optionList = []; var requestToSend = "getAssociatedStateList"; if ($('orderViewed')) { requestToSend = "/ordermgr/control/getAssociatedStateList" } new Ajax.Request(requestToSend, { asynchronous: false, parameters: {countryGeoId:$F(countryId)}, onSuccess: function(transport) { var data = transport.responseText.evalJSON(true); stateList = data.stateList; stateList.each(function(state) { geoValues = state.split(': '); optionList.push(""); }); $(stateId).update(optionList); if (stateList.size() <= 1) { if ($(divId).visible() || $(errorId).visible()) { Effect.Fade(divId, {duration: 0.0}); Effect.Fade(errorId, {duration: 0.0}); Event.stopObserving(stateId, 'blur'); } } else { Effect.Appear(divId, {duration: 0.0}); Event.observe(stateId, 'blur', function() { if ($F(stateId) == "") { Effect.Appear(errorId, {duration: 0.0}); } }); } } }); }