Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 2.2.2.r222_v20071226 Build <2.2.2.v20080226-1155> in Copyright (c) 2007 <<Your Company Name here>> Creates a blank report with no predefined content. NBO Cube.NBO.x integer false NBO Cube.NBO.y integer false NBO Cube.Account.NewTabularHierarchy1.x integer false NBO Cube.Account.NewTabularHierarchy1.y integer false NBO Cube.NBO.width integer false NBO Cube.NBO.height integer false NBO Data Cube.NBO.x integer false NBO Data Cube.NBO.y integer false NBO Date Data Cube.NBO.x integer false NBO Date Data Cube.NBO.y integer false NBO Mouthly Data Cube.NBO_Monthly.x integer false NBO Mouthly Data Cube.NBO_Monthly.y integer false 261 35 10 172 150 200 135 80 135 80 135 80 Blank Report /templates/blank_report.gif static string simple false text-box true Unformatted static string simple false text-box true Unformatted static integer simple false text-box true Unformatted static integer simple false text-box true Unformatted static integer simple false text-box true Unformatted 1 SalesChannel string 2 orderDateMonthName string 3 orderDateDateValue string 4 Parcel integer 5 GS decimal 6 GMS decimal 7 GMP decimal 8 GSP decimal 9 GP decimal 10 eBay decimal 11 eBay% decimal 12 RRC decimal 13 RRC% decimal 14 Others decimal 15 GP% decimal 16 GMP% decimal 17 NBO decimal 18 Monthly Projection decimal 19 Monthly Forecast decimal 20 Daily integer 21 Pod string 22 Account string 23 Date string 24 Month string 25 MonthName string 26 Today string SalesChannel SalesChannel orderDateMonthName orderDateMonthName orderDateDateValue orderDateDateValue Parcel Parcel GS GS GMS GMS GMP GMP GSP GSP GP GP eBay eBay eBay% eBay% RRC RRC RRC% RRC% Others Others GP% GP% GMP% GMP% NBO NBO Daily Daily Monthly Projection Monthly Projection Monthly Forecast Monthly Forecast Pod Pod Account Account Date Date Month Month MonthName MonthName Today Today 1 SalesChannel string 2 orderDateMonthName string 3 orderDateDateValue string 4 Parcel integer 5 GS decimal 6 GMS decimal 7 GMP decimal 8 GSP decimal 9 GP decimal 10 eBay decimal 11 eBay% decimal 12 RRC decimal 13 RRC% decimal 14 Others decimal 15 GP% decimal 16 GMP% decimal 17 NBO decimal 18 Monthly Projection decimal 19 Monthly Forecast decimal 20 Daily integer 21 Pod string 22 Account string 23 Date string 24 Month string 25 MonthName string 26 Today string OFbiz = totalRows) return false; { starschema = starschemas.get(currentRow); orderDateDateValue = starschema.getString("orderDateDateValue"); orderDateDayName = starschema.getString("orderDateDayName"); orderDateDayOfMonth = starschema.getString("orderDateDayOfMonth"); orderDateMonthName = starschema.getString("orderDateMonthName"); orderDateYearName = starschema.getString("orderDateYearName"); orderDateYearMonthDay = starschema.getString("orderDateYearMonthDay"); orderDateMonthOfYear = starschema.getString("orderDateMonthOfYear"); orderDateDescription = starschema.getString("orderDateDescription"); quantity = starschema.getString("quantity"); GS = starschema.getString("GrossSales"); GMS = starschema.getString("GrossMerchandizeSales"); GMP = starschema.getString("GrossMerchandizeProfit"); GSP = starschema.getString("GrossShippingProfit"); GP = starschema.getString("GrossProfit"); eBay = starschema.getString("eBay"); RRC = starschema.getString("RRC"); Others = starschema.getString("OtherFree"); NBO = starschema.getString("NBO"); salesChannelEnumId = starschema.getString("salesChannelEnumId"); if (orderDateMonthOfYear == DateMonth) { row["Daily"] = 1; } else { row["Daily"] = 2; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_AU_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_AU; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_CA_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_CA; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_IE_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_IE; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_SG_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_SG; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_UK_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_UK; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_US_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_US; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_DE_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_DE; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_ES_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_ES; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_FR_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_FR; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_IT_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_IT; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; row["Month"] = orderDateMonthOfYear; row["MonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Today"] = DateDay; } currentRow ++; } return true;]]> 1 SalesChannel string 2 orderDateDayOfMonth string 3 orderDateMonthName string 4 orderDateYearName string 5 orderDateDateValue string 6 Parcel integer 7 GS decimal 8 GMS decimal 9 GMP decimal 10 GSP decimal 11 GP decimal 12 eBay decimal 13 eBay% decimal 14 RRC decimal 15 RRC% decimal 16 Others decimal 17 GP% decimal 18 GMP% decimal 19 NBO decimal 20 Pod string 21 Account string 22 Date string SalesChannel SalesChannel orderDateDayOfMonth orderDateDayOfMonth orderDateMonthName orderDateMonthName orderDateYearName orderDateYearName orderDateDateValue orderDateDateValue Parcel Parcel GS GS GMS GMS GMP GMP GSP GSP eBay eBay RRC RRC Others Others Pod Pod Account Account Date Date NBO NBO eBay% eBay% RRC% RRC% GP% GP% GMP% GMP% GP GP 1 SalesChannel string 2 orderDateDayOfMonth string 3 orderDateMonthName string 4 orderDateYearName string 5 orderDateDateValue string 6 Parcel integer 7 GS decimal 8 GMS decimal 9 GMP decimal 10 GSP decimal 11 GP decimal 12 eBay decimal 13 eBay% decimal 14 RRC decimal 15 RRC% decimal 16 Others decimal 17 GP% decimal 18 GMP% decimal 19 NBO decimal 20 Pod string 21 Account string 22 Date string OFbiz = totalRows) return false; { Date_starschema = Date_starschemas.get(currentRow); orderDateDateValue = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateDateValue"); orderDateDayName = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateDayName"); orderDateDayOfMonth = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateDayOfMonth"); orderDateMonthName = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateMonthName"); orderDateYearName = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateYearName"); orderDateYearMonthDay = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateYearMonthDay"); orderDateMonthOfYear = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateMonthOfYear"); orderDateDescription = Date_starschema.getString("orderDateDescription"); quantity = Date_starschema.getString("quantity"); GS = Date_starschema.getString("GrossSales"); GMS = Date_starschema.getString("GrossMerchandizeSales"); GMP = Date_starschema.getString("GrossMerchandizeProfit"); GSP = Date_starschema.getString("GrossShippingProfit"); GP = Date_starschema.getString("GrossProfit"); eBay = Date_starschema.getString("eBay"); RRC = Date_starschema.getString("RRC"); Others = Date_starschema.getString("OtherFree"); NBO = Date_starschema.getString("NBO"); salesChannelEnumId = Date_starschema.getString("salesChannelEnumId"); if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_AU_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_AU; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_CA_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_CA; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_IE_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_IE; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_SG_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_SG; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_UK_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_UK; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_US_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_US; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_DE_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_DE; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_ES_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_ES; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_FR_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_FR; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_IT_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateDayOfMonth"] = orderDateDayOfMonth; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["orderDateYearName"] = orderDateYearName; row["orderDateDateValue"] = orderDateDateValue; row["Parcel"] = quantity; row["GS"] = GS; row["GMS"] = GMS; row["GMP"] = GMP; row["GSP"] = GSP; row["GP"] = GP; row["eBay"] = eBay; row["RRC"] = RRC; row["Others"] = Others; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_IT; row["Date"] = orderDateYearMonthDay; } currentRow ++; } return true;]]> 1 SalesChannel string 2 orderDateMonthName string 3 Pod string 4 Account string 5 NBO decimal 6 CountDate integer 7 Monthly Forecast decimal SalesChannel SalesChannel orderDateMonthName orderDateMonthName Pod Pod Account Account NBO NBO CountDate CountDate Monthly Forecast Monthly Forecast 1 SalesChannel string 2 orderDateMonthName string 3 Pod string 4 Account string 5 NBO decimal 6 CountDate integer 7 Monthly Forecast decimal OFbiz = totalRows) return false; { starschema = starschemas.get(currentRow); salesChannelEnumId = starschema.getString("salesChannelEnumId"); orderDateMonthName = starschema.getString("orderDateMonthName"); orderDateYearName = starschema.getString("orderDateYearName"); NBO = starschema.getString("NBO"); CountDate = starschema.getString("CountDate"); if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_AU_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_AU; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_CA_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_CA; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_IE_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_IE; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_SG_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_SG; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_UK_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_UK; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_US_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod1; row["Account"] = account_B2C_US; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_DE_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_DE; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_ES_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_ES; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_FR_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_FR; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } if (salesChannelEnumId == "B2C_IT_SALES_CHANNEL") { row["SalesChannel"] = salesChannelEnumId; row["orderDateMonthName"] = orderDateMonthName; row["Pod"] = pod2; row["Account"] = account_B2C_IT; row["NBO"] = NBO; row["CountDate"] = CountDate; } currentRow ++; } return true;]]> NBO Summary Field false NewTabularHierarchy string Today NewTabularHierarchy1 string Pod string Account integer dynamic orderDateMonthName string Daily average dataSetRow["Parcel"] integer average dataSetRow["GS"] decimal average dataSetRow["GMP"] decimal average false dataSetRow["GSP"] decimal average dataSetRow["GP"] decimal average dataSetRow["eBay"] decimal average (dataSetRow["eBay"]/dataSetRow["GP"]) decimal average dataSetRow["RRC"] decimal average false (dataSetRow["RRC"]/dataSetRow["GP"]) decimal average false dataSetRow["Others"] decimal average (dataSetRow["GP"]/dataSetRow["GS"]) decimal average (dataSetRow["GMP"]/dataSetRow["GMS"]) decimal average dataSetRow["NBO"] decimal NBO_Month NBO_Today Summary Field NewTabularHierarchy2 string orderDateDateValue NewTabularHierarchy3 string Pod string Account string Date dataSetRow["Parcel"] integer dataSetRow["GS"] decimal dataSetRow["GMP"] decimal dataSetRow["GSP"] decimal dataSetRow["GP"] decimal dataSetRow["eBay"] decimal (dataSetRow["eBay"]/dataSetRow["GP"]) decimal dataSetRow["RRC"] decimal (dataSetRow["RRC"]/dataSetRow["GP"]) decimal dataSetRow["Others"] decimal (dataSetRow["GP"]/dataSetRow["GS"]) decimal (dataSetRow["GMP"]/dataSetRow["GMS"]) decimal dataSetRow["NBO"] decimal NBO_Date NBO MonthlySummary Field NewTabularHierarchy6 string orderDateMonthName NewTabularHierarchy7 string Pod string Account sum dataSetRow["NBO"] decimal (dataSetRow["NBO"]/dataSetRow["CountDate"])*params["NunberDate"] decimal dataSetRow["Monthly Forecast"] decimal NBO_Monthly landscape 0.25in 0.25in 0.25in 0.25in html new Date()]]> 0 Parcel1 Parcel1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Parcel1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Parcel1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 GS1 Currency $###0 GS1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Currency $###0 GS1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Currency $###0 GS1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 GMP1 Currency $###0 GMP1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Currency $###0 GMP1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Currency $###0 GMP1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 GSP1 Currency $###0 GSP1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Currency $###0 GSP1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Currency $###0 GSP1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 GP1 Currency $###0 GP1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Currency $###0 GP1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Currency $###0 GP1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 eBay1 Currency $###0 eBay1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Currency $###0 eBay1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Currency $###0 eBay1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 eBay%1 Percent ###0% eBay%1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Percent ###0% eBay%1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Percent ###0% eBay%1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 RRC1 Currency $###0 RRC1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Currency $###0 RRC1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Currency $###0 RRC1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 RRC%1 Percent ###0.0% RRC%1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Percent ###0.0% RRC%1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Percent ###0.0% RRC%1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 Others1 Currency $###0 Others1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Currency $###0 Others1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Currency $###0 Others1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 GP%1 Percent ###0.0% GP%1 Account_Today/Pod Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #E5E5E5 Percent ###0.0% GP%1_Account_Today/Pod_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #BFBFBF Percent ###0.0% GP%1_Date_Today/orderDateDateValue #FFFF00 GMP%1 Percent ###0.0% 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