/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityComparisonOperator import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil uiLabelMap = UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap("ProjectMgrUiLabels", locale) partyId = parameters.partyId if (!partyId) { partyId = parameters.userLogin.partyId } // show the requested timesheet, otherwise the current , if not exist create timesheet = null timesheetId = parameters.timesheetId if (timesheetId) { timesheet = from("Timesheet").where("timesheetId", timesheetId).queryOne() partyId = timesheet.partyId // use the party from this timesheet } else { // make sure because of timezone changes, not a duplicate timesheet is created midweek = UtilDateTime.addDaysToTimestamp(UtilDateTime.getWeekStart(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()),3) entryExprs = EntityCondition.makeCondition([ EntityCondition.makeCondition("fromDate", EntityComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN, midweek), EntityCondition.makeCondition("thruDate", EntityComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN, midweek), EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", EntityComparisonOperator.EQUALS, partyId) ], EntityOperator.AND) entryIterator = from("Timesheet").where(entryExprs).queryIterator() timesheet = entryIterator.next() entryIterator.close() if (timesheet == null) { result = runService('createProjectTimesheet', ["userLogin" : parameters.userLogin, "partyId" : partyId]) if (result && result.timesheetId) { timesheet = from("Timesheet").where("timesheetId", result.timesheetId).queryOne() } } } if (!timesheet) return context.timesheet = timesheet context.weekNumber = UtilDateTime.weekNumber(timesheet.fromDate) // get the user names context.partyNameView = from("PartyNameView").where("partyId", partyId).queryOne() // get the default rate for this person rateTypes = from("PartyRate").where("partyId", partyId, "defaultRate", "Y").filterByDate().queryList() if (rateTypes) { context.defaultRateTypeId = rateTypes[0].rateTypeId } entries = [] entry = ["timesheetId" : timesheet.timesheetId] taskTotal = 0.00 day0Total = 0.00; day1Total=0.00; day2Total=0.00; day3Total=0.00; day4Total=0.00; day5Total=0.00; day6Total=0.00 pHours = 0.00 timeEntry = null lastTimeEntry = null // retrieve work effort data when the workeffortId has changed. void retrieveWorkEffortData() { // get the planned number of hours entryWorkEffort = lastTimeEntry.getRelatedOne("WorkEffort", false) if (entryWorkEffort) { plannedHours = entryWorkEffort.getRelated("WorkEffortSkillStandard", null, null, false) pHours = 0.00 plannedHours.each { plannedHour -> if (plannedHour.estimatedDuration) { pHours += plannedHour.estimatedDuration } } entry.plannedHours = pHours actualHours = entryWorkEffort.getRelated("TimeEntry", null, null, false) aHours = 0.00 actualHours.each { actualHour -> if (actualHour.hours) { aHours += actualHour.hours } } entry.actualHours = aHours // get party assignment data to be able to set the task to complete workEffortPartyAssigns = EntityUtil.filterByDate(entryWorkEffort.getRelated("WorkEffortPartyAssignment", ["partyId" : partyId], null, false)) if (workEffortPartyAssigns) { workEffortPartyAssign = workEffortPartyAssigns[0] entry.fromDate = workEffortPartyAssign.getTimestamp("fromDate") entry.roleTypeId = workEffortPartyAssign.roleTypeId if ("PAS_COMPLETED".equals(workEffortPartyAssign.statusId)) { entry.checkComplete = "Y" } } // get project/phase information entry.workEffortId = entryWorkEffort.workEffortId entry.workEffortName = entryWorkEffort.workEffortName result = runService('getProjectIdAndNameFromTask', ["userLogin" : parameters.userLogin,"taskId" : entryWorkEffort.workEffortId]) entry.phaseId = result.phaseId entry.phaseName = result.phaseName entry.projectId = result.projectId entry.projectName = result.projectName entry.taskWbsId = result.taskWbsId } entry.total = taskTotal //Drop Down Lists entries.add(entry) // start new entry taskTotal = 0.00 entry = ["timesheetId" : timesheet.timesheetId] } timeEntries = timesheet.getRelated("TimeEntry", null, ["workEffortId", "rateTypeId", "fromDate"], false) te = timeEntries.iterator() while (te.hasNext()) { // only fill lastTimeEntry when not the first time if (timeEntry!=void) { lastTimeEntry = timeEntry } timeEntry = te.next() if (lastTimeEntry && (!lastTimeEntry.workEffortId.equals(timeEntry.workEffortId) || !lastTimeEntry.rateTypeId.equals(timeEntry.rateTypeId))) { retrieveWorkEffortData() } if (timeEntry.hours) { dayNumber = "d" + (timeEntry.fromDate.getTime() - timesheet.fromDate.getTime()) / (24*60*60*1000) hours = timeEntry.hours.doubleValue() entry.put(String.valueOf(dayNumber), hours) if (dayNumber.equals("d0")) day0Total += hours if (dayNumber.equals("d1")) day1Total += hours if (dayNumber.equals("d2")) day2Total += hours if (dayNumber.equals("d3")) day3Total += hours if (dayNumber.equals("d4")) day4Total += hours if (dayNumber.equals("d5")) day5Total += hours if (dayNumber.equals("d6")) day6Total += hours taskTotal += hours } entry.rateTypeId = timeEntry.rateTypeId } if (timeEntry) { lastTimeEntry = timeEntry retrieveWorkEffortData() } // add empty lines if timesheet not completed if (!timesheet.statusId.equals("TIMESHEET_COMPLETED")) { for (c=0; c < 3; c++) { // add empty lines entries.add(["timesheetId" : timesheet.timesheetId]) } } // add the totals line if at least one entry if (timeEntry) { entry = ["timesheetId" : timesheet.timesheetId] entry.d0 = day0Total entry.d1 = day1Total entry.d2 = day2Total entry.d3 = day3Total entry.d4 = day4Total entry.d5 = day5Total entry.d6 = day6Total entry.phaseName = uiLabelMap.ProjectMgrTotals entry.workEffortId = "Totals" entry.total = day0Total + day1Total + day2Total + day3Total + day4Total + day5Total + day6Total entries.add(entry) } context.timeEntries = entries // get all timesheets of this user, including the planned hours timesheetsDb = from("Timesheet").where("partyId", partyId).orderBy("fromDate DESC").queryList() timesheets = new LinkedList() timesheetsDb.each { timesheetDb -> timesheet = [:] timesheet.putAll(timesheetDb) entries = timesheetDb.getRelated("TimeEntry", null, null, false) hours = 0.00 entries.each { timeEntry -> if (timeEntry.hours) { hours += timeEntry.hours.doubleValue() } } timesheet.weekNumber = UtilDateTime.weekNumber(timesheetDb.fromDate) timesheet.hours = hours timesheets.add(timesheet) } context.timesheets = timesheets