Orion Application Server 2.0.2 Setup 2004-04-01 - Andy Zeneski To use Orion 2.0.2 with OFBiz 3.0 follow the following steps: (all steps assume Orion is already installed and working) 1) generate the configuration files (auto-creates classpath and webapp settings) - From the OFBiz root directory: java -jar ofbiz.jar -start framework/appservers/configure orion202 2) Copy the newly created configuration files to orion config directory - From the Orion config directory (assuming ofbiz root is ../../ofbiz) cp ../../ofbiz/setup/orion202/*.xml . 3) Configure OFBiz for running inside Orion - Comment out or remove base/config/jndi.properties so you use the one provided w/ Orion - Edit entityengine.xml to use JNDI for the datasource, this should match the JNDI name specified in orion data-source.xml 4) Run Orion - From Orion root directory java -Dofbiz.home=../../ofbiz -jar orion.jar The filter will load the components on the first hit, I have not yet figured out how to get Orion to auto-load filters. *** Note this is an example configuration and SSL is not enabled by default. If you would like to contribute the SSL configuration please post it to the dev mailing list and we wil include the templates. Until then, you will also need to disable SSL in framework/webapp/config/url.properties