############################################################################### # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ############################################################################### #### # Payment Processor Configuration File #### ############################################ # General Payment Gateway Configuration ############################################ # time (in days) to auto re-auth before capture (set to 0 to not auto re-auth) # when a capture is performed; the auth date is checked and a re-auth is done # before the capture if the date exceeds the amount defined below. payment.general.reauth.disc.days=90 payment.general.reauth.amex.days=30 payment.general.reauth.mc.days=30 payment.general.reauth.visa.days=7 payment.general.reauth.other.days=7 payment.general.reauth.paypal.days=3 payment.general.cc_create.auth=0 payment.general.cc_update.auth=0 ############################################ # General Gift Certificate Configuration ############################################ # Fulfillment (purchase) Information Survey ID (survey for sending gift card email) payment.giftcert.purchase.surveyId=1000 # Survey question (description field) which contains the recipient's email address payment.giftcert.purchase.survey.sendToEmail=recipientEmail # Survey question (description field) which contains the "copy me" flag payment.giftcert.purchase.survey.copyMe=copyMe # Fulfillment (reload) Information Survey ID (survey for reloading gift cards) payment.giftcert.reload.surveyId=1001 # Survey question (description field) which contains the card number payment.giftcert.reload.survey.cardNumber=giftCardNumber # Survey question (description field) which contains the pin number payment.giftcert.reload.survey.pinNumber=giftCardPin # Gift Certificate type (ofbiz || valuelink) payment.giftcert.type=ofbiz ############################################ # CyberSource Configuration ############################################ # your merchant Id payment.cybersource.merchantID=[MerchantID] # target API version payment.cybersource.api.version=1.43 # enable production "mode" (true|false) payment.cybersource.production=false # directory of the keys from CyberSource (Generate using online tools) payment.cybersource.keysDir=${sys:getProperty('ofbiz.home')}/applications/accounting/icskeys # name of the keystore (if different then .p12) #payment.cybersource.keysFile= # log transaction information (true|false) payment.cybersource.log=true # log directory payment.cybersource.log.dir=${sys:getProperty('ofbiz.home')}/runtime/logs # log file name payment.cybersource.log.file=cybersource.log # max log size (megabytes) payment.cybersource.log.size=10 # Merchant Description - Shown on credit card statement payment.cybersource.merchantDescr=Some Nice Web Store # Merchant Description Contact Information - Shown on credit card statement #payment.cybersource.merchantContact= # Auto-Bill In Authorization (true|false) payment.cybersource.autoBill=false # Use DAV In Authorization -- May not be supported any longer #payment.cybersource.enableDav=N # Use Fraud Scoring In Authorization -- May not be supported any longer #payment.cybersource.fraudScore=N # Ignore AVS results (true|false) payment.cybersource.ignoreAvs=false # Disable AVS for Capture -- May not be supported any longer #payment.cybersource.disableBillAvs=Y # AVS Decline Codes -- May not be supported any longer #payment.cybersource.avsDeclineCodes= ############################################ # ClearCommerce Configuration ############################################ # Useful for tagging/grouping transactions payment.clearcommerce.sourceId=mySource payment.clearcommerce.groupId=myGroup # Account information payment.clearcommerce.clientId=[ClearCommerce clientId] payment.clearcommerce.username=[ClearCommerce username] payment.clearcommerce.password=[ClearCommerce password] payment.clearcommerce.alias=[ClearCommerce alias] payment.clearcommerce.effectiveAlias= # Process mode (Y: approve / N: decline / R: random / P: production) payment.clearcommerce.processMode=P # Server URL of the payment processor payment.clearcommerce.serverURL=https://test5x.clearcommerce.com:11500 # Enable Card Verification Methods (CID, CVC, CVV2) payment.clearcommerce.enableCVM=N ############################################ # ValueLink Configuration ############################################ # Full merchant ID (MMMMMMMMMMM) payment.valuelink.merchantId=[MerchantID] # Terminal ID (should be different for each application server starting at 0001) payment.valuelink.terminalId=0001 # Alternate merchant ID (i.e. store ID, etc) payment.valuelink.altMerchantId=999 # Modes (SVDotRaw, Debug, etc) delimited by '/' payment.valuelink.modes=Debug/SVDotRaw # URL to use to communicate with ValueLink payment.valuelink.url=https://www.callit.com/vltest/api1.asp # Connection timeout in seconds payment.valuelink.timeout=34 # Debug mode dumps all request/response info to the console (Y|N) payment.valuelink.debug=Y # Certificate alias to pass for client auth payment.valuelink.certificateAlias= # ValueLink Timestamp Format payment.valuelink.timestamp=ddMMyyyyHHmmss # Prime Modulus (P) for key generation (should be a hex string will be converted to unsigned BigInteger from byte array) payment.valuelink.prime= # Generator (G) for key generation (should be smaller then prime, so this should be in the form for a integer) payment.valuelink.generator= # ValueLink Public Value (128byte as Hex String) payment.valuelink.publicValue= ############################################ # VeriSign PayFlow Pro Configuration ############################################ # Path the the VeriSign Certificate payment.verisign.certsPath=${sys:getProperty('ofbiz.home')}/applications/accounting/pfcerts # Address and port of the payment processor payment.verisign.hostAddress=pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com payment.verisign.hostPort=443 # Account information payment.verisign.vendor=[Vendor] payment.verisign.user=[PayFlow UserID] payment.verisign.pwd=[PayFlow Password] payment.verisign.partner=[PayFlow Partner] # Use Address Verification payment.verisign.checkAvs=Y # Require CVV2 Verification payment.verisign.checkCvv2=Y # Pre-Authorize Payments (if set to N will auto-capture) payment.verisign.preAuth=Y # Set to false to not transmit anything payment.verisign.enable_transmit=true # Logging payment.verisign.logFileName=${sys:getProperty('ofbiz.home')}/runtime/logs/payflow_java.log payment.verisign.loggingLevel=6 payment.verisign.maxLogFileSize=1000000 payment.verisign.stackTraceOn=N ############################################ # WorldPay Select Pro Configuration ############################################ # Redirect URL payment.worldpay.redirectUrl=https://select-test.worldpay.com/wcc/purchase # Worldpay instance Id payment.worldpay.instId=[WorldPay InstID] # AuthMode (A: Full-Auth / E: Pre-Auth) payment.worldpay.authMode=A # FixContact - Will displace contact info on WorldPay in non-editable format payment.worldpay.fixContact=N # HideContact - Will hide the contact info completely payment.worldpay.hideContact=N # HideCurrency - this causes the currency drop down to be no hidden, so fixing the currency that the shopper must value purchase in payment.worldpay.hideCurrency=N # langId - The shopper's language choice, as a 2-character ISO 639 code, with optional regionalisation using 2-character country code separated by hyphen payment.worldpay.langId= # noLanguageMenu - This suppresses the display of the language menu if noLanguageMenu no you have a choice of languages enabled for your value installation payment.worldpay.noLanguageMenu=N # withDelivery - Displays input fields for delivery address and withDelivery no mandate that they be filled in payment.worldpay.withDelivery=N # TestMode (100: approve / 101: cancelled / 0: Live Mode (no test) payment.worldpay.testMode=100 ############################################ # PayPal Configuration ############################################ # PayPal E-Mail address #payment.paypal.business=vote@ofbiz.org payment.paypal.business= # PayPal Notify URL #payment.paypal.notify=http://[yourServerName]/ecommerce/control/payPalNotify payment.paypal.notify= # PayPal Return URL #payment.paypal.return=http://[yourServerName]/ecommerce/control/orderhistory payment.paypal.return= # PayPal Return On Cancel URL #payment.paypal.cancelReturn=http://[yourServerName]/ecommerce/control/payPalCancel/main payment.paypal.cancelReturn= # Image To Use On PayPal #payment.paypal.image=http://[yourServerName]/images/ofbiz_logo.gif payment.paypal.image= # Thank-You / Confirm Order Template (rendered via Freemarker) #payment.paypal.confirmTemplate=/order/emailconfirmation.ftl payment.paypal.confirmTemplate= # Production PayPal Redirect URL #payment.paypal.redirect=https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr # Sandbox PayPal Redirect URL #payment.paypal.redirect=https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr payment.paypal.redirect= # Production PayPal Confirm URL (JSSE must be configured to use SSL) #payment.paypal.confirm=http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr # Sandbox PayPal Confirm URL (JSSE must be configured to use SSL) #payment.paypal.confirm=https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr payment.paypal.confirm= ############################################ # PCCharge Configuration ############################################ # PCCharge Processor ID payment.pccharge.processorID=VISA # PCCharge Merchant ID payment.pccharge.merchantID=999999999911 # PCCharge User ID payment.pccharge.userID=User1 # PCCharge TCP Settings payment.pccharge.host=localhost payment.pccharge.port=31419 # Auto-Capture (bill) authorizations (0 false; 1 true) payment.pccharge.autoBill=1 ############################################ # RiTA Configuration ############################################ # RiTA Client/User ID payment.rita.clientID=100010001 payment.rita.userID=MANAGER payment.rita.userPW=rita # RiTA TCP Settings payment.rita.host=localhost payment.rita.port=5012 # Auto-Capture (bill) authorizations (0 false; 1 true) payment.rita.autoBill=1 # Force Transactions (0 false; 1 true) -- overrides duplicate transaction auto-decline payment.rita.forceTx=1 ############################################ # Authorize.Net Configuration ############################################ # Transaction Url #payment.authorizedotnet.url=https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll # Test Url payment.authorizedotnet.url=https://certification.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll # Certificate Alias payment.authorizedotnet.certificateAlias=certification.authorize.net-1 # Version - version 3.0 is currently the only supported version for ofbiz. eventually version 3.1 may be available payment.authorizedotnet.version=3.1 # Delimited data - if the authorize.net response should delimited (no need to change this) payment.authorizedotnet.delimited=TRUE # Delimited Character - the delimiter to use in the response. (no need to change this) payment.authorizedotnet.delimiter=| # Method - CC for credit card processing. version 3.1 will support a few more of these. payment.authorizedotnet.method=CC # Email Customer? - if should send an email to the customer for each transaction payment.authorizedotnet.emailcustomer=FALSE # Trans Key - to use version 3.1 you must register a Transaction Key with the authorize.net payment.authorizedotnet.trankey= # Email Merchant? - if should send email to the merchant for each transaction payment.authorizedotnet.emailmerchant=FALSE # Test Mode - forces the url property to the test url and adds more logging info to the logs payment.authorizedotnet.test=TRUE # Relay Response? - if should relay the reposnse to a different server. (this is untested) payment.authorizedotnet.relay=FALSE # Username - your authorize.net userid payment.authorizedotnet.login= # Password - your authorize.net password payment.authorizedotnet.password= # Default Transaction Description payment.authorizedotnet.transdescription=OFBizAuthNet # For testing authorize.net, set the properties # payment.authorizedotnet.url=https://certification.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll # payment.authorizedotnet.test=TRUE # payment.authorizedotnet.login=realaccountid # payment.authorizedotnet.password=realpassword # Note that you need a valid authorize.net account even for testing.