<#macro renderFormatEmptySpace> #macro>
<#macro renderTextFindField name value defaultOption opEquals opBeginsWith opContains opIsEmpty opNotEqual className alert size maxlength autocomplete titleStyle hideIgnoreCase ignCase ignoreCase>
<#if opEquals?has_content>
"${name}_op"#if> value="${defaultOption}"/><#rt/>
name="${name}"<#if value?has_content> value="${value}"#if><#if size?has_content> size="${size}"#if><#if maxlength?has_content> maxlength="${maxlength}"#if><#if autocomplete?has_content> autocomplete="off"#if>/><#rt/>
<#if titleStyle?has_content><#rt/>#if>
<#if hideIgnoreCase>
"Y"<#else> ""#if>/><#rt/>
checked="checked"#if> /> ${ignoreCase}<#rt/>
#if><#if titleStyle?has_content>#if>
<#macro renderDateFindField className alert name localizedInputTitle value size maxlength dateType formName defaultDateTimeString imgSrc localizedIconTitle titleStyle defaultOptionFrom defaultOptionThru opEquals opSameDay opGreaterThanFromDayStart opGreaterThan opGreaterThan opLessThan opUpToDay opUpThruDay opIsEmpty>
<#if name?has_content> name="${name?html}_fld0_value"#if><#if localizedInputTitle?has_content> title="${localizedInputTitle}"#if><#if value?has_content> value="${value}"#if><#if size?has_content> size="${size}"#if><#if maxlength?has_content> maxlength="${maxlength}"#if>/><#rt/>
<#if dateType != "time">
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
<#if name?has_content> name="${name}_fld1_value"#if><#if localizedInputTitle?exists> title="${localizedInputTitle?html}"#if><#if value2?has_content> value="${value2}"#if><#if size?has_content> size="${size}"#if><#if maxlength?has_content> maxlength="${maxlength}"#if>/><#rt/>
<#if dateType != "time">
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
<#macro renderRangeFindField className alert name value size maxlength autocomplete titleStyle defaultOptionFrom opEquals opGreaterThan opGreaterThanEquals opLessThan opLessThanEquals value2 defaultOptionThru>
<#if name?has_content>name="${name}_fld0_value"#if><#if value?has_content> value="${value}"#if><#if size?has_content> size="${size}"#if><#if maxlength?has_content> maxlength="${maxlength}"#if><#if autocomplete?has_content> autocomplete="off"#if>/><#rt/>
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
<#if name?has_content> name="${name}_fld1_value"#if><#if value2?has_content> value="${value2}"#if><#if size?has_content> size="${size}"#if><#if maxlength?has_content> maxlength="${maxlength}"#if><#if autocomplete?has_content> autocomplete="off"#if>/><#rt/>
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
<#if titleStyle?has_content>
Description: Renders a text input field as a lookup field.
Parameter: name, String, required - The name of the lookup field.
Parameter: formName, String, required - The name of the form that contains the lookup field.
Parameter: fieldFormName, String, required - Contains the lookup window form name.
Parameter: className, String, optional - The CSS class name for the lookup field.
Parameter: alert, String, optional - If "true" then the "alert" CSS class will be added to the lookup field.
Parameter: value, Object, optional - The value of the lookup field.
Parameter: size, String, optional - The size of the lookup field.
Parameter: maxlength, String or Integer, optional - The max length of the lookup field.
Parameter: id, String, optional - The ID of the lookup field.
Parameter: event, String, optional - The lookup field event that invokes "action". If the event parameter is not empty, then the action parameter must be specified as well.
Parameter: action, String, optional - The action that is invoked on "event". If action parameter is not empty, then the event parameter must be specified as well.
Parameter: readonly, boolean, optional - If true, the lookup field is made read-only.
Parameter: autocomplete, String, optional - If not empty, autocomplete is turned off for the lookup field.
Parameter: descriptionFieldName, String, optional - If not empty and the presentation parameter contains "window", specifies an alternate input field for updating.
Parameter: targetParameterIter, List, optional - Contains a list of form field names whose values will be passed to the lookup window.
Parameter: imgSrc, Not used.
Parameter: ajaxUrl, String, optional - Contains the Ajax URL, used only when the ajaxEnabled parameter contains true.
Parameter: ajaxEnabled, boolean, optional - If true, invokes the Ajax auto-completer.
Parameter: presentation, String, optional - Contains the lookup window type, either "layer" or "window".
Parameter: width, String or Integer, optional - The width of the lookup field.
Parameter: height, String or Integer, optional - The height of the lookup field.
Parameter: position, String, optional - The position style of the lookup field.
Parameter: fadeBackground, ?
Parameter: clearText, String, optional - If the readonly parameter is true, clearText contains the text to be displayed in the field, default is CommonClear label.
Parameter: showDescription, String, optional - If the showDescription parameter is true, a special span with css class "tooltip" will be created at right of the lookup button and a description will fill in (see setLookDescription in selectall.js). For now not when the lookup is read only.
Parameter: initiallyCollapsed, Not used.
Parameter: lastViewName, String, optional - If the ajaxEnabled parameter is true, the contents of lastViewName will be appended to the Ajax URL.
<#macro renderLookupField name formName fieldFormName className="" alert="false" value="" size="" maxlength="" id="" event="" action="" readonly=false autocomplete="" descriptionFieldName="" targetParameterIter="" imgSrc="" ajaxUrl="" ajaxEnabled=javaScriptEnabled presentation="layer" width="" height="" position="" fadeBackground="true" clearText="" showDescription="" initiallyCollapsed="" lastViewName="main" >
<#if Static["org.ofbiz.widget.ModelWidget"].widgetBoundaryCommentsEnabled(context)>
<#if (!ajaxUrl?has_content) && ajaxEnabled>
<#local ajaxUrl = requestAttributes._REQUEST_HANDLER_.makeLink(request, response, fieldFormName)/>
<#local ajaxUrl = id + "," + ajaxUrl + ",ajaxLookup=Y" />
<#if (!showDescription?has_content)>
<#local showDescriptionProp = Static["org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties"].getPropertyValue("widget.properties", "widget.lookup.showDescription", "N")>
<#if "Y" == showDescriptionProp>
<#local showDescription = "true" />
<#local showDescription = "false" />
<#if ajaxEnabled?has_content && ajaxEnabled>
<#if size?has_content && size=="0"> name="${name}"/>#if><#else><#if name?has_content> name="${name}"#if><#if value?has_content> value="${value}"#if><#if size?has_content> size="${size}"#if><#if maxlength?has_content> maxlength="${maxlength}"#if><#if id?has_content> id="${id}"#if><#rt/><#if readonly?has_content && readonly> readonly="readonly"#if><#rt/><#if event?has_content && action?has_content> ${event}="${action}"#if><#rt/><#if autocomplete?has_content> autocomplete="off"#if>/><#rt/>#if>
<#if presentation?has_content && descriptionFieldName?has_content && presentation == "window">
<#elseif presentation?has_content && presentation == "window">
<#if ajaxEnabled?has_content && ajaxEnabled>
<#assign defaultMinLength = Static["org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties"].getPropertyValue("widget.properties", "widget.autocompleter.defaultMinLength")>
<#assign defaultDelay = Static["org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties"].getPropertyValue("widget.properties", "widget.autocompleter.defaultDelay")>
<#local ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl + "&_LAST_VIEW_NAME_=" + lastViewName />
<#if !ajaxUrl?contains("searchValueFieldName=")>
<#if descriptionFieldName?has_content && showDescription == "true">
<#local ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl + "&searchValueFieldName=" + descriptionFieldName />
<#local ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl + "&searchValueFieldName=" + name />
<#if readonly?has_content && readonly>
<#if clearText?has_content>${clearText}<#else>${uiLabelMap.CommonClear}#if>
<#if ajaxEnabled?has_content && ajaxEnabled && (presentation?has_content && presentation == "window")>
<#if ajaxUrl?index_of("_LAST_VIEW_NAME_") < 0>
<#local ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl + "&_LAST_VIEW_NAME_=" + lastViewName />
<#macro renderNextPrev paginateStyle paginateFirstStyle viewIndex highIndex listSize viewSize ajaxEnabled javaScriptEnabled ajaxFirstUrl firstUrl paginateFirstLabel paginatePreviousStyle ajaxPreviousUrl previousUrl paginatePreviousLabel pageLabel ajaxSelectUrl selectUrl ajaxSelectSizeUrl selectSizeUrl commonDisplaying paginateNextStyle ajaxNextUrl nextUrl paginateNextLabel paginateLastStyle ajaxLastUrl lastUrl paginateLastLabel paginateViewSizeLabel>
<#if listSize gt viewSize>