/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * This script is also referenced by the ecommerce's screens and * should not contain order component's specific code. */ import java.text.NumberFormat; import org.ofbiz.base.util.*; import org.ofbiz.entity.*; import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.*; import org.ofbiz.entity.util.*; import org.ofbiz.service.*; import org.ofbiz.webapp.taglib.*; import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductContentWrapper; import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductSearch; import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductSearchSession; import org.ofbiz.product.product.ProductWorker; import org.ofbiz.product.catalog.*; import org.ofbiz.product.store.*; import org.ofbiz.webapp.stats.VisitHandler; import org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartEvents; String buildNext(Map map, List order, String current, String prefix, Map featureTypes) { def ct = 0; def buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("function listFT" + current + prefix + "() { "); buf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + current + "\"].options.length = 1;"); buf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + current + "\"].options[0] = new Option(\"" + featureTypes[current] + "\",\"\",true,true);"); map.each { key, value -> def optValue = null; if (order.indexOf(current) == (order.size()-1)) { optValue = value.iterator().next(); } else { optValue = prefix + "_" + ct; } buf.append("document.forms[\"addform\"].elements[\"FT" + current + "\"].options[" + (ct + 1) + "] = new Option(\"" + key + "\",\"" + optValue + "\");"); ct++; } buf.append(" }"); if (order.indexOf(current) < (order.size()-1)) { ct = 0; map.each { key, value -> def nextOrder = order.get(order.indexOf(current)+1); def newPrefix = prefix + "_" + ct; buf.append(buildNext(value, order, nextOrder, newPrefix, featureTypes)); ct++; } } return buf.toString(); } cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request); // get the shopping lists for the user (if logged in) if (userLogin) { exprList = [EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, userLogin.partyId), EntityCondition.makeCondition("listName", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, "auto-save")]; condition = EntityCondition.makeCondition(exprList, EntityOperator.AND); allShoppingLists = delegator.findList("ShoppingList", condition, null, ["listName"], null, false); context.shoppingLists = allShoppingLists; } // set the content path prefix contentPathPrefix = CatalogWorker.getContentPathPrefix(request); context.contentPathPrefix = contentPathPrefix; // get the product detail information if (product) { productId = product.productId; context.product_id = productId; productTypeId = product.productTypeId; featureTypes = [:]; featureOrder = []; // set this as a last viewed LAST_VIEWED_TO_KEEP = 10; // modify this to change the number of last viewed to keep lastViewedProducts = session.getAttribute("lastViewedProducts"); if (!lastViewedProducts) { lastViewedProducts = []; session.setAttribute("lastViewedProducts", lastViewedProducts); } lastViewedProducts.remove(productId); lastViewedProducts.add(0, productId); while (lastViewedProducts.size() > LAST_VIEWED_TO_KEEP) { lastViewedProducts.remove(lastViewedProducts.size() - 1); } // make the productContentWrapper productContentWrapper = new ProductContentWrapper(product, request); context.productContentWrapper = productContentWrapper; // get the main detail image (virtual or single product) mainDetailImage = productContentWrapper.get("DETAIL_IMAGE_URL"); if (mainDetailImage) { mainDetailImageUrl = ContentUrlTag.getContentPrefix(request) + mainDetailImage; context.mainDetailImageUrl = mainDetailImageUrl.toString(); } // get next/previous information for category categoryId = parameters.category_id ?: product.primaryProductCategoryId; if (categoryId) context.categoryId = categoryId; catNextPreviousResult = null; if (categoryId) { prevNextMap = [categoryId : categoryId, productId : productId]; prevNextMap.orderByFields = context.orderByFields ?: ["sequenceNum", "productId"]; catNextPreviousResult = dispatcher.runSync("getPreviousNextProducts", prevNextMap); if (ServiceUtil.isError(catNextPreviousResult)) { request.setAttribute("errorMessageList", [ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(catNextPreviousResult)]); return; } if (catNextPreviousResult && catNextPreviousResult.category) { context.category = catNextPreviousResult.category; context.previousProductId = catNextPreviousResult.previousProductId; context.nextProductId = catNextPreviousResult.nextProductId; } } // get the product store for only Sales Order not for Purchase Order. productStore = null; productStoreId = null; cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request); if (cart.isSalesOrder()) { productStore = ProductStoreWorker.getProductStore(request); productStoreId = productStore.productStoreId; context.productStoreId = productStoreId; } // get a defined survey productSurvey = ProductStoreWorker.getProductSurveys(delegator, productStoreId, productId, "CART_ADD"); if (productSurvey) { survey = EntityUtil.getFirst(productSurvey); origParamMapId = UtilHttp.stashParameterMap(request); surveyContext = ["_ORIG_PARAM_MAP_ID_" : origParamMapId]; surveyPartyId = userLogin?.partyId; wrapper = new ProductStoreSurveyWrapper(survey, surveyPartyId, surveyContext); context.surveyWrapper = wrapper; } // get the product price catalogId = CatalogWorker.getCurrentCatalogId(request); currentCatalogId = catalogId; webSiteId = CatalogWorker.getWebSiteId(request); autoUserLogin = request.getSession().getAttribute("autoUserLogin"); if (cart.isSalesOrder()) { // sales order: run the "calculateProductPrice" service priceContext = [product : product, prodCatalogId : catalogId, currencyUomId : cart.getCurrency(), autoUserLogin : autoUserLogin]; priceContext.webSiteId = webSiteId; priceContext.productStoreId = productStoreId; priceContext.checkIncludeVat = "Y"; priceContext.agreementId = cart.getAgreementId(); priceContext.partyId = cart.getPartyId(); // IMPORTANT: must put this in, or price will be calculated for the CSR instead of the customer priceMap = dispatcher.runSync("calculateProductPrice", priceContext); context.priceMap = priceMap; } else { // purchase order: run the "calculatePurchasePrice" service priceContext = [product : product, currencyUomId : cart.getCurrency(), partyId : cart.getPartyId(), userLogin : userLogin]; priceMap = dispatcher.runSync("calculatePurchasePrice", priceContext); context.priceMap = priceMap; } // get the product review(s) // get all product review in case of Purchase Order. reviewByAnd = [:]; reviewByAnd.statusId = "PRR_APPROVED"; if (cart.isSalesOrder()) { reviewByAnd.productStoreId = productStoreId; } reviews = product.getRelatedCache("ProductReview", reviewByAnd, ["-postedDateTime"]); context.productReviews = reviews; // get the average rating if (reviews) { ratingReviews = EntityUtil.filterByAnd(reviews, [EntityCondition.makeCondition("productRating", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, null)]); if (ratingReviews) { context.averageRating = ProductWorker.getAverageProductRating(product, reviews, productStoreId); context.numRatings = ratingReviews.size(); } } // get the days to ship // if order is purchase then don't calculate available inventory for product. if (cart.isSalesOrder()) { facilityId = productStore.inventoryFacilityId; /* productFacility = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("ProductFacility", [productId : productId, facilityId : facilityId); context.daysToShip = productFacility?.daysToShip */ resultOutput = dispatcher.runSync("getInventoryAvailableByFacility", [productId : productId, facilityId : facilityId, useCache : false]); totalAvailableToPromise = resultOutput.availableToPromiseTotal; if (totalAvailableToPromise) { productFacility = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("ProductFacility", [productId : productId, facilityId : facilityId]); context.daysToShip = productFacility?.daysToShip } } else { supplierProducts = delegator.findByAndCache("SupplierProduct", [productId : productId], ["-availableFromDate"]); supplierProduct = EntityUtil.getFirst(supplierProducts); if (supplierProduct?.standardLeadTimeDays) { standardLeadTimeDays = supplierProduct.standardLeadTimeDays; daysToShip = standardLeadTimeDays + 1; context.daysToShip = daysToShip; } } // get the product distinguishing features disFeatureMap = dispatcher.runSync("getProductFeatures", [productId : productId, type : "DISTINGUISHING_FEAT"]); disFeatureList = disFeatureMap.productFeatures; context.disFeatureList = disFeatureList; // an example of getting features of a certain type to show sizeProductFeatureAndAppls = delegator.findByAnd("ProductFeatureAndAppl", [productId : productId, productFeatureTypeId : "SIZE"], ["sequenceNum", "defaultSequenceNum"]); context.sizeProductFeatureAndAppls = sizeProductFeatureAndAppls; // Special Variant Code if ("Y".equals(product.isVirtual)) { if ("VV_FEATURETREE".equals(ProductWorker.getProductvirtualVariantMethod(delegator, productId))) { context.featureLists = ProductWorker.getSelectableProductFeaturesByTypesAndSeq(product); } else { featureMap = dispatcher.runSync("getProductFeatureSet", [productId : productId]); featureSet = featureMap.featureSet; if (featureSet) { //if order is purchase then don't calculate available inventory for product. if (cart.isPurchaseOrder()) { variantTreeMap = dispatcher.runSync("getProductVariantTree", [productId : productId, featureOrder : featureSet, checkInventory: false]); } else { variantTreeMap = dispatcher.runSync("getProductVariantTree", [productId : productId, featureOrder : featureSet, productStoreId : productStoreId]); } variantTree = variantTreeMap.variantTree; imageMap = variantTreeMap.variantSample; virtualVariant = variantTreeMap.virtualVariant; context.virtualVariant = virtualVariant; if (variantTree) { context.variantTree = variantTree; context.variantTreeSize = variantTree.size(); } if (imageMap) { context.variantSample = imageMap; context.variantSampleKeys = imageMap.keySet(); context.variantSampleSize = imageMap.size(); } context.featureSet = featureSet; if (variantTree) { featureOrder = new LinkedList(featureSet); featureOrder.each { featureKey -> featureValue = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("ProductFeatureType", [productFeatureTypeId : featureKey]); fValue = featureValue.get("description") ?: featureValue.productFeatureTypeId; featureTypes[featureKey] = fValue; } } context.featureTypes = featureTypes; context.featureOrder = featureOrder; if (featureOrder) { context.featureOrderFirst = featureOrder[0]; } if (variantTree && imageMap) { jsBuf = new StringBuffer(); jsBuf.append(""); context.virtualJavaScript = jsBuf; } } } } // get product associations alsoBoughtProducts = dispatcher.runSync("getAssociatedProducts", [productId : productId, type : "ALSO_BOUGHT", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId, bidirectional : true, sortDescending : true]); context.alsoBoughtProducts = alsoBoughtProducts.assocProducts; obsoleteProducts = dispatcher.runSync("getAssociatedProducts", [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_OBSOLESCENCE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]); context.obsoleteProducts = obsoleteProducts.assocProducts; crossSellProducts = dispatcher.runSync("getAssociatedProducts", [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_COMPLEMENT", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]); context.crossSellProducts = crossSellProducts.assocProducts; upSellProducts = dispatcher.runSync("getAssociatedProducts", [productId : productId, type : "PRODUCT_UPGRADE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]); context.upSellProducts = upSellProducts.assocProducts; obsolenscenseProducts = dispatcher.runSync("getAssociatedProducts", [productIdTo : productId, type : "PRODUCT_OBSOLESCENCE", checkViewAllow : true, prodCatalogId : currentCatalogId]); context.obsolenscenseProducts = obsolenscenseProducts.assocProducts; // get other cross-sell information: product with a common feature commonProductFeatureId = "SYMPTOM"; // does this product have that feature? commonProductFeatureAndAppls = delegator.findByAnd("ProductFeatureAndAppl", [productId : productId, productFeatureTypeId : commonProductFeatureId], ["sequenceNum", "defaultSequenceNum"]); if (commonProductFeatureAndAppls) { commonProductFeatureIds = EntityUtil.getFieldListFromEntityList(commonProductFeatureAndAppls, "productFeatureId", true); // now search for other products that have this feature visitId = VisitHandler.getVisitId(session); productSearchConstraintList = []; productSearchConstraintList.add(new ProductSearch.FeatureSetConstraint(commonProductFeatureIds)); // make sure the view allow category is included productSearchConstraintList = ProductSearchSession.ensureViewAllowConstraint(productSearchConstraintList, currentCatalogId, delegator); // don't care about the sort on this one resultSortOrder = null; commonFeatureResultIdsOrig = ProductSearch.searchProducts(productSearchConstraintList, resultSortOrder, delegator, visitId); commonFeatureResultIds = []; commonFeatureResultIdIter = commonFeatureResultIdsOrig.iterator(); while (commonFeatureResultIdIter.hasNext()) { commonFeatureResultId = commonFeatureResultIdIter.next(); // filter out the current product if (commonFeatureResultId.equals(productId)) { continue; } // filter out all variants commonProduct = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("Product", [productId : commonFeatureResultId]); if ("Y".equals(commonProduct?.isVariant)) { continue; } commonFeatureResultIds.add(commonFeatureResultId); } if (commonFeatureResultIds) { context.commonFeatureResultIds = commonFeatureResultIds; } } // get the DIGITAL_DOWNLOAD related Content records to show the contentName/description downloadProductContentAndInfoList = delegator.findByAndCache("ProductContentAndInfo", [productId : productId, productContentTypeId : "DIGITAL_DOWNLOAD"]); context.downloadProductContentAndInfoList = downloadProductContentAndInfoList; // not the best to save info in an action, but this is probably the best place to count a view; it is done async dispatcher.runAsync("countProductView", [productId : productId, weight : new Long(1)], false); }