/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ function getCountryList() { countryTargetField = jQuery('#shipToCountryGeo'); countryDivToPopulate = jQuery('#shipToCountries'); countryHiddenTarget = jQuery('#shipToCountryGeoId'); jQuery.ajax({ url: "getCountryList", type: "POST", async: false, success: callCountryAutocompleter }); } function callCountryAutocompleter(data) { countryList = data.countryList; countryTargetField.autcomplete({source: countryList, select: setKeyAsParameterAndGetStateList}); } function setKeyAsParameterAndGetStateList(event, ui) { countryHiddenTarget.value = ui.item; getAssociatedStateListForAutoComplete(); } function getAssociatedStateListForAutoComplete() { stateTargetField = jQuery('#shipToStateProvinceGeo'); stateDivToPopulate = jQuery('#shipToStates'); stateHiddenTarget = jQuery('#shipToStateProvinceGeoId'); jQuery.ajax({ url: "getAssociatedStateList", type: "POST", data: jQuery('#shippingForm').serialize(), async: false, success: function(data) {callStateAutocompleter(data); } }); } function callStateAutocompleter(data){ stateList = data.stateList; if (stateList.size() <= 1) { jQuery('#shipToStateProvinceGeo').value = "No States/Provinces exists"; jQuery('#shipToStateProvinceGeoId').value = "_NA_"; jQuery("#shipStates").fadeOut("fast"); jQuery("#advice-required-shipToStateProvinceGeo").fadeOut("fast"); jQuery("#shipToStateProvinceGeo").unbind("blur"); } else { jQuery('#shipToStateProvinceGeo').value = ""; jQuery('#shipToStateProvinceGeoId').value = ""; jQuery("#shipStates").fadeIn("fast"); jQuery("#shipToStateProvinceGeo").bind("blur", function() { if (jQuery('#shipToStateProvinceGeo').val() == "") { jQuery("#advice-required-shipToStateProvinceGeo").fadeIn("fast"); } }); } stateTargetField.autocomplete({source: stateList, select: setKeyAsParameter}); } function setKeyAsParameter(event, ui) { stateHiddenTarget.value = ui.item; } //Generic function for fetching country's associated state list. function getAssociatedStateList(countryId, stateId, errorId, divId) { var countryGeoId = jQuery("#" + countryId).val(); var requestToSend = "getAssociatedStateList"; if (jQuery('#orderViewed')) { requestToSend = "/ordermgr/control/getAssociatedStateList" } jQuery.ajax({ url: requestToSend, type: "POST", data: {countryGeoId: countryGeoId}, success: function(data) { if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_ ) { // no data found/ error occured return; } stateList = data.stateList; var stateSelect = jQuery("#" + stateId); stateSelect.find("option").remove(); jQuery.each(stateList, function(state) { geoValues = this.split(': '); stateSelect.append(jQuery('')); }); if (stateList.length <= 1) { if (jQuery("#" + divId).is(':visible') || jQuery("#" + errorId).is(':visible')) { jQuery("#divId").fadeOut("fast"); jQuery("#errorId").fadeOut("fast"); jQuery("#stateId").unbind("blur"); } } else { jQuery("#divId").fadeIn("fast"); jQuery("#stateId").bind("blur", function() { if (jQuery("#" + stateId).val() == "") { jQuery("#errorId").fadeIn("fast") } }); } } }); }