#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../vendor/plugins/rspec/lib' # For rspec installed as plugin require 'rubygems' require 'drb/drb' require 'rbconfig' require 'spec' require 'optparse' # This is based on Florian Weber's TDDMate module Spec module Runner class RailsSpecServer def run(argv, stderr, stdout) $stdout = stdout $stderr = stderr base = ActiveRecord::Base def base.clear_reloadable_connections! active_connections.each do |name, conn| if conn.requires_reloading? conn.disconnect! active_connections.delete(name) end end end if ActionController.const_defined?(:Dispatcher) dispatcher = ::ActionController::Dispatcher.new($stdout) dispatcher.cleanup_application elsif ::Dispatcher.respond_to?(:reset_application!) ::Dispatcher.reset_application! else raise "Application reloading failed" end if Object.const_defined?(:Fixtures) && Fixtures.respond_to?(:reset_cache) Fixtures.reset_cache end ::Dependencies.mechanism = :load require_dependency('application.rb') unless Object.const_defined?(:ApplicationController) load File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec/spec_helper.rb' if in_memory_database? load "#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/schema.rb" # use db agnostic schema by default ActiveRecord::Migrator.up('db/migrate') # use migrations end ::Spec::Runner::CommandLine.run( ::Spec::Runner::OptionParser.parse( argv, $stderr, $stdout ) ) end def in_memory_database? ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "test" and ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.to_s == "ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter" and ::Rails::Configuration.new.database_configuration['test']['database'] == ':memory:' end end end end puts "Loading Rails environment" ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment") require 'dispatcher' def restart_test_server puts "restarting" config = ::Config::CONFIG ruby = File::join(config['bindir'], config['ruby_install_name']) + config['EXEEXT'] command_line = [ruby, $0, ARGV].flatten.join(' ') exec(command_line) end def daemonize(pid_file = nil) return yield if $DEBUG pid = Process.fork{ Process.setsid Dir.chdir(RAILS_ROOT) trap("SIGINT"){ exit! 0 } trap("SIGTERM"){ exit! 0 } trap("SIGHUP"){ restart_test_server } File.open("/dev/null"){|f| STDERR.reopen f STDIN.reopen f STDOUT.reopen f } yield } puts "spec_server launched. (PID: %d)" % pid File.open(pid_file,"w"){|f| f.puts pid } if pid_file exit! 0 end options = Hash.new opts = OptionParser.new opts.on("-d", "--daemon"){|v| options[:daemon] = true } opts.on("-p", "--pid PIDFILE"){|v| options[:pid] = v } opts.parse!(ARGV) puts "Ready" exec_server = lambda { trap("USR2") { restart_test_server } if Signal.list.has_key?("USR2") DRb.start_service("druby://", Spec::Runner::RailsSpecServer.new) DRb.thread.join } if options[:daemon] daemonize(options[:pid], &exec_server) else exec_server.call end