==================================== Apache ODE - JMS Event Publisher ==================================== This extension demonstrates how to develop an ODE event listener. This prototypical implementation subscribes to navigation events and publishes them to a JMS topic (via ActiveMQ). How to install ============== 1.) Copy ode-extensions-jms-eventpublisher-*.jar and lib/* in ODE's class path and register the event listener by adding the following line to ODE's configuration file. See README.extensions for details. For ODE/Axis2: ode-axis2.properties ode-axis2.event.listeners=org.apache.ode.extension.jmseventlistener.JmsBpelEventListener jel.topicname = org.apache.ode.events jel.mqurl = tcp://localhost:61616 For ODE/JBI: ode-jbi.properties ode-jbi.event.listeners=org.apache.ode.extension.jmseventlistener.JmsBpelEventListener jel.topicname = org.apache.ode.events jel.mqurl = tcp://localhost:61616 2.) Start a JMS subscriber for the said topic (e.g. org.apache.ode.extension.jmseventlistener.TestConsumer). 3.) Start/restart ODE and run a process.