Prereqs: JDK 1.4+ and javacc version 3.2+ This document describes how to create rtf-parser.jar file as used by Nutch. Source files are contained in: Create a new directory with the following files in: LICENCE RTFParser.jj cd into this new directory create a src directory $mkdir src copy RTFParser.jj into this src directory $cp RTFParser.jj src/ now cd into this src directory and generate the javacc classes for the parser and then cd out again $cd src $javacc RTFParser.jj $cd .. now compile all the source and generated files $javac -d . src/*.java (optional) remove the generated source $rm -rf src # (optional) finally create the jar archive of all the salient files $jar -cvf rtf-parser.jar com/ LICENCE RTFParser* --Andy Hedges Credits: Thanks to Eric Friedman for writing this javacc grammar file.