This plugin extension adds search results clustering capability to Nutch search frontend. The user interface in Nutch is very limited and you'll most likely need something more application-specific. Look at or for inspiration. Libraries in this release are precompiled with stemming and stop words for various languages present in Carrot2 codebase (imported from the Snowball project). You must define the default language and supported languages in Nutch configuration file (nutch-site.xml). If nothing is given in Nutch configuration, English is taken by default. extension.clustering.carrot2.defaultLanguage en Two-letter ISO code of the language. extension.clustering.carrot2.languages en,nl,da,fi,fr,de,it,no,pl,pt,ru,es,sv All languages to be used by the clustering plugin. This list includes all currently supported languages (although not all of them will successfully instantiate -- support for Polish requires additional libraries for instance). Adjust to your needs, fewer languages take less memory. If you use the language recognizer plugin, then each hit will come with its own ISO language code. All hits with no explicit language take the default language specified in "extension.clustering.carrot2.defaultLanguage" property. If you need a different language/ clustering algorithm, you'll need to modify Nutch plugin code a bit (we don't want the plugin to outgrow Nutch, so we include just the essentials here). Ask on carrot@ developers mailing list for help if you need it. Carrot2 JARs come from codebase in version: 1.0.2