search help


To search with Nutch, just type in a few words.
  • Results only include pages that contain all of the query words.
  • Use quotes around words that must occur adjacently, as a phrase, e.g., "New Zealand".
  • Punctuation between words also triggers phrase matching. So searching for http://www.nutch.org/ is the same as searching for "http www nutch org".
  • Searches are not case-sensitive, so searching for NuTcH is the same as searching for nUtCh.
  • You can prohibit a term from resulting pages by putting a minus before it, e.g., searching for football -nfl will find pages that discuss football, but don't use the word "nfl".
  • That's it!


Each matching page in the results has the following links:
  • (cached) displays the version of the page that Nutch downloaded.
  • (explain) displays an explanation of how this page scored.
  • (anchors) shows the list of incoming anchors indexed for this page.

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