This folder contains an alternative search frontend implementation with a goal to be modular and extendable. Currently it is still in very early stage of development and might miss some functionality from the original ui. To achieve the primary goal it uses tiles to represent blocks of functinality and layout on a search (and related) pages. Layout is constructed by using following tag libraries: jstl-c jstl-fmt struts-tiles These tiles blocks can be extended or overridden by plugins implementing org.apache.nutch.webapp.UIExtensionPoint. A plugin implementation typically contains own tiles-defs.xml file that contains definitions (extensions or overriders) it provides, tiles Controller, supporting classes and libraries. WebApp extension can contain ui logic (in forms of tiles controllers and pojos, jar libraries), ui markup (in form of html, jsp), ui resources css, javascript. To compile web2 plugins you must issue command ant compile-plugins After compiling you must enable plugins, please refer to nutch documentation To build deployable .war issue command ant war. The nutch plugins are not included in the generated war and you need to properly configure where your plugins are. This is achieved by editing the nutch configuration file /conf/nutch-site.xml the configuration parameter you need to edit is named 'plugin.folders' Directory contents /lib contains required additional libraries, all licenced and maintained by ASF. files: struts.jar (version 1.2.9) and libraries required by struts: commons-beanutils.jar commons-collections-3.0.jar commons-digester.jar jstl.jar standard.jar /res contains stylesheets to transform static html pages or page snippets /src/main/java java sources /src/main/resources resources to be packaged in .jar, currently the localized resource files /src/main/webapp standard webapp folder build.xml contains minimal build instructions to create a .war README.txt this file Web ui plugin source directory structure /lib contains libraries required by extension /src/conf configuration files for example tiles-defs.xml /src/java java source files /src/test java unit test source files /src/web jsp files /src/resources any resources that needs to be exposed to public url space (images, css, js...) /build.xml /plugin.xml JSP Templating Referencing jsp files from tiles-defs: Referencing jsp resources inside nutch war absolute path, must start with /WEB-INF Referencing jsp resources inside plugins absolute path, must start with /plugin/ Static resources You can include static resources (images, html, css, js) in plugins by putting them in src/resources, at runtime those resources are exposed in urlspace /resources// Todo: -Remove table structures from html to allow more flexible css layouts -Refine the idea of extendability Perhaps we could just porovide maximum number of small tiles and then let end users combine their favourite ui from those, something like: + provide their own template and css