

Pulls status changes from Twitter's streaming API. In versions starting with 1.9.0, the Consumer Key and Access Token are marked as sensitive according to


twitter, tweets, social media, status, json


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that its value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a sensitive property, ensure that the file has an entry for the property nifi.sensitive.props.key.

NameDefault ValueAllowable ValuesDescription
Twitter EndpointSample Endpoint
  • Sample Endpoint The endpoint that provides public data, aka a 'garden hose'
  • Firehose Endpoint The endpoint that provides access to all tweets
  • Filter Endpoint Endpoint that allows the stream to be filtered by specific terms or User IDs
Specifies which endpoint data should be pulled from
Max Client Error Retries5The maximum number of retries to attempt when client experience retryable connection errors. Client continues attempting to reconnect using an exponential back-off pattern until it successfully reconnects or until it reaches the retry limit. It is recommended to raise this value when client is getting rate limited by Twitter API. Default value is 5.
Consumer KeyThe Consumer Key provided by Twitter
Sensitive Property: true
Consumer SecretThe Consumer Secret provided by Twitter
Sensitive Property: true
Access TokenThe Access Token provided by Twitter
Sensitive Property: true
Access Token SecretThe Access Token Secret provided by Twitter
Sensitive Property: true
LanguagesA comma-separated list of languages for which tweets should be fetched
Terms to Filter OnA comma-separated list of terms to filter on. Ignored unless Endpoint is set to 'Filter Endpoint'. The filter works such that if any term matches, the status update will be retrieved; multiple terms separated by a space function as an 'AND'. I.e., 'it was, hello' will retrieve status updates that have either 'hello' or both 'it' AND 'was'
IDs to FollowA comma-separated list of Twitter User ID's to follow. Ignored unless Endpoint is set to 'Filter Endpoint'.
Locations to Filter OnA comma-separated list of coordinates specifying one or more bounding boxes to filter on.Each bounding box is specified by a pair of coordinates in the format: swLon,swLat,neLon,neLat. Multiple bounding boxes can be specified as such: swLon1,swLat1,neLon1,neLat1,swLon2,swLat2,neLon2,neLat2.Ignored unless Endpoint is set to 'Filter Endpoint'.


successAll status updates will be routed to this relationship

Reads Attributes:

None specified.

Writes Attributes:

mime.typeSets mime type to application/json

State management:

This component does not store state.


This component is not restricted.

Input requirement:

This component does not allow an incoming relationship.

System Resource Considerations:

None specified.