Building -------- You need Ant 1.6.5 and Java 5 to build Tobago. Currently we use the Maven 2 Ant tasks for dependency management. In the main directory you can use ant install to run the install target on all sub projects. This will put all necessary artifacts into your local repository. Demo ---- To deploy the demo on your Tomcat 5.5 create a file based on in the main directory. Make sure the manager user has the role manager; see /conf/tomcat-users.xml. Change into the demo directory example/demo and run ant deploy Alternatively, you can run ant war and deploy the WAR from the build/dist directory manually. It will create a log file in the app-server starting folder. You may want to change that in the src/main/log4j.xml Known Bugs ---------- Until we have a public issue tracker see known-bugs.txt.