Documentation or HowTo for using Tobago?

Mini Howto

Where I can find a Hello World example and a list of needed jars?

Please look at tobago-example-blank . Or download the myfaces-tobago-example from the nightly build dir.

Does Tobago run with the Sun RI?

Tobago should run with Sun RI and with MyFaces.

Can I mix Tobago and MyFaces extensions in the same webapp?

Jsf only supports one renderkit (renderkitId) per page (f:view). Because Tobago has it's own renderkitId you can't use any none Tobago components that need a renderer.

How do I use GridLayout in Tobago?

Fixed means a theme dependent height of one row. (i.e. in speyside 20px), in this height all one height high elements find their place (like buttons, input fields, one row of text...).
Using px heights is at your own risk, but needed for some elements (like box, sheet and so on...)

Alternativly you can give a proportion of elements (thats what you do with the * notation).
For example rows="1*;2*" gives the first row 1/3 space and 2/3 for the second row. This works fine for columns, too.

For grouping elements to give them an slightliy different layout you can use the tc:panel element (this is interpreted as one element), which can have it's own layout for multiple elements inside the panel.

Why I don't need a form tag in a normal case in Tobago?

The page tag is a form tag. You need a form tag for partial validation of your data. Please look at the forms example in the Tobago demo

Which webbrowser are currently supported by Tobago?

Firefox 1.5, IE 6 (TODO more details)

On which container Tobago was tested?

Tomcat 5.5, Websphere 6.0, 6.1, Weblogic 8.1, 9.2. Feel free to post your own experiences.

Can Tobago replace tiles? Can I ignore tiles and sitemesh in the favor of Tobago or not?

Tobago can not replace it. But sometimes you may not need it, when you are using Tobago. If you want to position and size your components automatically, you can do that with a Tobago LayoutManager. If you want your header and sidebar rendered without writing dublicate code, you may use JSP 2.0 tag files or tiles/sitemesh.

How to configure a maven mirror?

If you want to set a different mirror for some reason, you can use your settings.xml and add the following lines:

mirrorID Give it a name The url of the mirror The server ID of the repository being mirrored. This must not match the mirror ID

See: Guide mirror settings

Mirrors: List of mirrors

How to configure an offline build?

If you run into problems with fetching jars from the online repository, in the settings.xml you can configure maven not to fetch them but to use the ones allready in your local repository:

or use the mvn -o switch