------ Theme Handling ------ Theme Handling You have 2 possibilities: [[1]] For easy development: [[a]] Put the theme jar in the classpath [[b]] Define a ResourceServlet in the <<>> and bind it to the url-pattern of the theme-path [] You can see the use in the {{{http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/tobago/trunk/example/blank/}tobago-example-blank}} [[1]] For production: [[a]] Put the theme jar in the classpath [[b]] Unpack the resources (no classes and no properties) of the theme into the war. You may use the maven-theme-plugin [] You can see the use in the {{{http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/tobago/trunk/example/demo/}tobago-example-demo}} [] Note: The <<-\-THEME.jar>>> is no longer needed. You need only the <<-\.jar>>> So you may remove some tags in the pom, if you are using maven2: +------------------------------------------+ THEME provided +------------------------------------------+ And the <<<\>>> in the <<>> has changed from +------------------------------------------+ tobago +------------------------------------------+ to : +------------------------------------------+ org/apache/myfaces/tobago/renderkit +------------------------------------------+ The tag is no longer needed, because it will automatically detected from the theme descriptor tobago-theme.xml.