Thank you for using Apache Tobago. The normal distribution of Apache Tobago requires Java 5. If you like to use Tobago with JDK 1.4, please, replace the following JARs tobago-core.jar, tobago-theme-standard.jar, tobago-theme-speyside.jar and tobago-theme-scarborough.jar in the lib directory with the JDK 1.4 versions in the jdk14retro directory. The JARs tobago-theme-charlotteville.jar and tobago-theme-richmond.jar don't need a JDK 1.4 version, because they don't contain any classes. Additionally add the retrotranslator-runtime-1.2.1.jar from to the WEB-INF/lib directory of your WAR. NOTE: The JDK 1.4 version is work in progress. The extension directory contains the tobago-facelets.jar. The tobago-facelets.jar is JDK 1.4 compatible. Warning: The tobago-sandbox.jar contains unstable components. Everything is subject to change without prior notice.