
Tag name: <tr:regionDef>

This tag, in conjunction with tr:region, allows a common UI (a region) to be defined. Once defined, the region must be registered in "WEB-INF/region-metadata.xml". A registered region is referenced with the <tr:region> tag. A region can be used many times, either on the same page, or on multiple pages. A single region must be defined in its own page, and the <tr:regionDef> must be the top level tag on that page (it replaces <f:subview>). See the <tr:region> tag to see how a region is used (or referenced).


 <tr:regionDef var="stuff" >
   <tr:panelHeader text="Info for Stock Symbol:#{stuff.symbol}">
     <tr:inputText readOnly="true" 
        label="Description" value="#{stuff.desc}"/>

If the above is defined in "/regions/stock.jspx", then you need to register the above region in "WEB-INF/region-metadata.xml". Here's an example:

      <default-value>Default Description</default-value>

And after it is registered, you can use the above region in say "master.jspx", like this:

  <tr:region regionType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidaddemo.region.stock" >
   <f:attribute name="symbol" value="ORCL"/>
   <f:attribute name="desc" value="Oracle Corp"/>


Name Type Supports EL? Description
varStringYes The name of the EL variable to use to reference attributes on the parent <tr:region>. For example, let's say this "var" attribute is set to the value "attrs"; if the <tr:region> tag has an attribute called "bar", The value of "bar" can be referenced from a child within <tr:regionDef> using the expression #{}.