
Tag name: <tr:region>

UIComponent class: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXRegion

Component type: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Region

This component inserts a region (defined by a separate page that starts with <tr:regionDef>) into the current page. The "id" attribute is required on this component, which implements NamingContainer. A region may have a value, custom attributes, or both. The value will be made available to the region definition using the "binding" EL attribute. Custom attributes, defined with <f:attribute> or <tr:attribute>, will also be made available to the region definition - see the <tr:regionDef> tag documentation for more information.


 <tr:region regionType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidaddemo.region.stock" >
   <f:attribute name="symbol" value="ORCL"/>
   <f:attribute name="desc" value="Oracle Corp"/>


Ungrouped attributes

Name Type Supports EL? Description
attributeChangeListenerjavax.faces.el.MethodBindingOnly EL a method reference to an attribute change listener
regionTypeStringYes which region definition to use. This should match a <component-type> string in a region metadata file. An example might look like "org.apache.myfaces.trinidaddemo.region.stock". This attribute can be bound to an EL expression or manually set, which will change the region definition used the next time the page renders.
valueObjectYes the value of the region. This value be evaluated during all lifecycle processing and made available to the regionDef as an EL variable named "bindings".

Core attributes

Name Type Supports EL? Description
bindingorg.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXRegionOnly EL a binding reference to store the component instance
idStringNo the identifier for the component. This must be a valid XML ID, and therefore may not contain whitespace or start with a number. Also, JSF requires that IDs must not contain any colons (":").
renderedbooleanYes whether the bean is rendered. When set to false, no output will be delivered for this bean.