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Tag Name: <tr:panelFormLayout>
Java Class: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.core.layout.CorePanelFormLayout
Component Type: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CorePanelFormLayout

The panelFormLayout lays out input form controls, such that their labels and fields line up vertically. It supports multiple columns, and also supports a footer facet.

Usually, this component will simply contain labelled Apache Trinidad input components in its main content - these are inputText, inputFile, inputColor, inputListOfValues, inputDate, selectBooleanCheckbox, selectBooleanRadio, selectOneChoice, selectOneListbox, selectOneRadio, selectManyCheckbox, and selectManyListbox. These components must have their "simple" attribute set to false, which is the default, and will cause the labels and fields inside the panelFormLayout to be aligned vertically.

When more complex field contents are needed, use a panelLabelAndMessage around the more complex contents needed; see the example below.

Other components can be added to panelFormLayout, but they will not line up with labels and fields automatically, and each will appear on its own row. You can use other panel components - like panelHorizontal - to get some level of layout within a row, but to align contents with the other labels and fields, use panelLabelAndMessage or the "footer" facet.

The panelFormLayout is an example of one of the components that has support for grouping its children components. If you place panelFormLayout child items inside of a group, separators will be drawn around the group of form items if adjacent to other form items (separators won't be drawn at the top if the group is the first item in the column or, similarly, at the bottom if the group is the last item in the column). Grouped panelFormLayout items are kept in the same column of the panelFormLayout even when the assigned rows attribute is set to a value smaller than the number of items in the group. The panelFormLayout component also supports the group component in its footer facet so you can place more than one item in the footer. You can even group footer items one additional time to get separators to appear.

Code Example(s)

<tr:panelFormLayout rows="6" labelWidth="40%">
  <!-- A bunch of form components -->
  <tr:inputText label="Text"/>
  <tr:inputFile label="File"/>
  <tr:inputListOfValues label="SelectInput"/>
  <tr:inputDate label="Date"/>
  <tr:inputText label="Attribute"/>
  <tr:inputText label="Attribute"/>
  <tr:inputText label="Attribute"/>
  <tr:inputText label="Attribute"/>

  <!-- Now, an example of panelLabelAndMessage for more complex content -->
  <tr:panelLabelAndMessage label="Date Range">
      <tr:inputDate simple="true" shortDesc="Start date"/>
      <tr:inputDate simple="true" shortDesc="End date"/>
  <f:facet name="footer">
      <tr:commandButton text="Button 1"/>
      <tr:commandButton text="Button 2"/>

Supported Client Events for Client Behaviors

  • click (default)
  • dblclick
  • keydown
  • keypress
  • keyup
  • mousedown
  • mousemove
  • mouseout
  • mouseover
  • mouseup


Type Phases Description
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent Invoke Application,
Apply Request Values
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change event might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.

Supported Facets

Name Description
footer This facet is rendered under the columns and usually contains a panelButtonBar.

This facet may not always line up perfectly, especially if the labels or fields are longer than expected. Try adjusting things with the labelWidth and fieldWidth attributes when necessary. Also, the columns attribute on inputText may be helpful.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
attributeChangeListener javax.el.MethodExpression Only EL a method reference to an attribute change listener. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.
binding org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.core.layout.CorePanelFormLayout Only EL an EL reference that will store the component instance on a bean. This can be used to give programmatic access to a component from a backing bean, or to move creation of the component to a backing bean.
fieldWidth String Yes The preferred width of the field. Usually a percentage, but may be specified as either a percentage or an absolute number of pixels. If the width is not specified, it will default appropriately. If specified as a percentage the labelWidth plus the fieldWidth should add up to 100%, regardless of the number of columns. If the fieldWidth is specified and is a percentage the labelWidth will be derived appropriately if not specified.
id String No the identifier for the component. Every component may be named by a component identifier that must conform to the following rules:
  • They must start with a letter (as defined by the Character.isLetter() method) or underscore ( _ ).
  • Subsequent characters must be letters (as defined by the Character.isLetter() method), digits as defined by the Character.isDigit() method, dashes ( - ), or underscores ( _ ). To minimize the size of responses generated by JavaServer Faces, it is recommended that component identifiers be as short as possible. If a component has been given an identifier, it must be unique in the namespace of the closest ancestor to that component that is a NamingContainer (if any).
inlineStyle String Yes the CSS styles to use for this component.
labelAlignment String Yes Valid Values: start, top

The alignment of label prompts for the form items.
labelWidth String Yes The preferred width of the label. Usually a percentage, but may be specified as either a percentage or an absolute number of pixels. If the width is not specified, it will default appropriately. If specified as a percentage the labelWidth plus the fieldWidth should add up to 100%, regardless of the number of columns. If the labelWidth is specified and is a percentage the fieldWidth will be derived appropriately if not specified.
maxColumns int Yes Sets the maximum number of columns to show. This attribute defaults to 3 and 2 on PDAs. If this panelFormLayout is inside of another panelFormLayout, this will always be 1.
onclick String Yes an onclick Javascript handler.
ondblclick String Yes an ondblclick Javascript handler.
onkeydown String Yes an onkeydown Javascript handler.
onkeypress String Yes an onkeypress Javascript handler.
onkeyup String Yes an onkeyup Javascript handler.
onmousedown String Yes an onmousedown Javascript handler.
onmousemove String Yes an onmousemove Javascript handler.
onmouseout String Yes an onmouseout Javascript handler.
onmouseover String Yes an onmouseover Javascript handler.
onmouseup String Yes an onmouseup Javascript handler.
partialTriggers String[] Yes the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update.

This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too.

Separate multiple triggers with a space. e.g., partialTriggers="cmp1 cmp2"

Identifiers must account for NamingContainers. You can use a single colon to start the search from the root, or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example, "::" will pop out of this component's naming container (it pops out of itself if it is a naming container), ":::" will pop out of two naming containers, etc. The search for the partialTrigger begins from there. e.g., partialTriggers=":::commandButton1" the search begins for the component with id = commandButton1 after popping out of two naming containers relative to this component. To go into naming containers, you separate the naming containers with ':', e.g.,partialTriggers= "nc1:nc2:nc3:componentId".

rendered boolean Yes Default Value: true

whether the component is rendered. When set to false, no output will be delivered for this component (the component will not in any way be rendered, and cannot be made visible on the client). If you want to change a component's rendered attribute from false to true using PPR, set the partialTrigger attribute of its parent component so the parent refreshes and in turn will render this component.
rows int Yes Sets the number of rows after which to start a new column. This attribute defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE. The number of rows actually rendered depends also on the "maxColumns" property. If the children will not fit in the given number of rows and columns, the number of rows will increase to accomodate the children.
shortDesc String Yes The short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text.
styleClass String Yes a CSS style class to use for this component.