Project Documentation


Tag name: <tr:attribute>

The attribute tag is a temporary replacement for <f:attribute> tag. In JSF 1.1.x, the <f:attribute> immediately evaluates EL expressions instead of storing the expression on the component for later evaluation. The JSF 1.2 release will include this bug fix. Facelets also has the correct behavior today. In the interim, using the <f:attribute> tag will give the user the expected behavior when using an EL expression for the value attribute.


            <tr:table var="emp" value="#{employees}">
              <tr:attribute name="banding" value="none"/>
              <tr:column >
                <tr:outputText value="#{emp.ename}">
                  <tr:attribute name="styleClass" value="#{emp.role}"/>
              </tr:column >
              <tr:column >
                <tr:commandButton action="#{emp.viewDetails}">
                  <tr:attribute name="label" value="More on this #{emp.title}"/>
              </tr:column >


Name Type Supports EL? Description
name String No name of the attribute
value Object Yes the value of the attribute