Project Documentation


Tag Name: tr:validateLength>
Type: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Length

Validate that the value entered is within a given length.

Code Example(s)

<tr:inputText id="mdf3" value="#{bean.value}"
                               label="max length">
  <tr:validateLength maximum="#{bean.maxValue}"/>


Name Type Supports EL? Description
maximum int Yes the maximum length of the entered value.
messageDetailExact String Yes

The detail error message to be used for constructing faces messages, if input value is not of an acceptable length, when both minimum and maximum are set to the same value.


  • {0} the label that identifies the component
  • {1} value entered by the user
  • {2} the allowed length

messageDetailMaximum String Yes

The detail error message to be used for constructing faces messages, when input value exceeds the maximum length set.


  • {0} the label that identifies the component
  • {1} value entered by the user
  • {2} the maximum allowed length

messageDetailMinimum String Yes

The detail error message to be used for constructing faces messages, when input value is less than the set minimum length.


  • {0} the label that identifies the component
  • {1} value entered by the user
  • {2} the minimum allowed length

messageDetailNotInRange String Yes

The detail error message to be used for constructing faces messages, if input value is not of an acceptable length, when both minimum and maximum are set.


  • {0} the label that identifies the component
  • {1} value entered by the user
  • {2} the minimum allowed length
  • {3} the maximum allowed length

minimum int Yes the minimum length of the entered value.