Project Documentation

Hosted QA

HostedQA is a web-based quality assurance solution from Autoriginate , which has generously donated an account to MyFaces.

MyFaces uses HostedQA to run Selenium tests against the example apps.

The following example apps have Selenium tests available at HostedQA:

  • MyFaces Example Simple


To execute the tests remotely at HostedQA, MyFaces committers will need to supply an email address and a password.

(If you don't have a password, ask on the developers list.)

You can add this information to your ~/.m2/settings.xml file.



Execute Tests

The tomahawk-examples-project pom includes a 'hostedqa' profile that will

  • upload the example application to HostedQA, and
  • execute the Selenium tests, remotely.

In addition, the pom for each example app includes a 'hostedqa' profile that defines which resource, client, and application configuration should be used. The

With an email address and password configured in settings.xml, execute the tests as follows

 $ mvn package -P hostedqa

Alternately, you can supply your email address and password on the command line:

 $ mvn package -P hostedqa<your-id> -Dhostedqa.password=<your-password>

View Results

All test results are available to the public, here:

Sample build log output:

$ mvn package -P hostedqa
[INFO] Building war: e:\svn\myfaces\current\tomahawk\examples\simple\target\myfaces-example-simple.war
[INFO] Executing tasks
   [upload] About to transfer E:\svn\myfaces\current\tomahawk\examples\simple\target\myfaces-example-simple.war
   [upload] Getting MD5 of current resource on HostedQA
   [upload] Getting MD5 of last uploaded resource (local)
   [upload] MD5s match, creating a patch
   [upload] Patch uploaded
   [upload] Upload complete
   [upload] Saving newly uploaded file for future use
[playsuite] Playing 3 Selenium tests on application configurations 56, and clien
t configurations 117
[playsuite] HostedQA tests complete. Results can be found at:
[playsuite]  -
[playsuite] The tests have PASSED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Add Tests

See this page for more information on adding Selenium tests for the example apps.

New tests in src/test/selenium will automatically be picked up by the configuration.

The myfaces-example-simple app is running as context name 'myfaces-example-simple' on port 9090. The following clients have been configued:

Client Code Browser
117 Firefox on WinXP
118 IE 6 on WinXP
316 IE 7 on WinXP
Available HostedQA Client Codes as configued in pom.xml