Project Documentation


Tag name: <s:limitRendered>
UIComponent class: org.apache.myfaces.custom.limitrendered.UILimitRendered
Tag class: org.apache.myfaces.custom.limitrendered.UILimitRenderedTag
Component type: org.apache.myfaces.UILimitRendered
Component family: javax.faces.Data

Tag that allows for selective rendering based on a count or by child index

Component that only renders a subset of its children components. Provides functionality that the JSTL choose tag has, but leverages the {@link javax.faces.component.UIComponent#isRendered()} method instead of using when tags with test attributes.

It can either use a filter type of "count" or "index". If count, the given number of children will be rendered (so for example, a value of 2 will cause the first two children that are have a true isRendered result to be rendered. If index, it will render the given indexes.


  <h:outputText />


The limitRendered component limits the number of children components that are rendered. It can do this by one of two methods, by index or by count.

The component was inspired by the c:choose of JSTL, but has been enhanced for JSF. Like the choose tag, it can render only one child, but that is where the similarity ends. See below for examples and usage.


type == count

Because the defautls are count and 1, if no attributes are specified, only the first child that is rendered will be rendered. "A" will be rendered:

  <h:outputText value="A" />
  <h:outputText value="B" />
  <h:outputText value="C" />

Only "B" will be rendered:

  <h:outputText value="A" rendered="false" />
  <h:outputText value="B" />
  <h:outputText value="C" />

The following example shows that the value with count may exceed the number or rendered children. In this case, although the count is 3, there are only 2 components that able to be rendered. "B C" will be rendered:

<s:limitRendered value="3">
  <h:outputText value="A" rendered="false" />
  <h:outputText value="B" />
  <h:outputText value="C" />
type == index

If the value is null, the component does nothing. So in this example, "A B C" is rendered:

<s:limitRendered type="index">
  <h:outputText value="A" rendered="false" />
  <h:outputText value="B" />
  <h:outputText value="C" />

If the component is not rendered, and its index is given, nothing is rendered for that index. In this example, nothing is rendered since index 0 is A and A is not rendered:

<s:limitRendered type="index" value="0">
  <h:outputText value="A" rendered="false" />
  <h:outputText value="B" />
  <h:outputText value="C" />

Negative indexes are also allowed. You may interpret a negative index as {component.getChildren().size() - value)}. In this example "B" is rendered because 3 (the number of components) minus 2 is 1, the index of the second component:

<s:limitRendered type="index" value="-2">
  <h:outputText value="A" />
  <h:outputText value="B" />
  <h:outputText value="C" />

The value doesn't have to be one value with an index, it can be given any index, as long as it is within the size of the children collection. This example renders "A, B, C":

<s:limitRendered type="index" value="0, 1, -1">
  <h:outputText value="A" />
  <h:outputText value="B" />
  <h:outputText value="C" />

Valid Input

The value property can except many types of data.

type == count

The value can be:

  • An instance of "java.lang.Number". The value is taken as "((Number)value).intValue()"
  • An object whose "toString()" is parsable by "Integer.parseInt(String)". So in the above examples, a string of "2" is valid
  • "null" which is treated as "0"
type == index

With index, the value must be in the range of the children components. So for example, using a value of 5 or a value of -5 on a component with 4 children will throw an exception. The value needs to be a set of values that can be coerced into integers. Valid sets are:

  • Instance of "java.util.Collection"
  • Instance of "int[]"
  • Instance of, or castable to, "Object[]"
  • A string with comma-separated numbers (white-space is okay, it is trimmed)
  • "null" which will render all children that can be rendered
  • []

In the case of a collection or an object array, the items in the collection or array must be "java.lang.Number" instances or objects whose "toString()" is parsable by "Integer.parseInt(String)".

See the example code for more information.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
binding String Only EL Identifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.
id String Yes An identifier for this particular component instance within a component view.

The id must be unique within the scope of the tag's enclosing NamingContainer (eg h:form or f:subview). The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view

This value must be a static value, ie not change over the lifetime of a component. It cannot be defined via an EL expression; only a string is permitted.

rendered boolean Yes A boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.
type String Yes The filter type: count|index. count: the value should evaluate to a Number or a value that can be parsed into an integer. index: A collection, array or comma-separated list of numbers. (Default: "count")
value Object Yes The value valid for the type. If this evaluates to null, all children will be rendered. If the type is count, this value must evaluate to a java Number instance or a value which the toString() method can be used with Integer.parseInt(String). The first number of children that are rendered (isRendered() returns true) up to the given value will be rendered. If the type is index, the value must be a Collection, int[], Object[] or a comma-separated list of numbers. Each item in the list must be a valid number. If negative, it is taken from then end. If the child at the given index is not rendered, then that component is skipped (so the indexes are absolute). See the documentation on the myfaces website for more information.