Project Documentation


The tag allows partial validation and model update. Components will be validated and updated only if either a child-component of this form caused the submit of the form, or an extended commandLink or commandButton with the actionFor attribute set to the client-id of this component was used. There can be several comma-separated entries in the actionFor-attribute - with this, it's possible to validate and update more than one subForm at once.


component-family org.apache.myfaces.SubForm
renderer-type org.apache.myfaces.SubForm
component-class org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubForm
renderer-class org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubFormRenderer
tag-class org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubFormTag


Submit from outside the subForm:
   <s:subForm id="subFormId">
       <h:inputText value="#{bean.value}" />
   <t:commandButton value="Submit subForm" actionFor="subFormId"/>
Submit from inside the subForm:
   <s:subForm id="subFormId">
       <h:inputText value="#{bean.value}" />
       <t:commandButton value="Submit subForm"/>
Do not keep any entered value if submitted another subform
   <s:subForm id="subFormId" preserveSubmittedValues="false">
       <h:inputText value="#{bean.value}" />
       <t:commandButton value="Submit subForm"/>

Additional Information

There are cases when the subForm needs to be submitted not just by clicking a button inside or outside of it, but by clicking or changing fields like combo-boxes, check-boxes or radio-buttons, or many other fields; usualy this is done by invoking a JavaScript code in their "onchange" attribute for example. It's possible to submit the subForm also by JavaScript, if id="subFormId" then you just have to invoke "subFormId_submit()". For an example see subForm.jsp in the Sandbox examples.