JavaNCSS Metric Results

The following document contains the results of a JavaNCSS metric analysis, using JavaNCSS version 33.54.
JavaNCSS web site.


Module Packages Classes total Methods total NCSS total Javadocs Javadoc lines Single lines comment Multi lines comment
tobago-tool-annotation 1 2 7 196 0 0 1 330
tobago-tool-apt 3 14 191 1578 0 0 35 273
tobago-core 33 547 2428 20842 639 3032 791 10789
tobago-sandbox 4 6 33 249 11 58 50 213
tobago-example-blank 1 1 3 16 0 0 0 18
tobago-example-data 1 16 118 599 1 4 5 288
tobago-example-demo 8 144 889 4898 8 40 76 2597
Totals 51 730 3669 28378 659 3134 958 14508