Class ExpandedState

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExpandedState

        public ExpandedState​(int defaultExpandedLevels)
        Creates a new state object to store which nodes of a tree are expanded and collapsed in a view.
        defaultExpandedLevels - All nodes up to this level are expanded by default.
    • Method Detail

      • isExpanded

        public boolean isExpanded​(TreeNode node)
        Checks if a node is expanded.
        node - The node to check.
        Is the node expanded?
      • isExpanded

        public boolean isExpanded​(TreePath path)
        Checks if a node is expanded.
        path - The path of the node to check.
        Is the node behind this path is expanded?
      • expand

        public void expand​(TreeNode node)
        Expands a single node.
        node - The node to expand. Also the parents will be expanded since Tobago 3.0.0.
      • expand

        public void expand​(TreeNode node,
                           boolean parents)
        Expands a single node.
        node - The node to expand.
        parents - Should the parents also be expanded?
      • expand

        public void expand​(TreePath path)
        Expands a single node.
        path - The path of the node to expand. Also the parents will be expanded since Tobago 3.0.0.
      • expand

        public void expand​(TreePath path,
                           boolean parents)
        Expands a single node.
        path - The path of the node to expand.
        parents - Should the parents also be expanded?
      • expand

        public void expand​(int level)
        Expands all nodes that level are lower or equals the parameter level.
        level - The level to expand.
      • expandAll

        public void expandAll()
        Expands a nodes of the tree.
      • collapse

        public void collapse​(TreeNode node)
        Collapses a single node.
        node - The node to collapse.
      • collapse

        public void collapse​(TreePath path)
        Collapses a single node.
        path - The path of the node to collapse.
      • collapse

        public void collapse​(int level)
        Collapses all nodes that level are higher or equals the parameter level.
        level - The level to expand.
      • collapseAll

        public void collapseAll()
        Collapses a nodes of the tree.
      • collapseAllButRoot

        public void collapseAllButRoot()
        Collapses a nodes of the tree. The root node will be expanded.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets the state to the defaults. After this call, the nodes with level smaller than defaultExpandedLevels are expanded, the other ones are collapsed.
      • getExpandedSet

        public Set<TreePath> getExpandedSet()
        A unmodifiable set of paths of the expanded nodes.
      • getCollapsedSet

        public Set<TreePath> getCollapsedSet()
        A unmodifiable set of paths of the collapsed nodes.