Class UISegmentLayout

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    EventListener, javax.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorHolder, javax.faces.component.PartialStateHolder, javax.faces.component.StateHolder, javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEventListener, javax.faces.event.FacesListener, javax.faces.event.SystemEventListenerHolder, Visual

    public class UISegmentLayout
    extends AbstractUISegmentLayout
    implements javax.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorHolder
    Renders a layout using a 12 columns grid. Find more information on how the grid works in the Twitter Bootstrap documentation. If no attribute is defined, extraSmall="12seg" will be used as default. UIComponent class, generated from template component.stg with class SegmentLayoutTagDeclaration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UISegmentLayout

        public UISegmentLayout()
    • Method Detail

      • getFamily

        public String getFamily()
        Specified by:
        getFamily in class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
      • getExtraSmall

        public SegmentMeasureList getExtraSmall()
        The space-separated definition of the columns for extra small devices. Possible values are: segment values between 1 and 12, 'auto' and '*'. Example: '1seg 5seg * auto'
        Specified by:
        getExtraSmall in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • getSmall

        public SegmentMeasureList getSmall()
        The space-separated definition of the columns for small devices. Possible values are: segment values between 1 and 12, 'auto' and '*'. Example: '1seg 5seg * auto'
        Specified by:
        getSmall in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • getMarginExtraSmall

        public String getMarginExtraSmall()
        The space-separated definition of the column margins for extra small devices. Allowed values are: none, left, right, both Example: 'left none both'
        Specified by:
        getMarginExtraSmall in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • setMarginExtraSmall

        public void setMarginExtraSmall​(String marginExtraSmall)
      • getLarge

        public SegmentMeasureList getLarge()
        The space-separated definition of the columns for large devices. Possible values are: segment values between 1 and 12, 'auto' and '*'. Example: '1seg 5seg * auto'
        Specified by:
        getLarge in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • getExtraLarge

        public SegmentMeasureList getExtraLarge()
        The space-separated definition of the columns for extra large devices. Possible values are: segment values between 1 and 12, 'auto' and '*'. Example: '1seg 5seg * auto'
        Specified by:
        getExtraLarge in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • getMarginExtraLarge

        public String getMarginExtraLarge()
        The space-separated definition of the column margins for extra large devices. Allowed values are: none, left, right, both Example: 'left none both'
        Specified by:
        getMarginExtraLarge in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • setMarginExtraLarge

        public void setMarginExtraLarge​(String marginExtraLarge)
      • getMarginSmall

        public String getMarginSmall()
        The space-separated definition of the column margins for small devices. Allowed values are: none, left, right, both Example: 'left none both'
        Specified by:
        getMarginSmall in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • setMarginSmall

        public void setMarginSmall​(String marginSmall)
      • getMarginMedium

        public String getMarginMedium()
        The space-separated definition of the column margins for medium devices. Allowed values are: none, left, right, both Example: 'left none both'
        Specified by:
        getMarginMedium in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • setMarginMedium

        public void setMarginMedium​(String marginMedium)
      • getCustomClass

        public CustomClass getCustomClass()
        Sets a CSS class in its parent, if the parent supports it. Which this feature it is possible to put a CSS class name into a component with the <tc:style> tag. Example:
             <tc:style customClass="my-emphasized"/>
        One capability is, to used external CSS libs.
        This feature should not be used imprudent. Because it might be unstable against changes in the renderered HTML code.
        Specified by:
        getCustomClass in interface Visual
      • getMedium

        public SegmentMeasureList getMedium()
        The space-separated definition of the columns for medium devices. Possible values are: segment values between 1 and 12, 'auto' and '*'. Example: '1seg 5seg * auto'
        Specified by:
        getMedium in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • getMarginLarge

        public String getMarginLarge()
        The space-separated definition of the column margins for large devices. Allowed values are: none, left, right, both Example: 'left none both'
        Specified by:
        getMarginLarge in class AbstractUISegmentLayout
      • setMarginLarge

        public void setMarginLarge​(String marginLarge)
      • restoreState

        public void restoreState​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                 Object state)
        Specified by:
        restoreState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
        restoreState in class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase