001    package org.apache.myfaces.tobago.taglib.component;
003    /*
004     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
005     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
006     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
007     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
008     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
009     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010     *
011     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012     *
013     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
014     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
015     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
016     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017     * limitations under the License.
018     */
020    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
021    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
022    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_DISABLED;
023    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_HEIGHT;
024    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_HIDDEN;
025    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_INLINE;
026    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_LABEL;
027    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_READONLY;
028    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_TITLE;
029    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.ATTR_WIDTH;
030    import static org.apache.myfaces.tobago.TobagoConstants.TOBAGO_COMPONENT_CREATED;
031    import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.ComponentUtil;
032    import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.OnComponentCreated;
033    import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.util.Deprecation;
035    import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
036    import javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag;
037    import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
039    public abstract class TobagoTag extends UIComponentTag
040        implements TobagoTagDeclaration {
042      private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TobagoTag.class);
044      private String label;
045      private String title;
046      private String width;
047      private String height;
048      private String hidden;
049      private String readonly;
050      private String disabled;
051      private String inline;
053      @Override
054      public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
055        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
056          LOG.debug("doStartTag() rendererType  " + getRendererType());
057          LOG.debug("doStartTag() componentType " + getComponentType());
058        }
059        return super.doStartTag();
060      }
062      @Override
063      public String getRendererType() {
064        String name = getClass().getName();
065        int beginIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.');
066        if (beginIndex < 0) {
067          beginIndex = 0;
068        } else {
069          beginIndex++;
070        }
071        int endIndex = name.length() - 3; // 3 = "Tag".length()
072        return name.substring(beginIndex, endIndex);
073      }
075      @Override
076      public void release() {
077        super.release();
078        hidden = null;
079        readonly = null;
080        disabled = null;
081        inline = null;
082        label = null;
083        title = null;
084        width = null;
085        height = null;
086      }
088      @Override
089      protected void setProperties(UIComponent component) {
090        super.setProperties(component);
092        ComponentUtil.setStringProperty(component, ATTR_LABEL, label);
093        ComponentUtil.setStringProperty(component, ATTR_TITLE, title);
095        ComponentUtil.setBooleanProperty(component, ATTR_DISABLED, disabled);
096        ComponentUtil.setBooleanProperty(component, ATTR_READONLY, readonly);
097        ComponentUtil.setBooleanProperty(component, ATTR_HIDDEN, hidden);
098        ComponentUtil.setBooleanProperty(component, ATTR_INLINE, inline);
100        if (width != null) {
101          LOG.warn("the width attribute is deprecated, please use a layout manager. (" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ")");
102        }
103        ComponentUtil.setStringProperty(component, ATTR_WIDTH, width);
104        if (height != null) {
105          LOG.warn("the height attribute is deprecated, please use a layout manager. (" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ")");
106        }
107        ComponentUtil.setStringProperty(component, ATTR_HEIGHT, height);
108      }
110      public String getDisabled() {
111        return disabled;
112      }
114      public void setDisabled(String disabled) {
115        this.disabled = disabled;
116      }
118      public String getHeight() {
119        return height;
120      }
122      public void setHeight(String height) {
123        if (Deprecation.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
124          Deprecation.LOG.warn("Attribute 'height' is deprecated, "
125              + "and will removed soon! Please use a layout manager instead.");
126        }
127        this.height = height;
128      }
130      public String getHidden() {
131        return hidden;
132      }
134      public void setHidden(String hidden) {
135        this.hidden = hidden;
136      }
138      public String getInline() {
139        return inline;
140      }
142      public void setInline(String inline) {
143        this.inline = inline;
144      }
146      public String getLabel() {
147        return label;
148      }
150      public void setLabel(String label) {
151        this.label = label;
152      }
154      public String getReadonly() {
155        return readonly;
156      }
158      public void setReadonly(String readonly) {
159        this.readonly = readonly;
160      }
162      public String getTitle() {
163        return title;
164      }
166      public void setTitle(String title) {
167        this.title = title;
168      }
170      public String getWidth() {
171        return width;
172      }
174      public void setWidth(String width) {
175        if (Deprecation.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
176          Deprecation.LOG.warn("Attribute 'width' is deprecated, "
177              + "and will removed soon! Please use a layout manager instead.");
178        }
179        this.width = width;
180      }
182      public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
184        UIComponent component = getComponentInstance();
185        if (component instanceof OnComponentCreated
186            && component.getAttributes().get(TOBAGO_COMPONENT_CREATED) == null) {
187          component.getAttributes().put(TOBAGO_COMPONENT_CREATED, Boolean.TRUE);
188          ((OnComponentCreated) component).onComponentCreated();
189        }
190        return super.doEndTag();
191      }
192    }