FindBugs Bug Detector Report
The following document contains the results of FindBugs Report
FindBugs Version is 1.3.9
Threshold is low
Effort is min
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Redundant nullcheck of viewId, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport.calculateAndCheckViewId(FacesContext, String) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 115 | Low |
Redundant nullcheck of viewId, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport.calculateViewId(FacesContext, String) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 81 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport$_CheckedViewIDMap is serializable but also an inner class of a non-serializable class | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD_INNER_CLASS | 523-532 | Low |
Should org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport$_CheckedViewIDMap be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 523-532 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Redundant nullcheck of key, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.context.flash.SubKeyMap$Entry.hashCode() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 267 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
instanceof will always return true in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.RendererUtils.getConvertedUISelectOneValue(FacesContext, UISelectOne, Object), since all String are instances of String | STYLE | BC_VACUOUS_INSTANCEOF | 738 | Medium |
Method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.RendererUtils.getViewSequence(FacesContext) invokes inefficient new Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 946 | Medium |
Possible null pointer dereference of content in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.RendererUtils.loadResourceFile(FacesContext, String) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1140 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.RendererUtils$1 defines equals and uses Object.hashCode() | BAD_PRACTICE | HE_EQUALS_USE_HASHCODE | 92-99 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit._SharedRendererUtils.getConvertedUISelectManyValue(FacesContext, UISelectMany, String[], boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 242 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.ANCHOR_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 218 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.ANCHOR_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 231 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.ANCHOR_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 246 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.ANCHOR_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONCLICK_WITHOUT_STYLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 241 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.ANCHOR_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_STYLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 236 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.ANCHOR_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_STYLE_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 250 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BODY_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 517 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BODY_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 529 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BODY_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 539 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BODY_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 543 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BUTTON_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 361 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BUTTON_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 374 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 143 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 89 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONFOCUS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 97 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONSELECT_AND_ONCHANGE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 104 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 170 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 199 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_ONCLICK should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 190 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_ONFOCUS_AND_ONCLICK should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 185 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_STYLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 175 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_STYLE_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 203 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 154 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONCLICK should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 162 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONCLICK_WITHOUT_STYLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 166 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONMOUSEOVER_AND_ONMOUSEOUT should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 195 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_STYLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 158 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.EVENT_HANDLER_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 81 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.EVENT_HANDLER_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONCLICK should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 58 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.EVENT_HANDLER_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONMOUSEOVER_AND_ONMOUSEOUT should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 70 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.FORM_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 260 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.FORM_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 269 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.FORM_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 273 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.IMG_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 287 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.IMG_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 300 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.IMG_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 308 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 318 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_FILE_UPLOAD_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 461 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 326 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 340 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_STYLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 330 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_STYLE_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 345 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.LABEL_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 385 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.LABEL_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 392 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.MESSAGE_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_TITLE_STYLE_AND_STYLE_CLASS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 481 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.SELECT_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 408 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.SELECT_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 410 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.SELECT_TABLE_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 488 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.TABLE_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 420 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.TABLE_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 431 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.TABLE_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 435 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.TEXTAREA_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 444 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.TEXTAREA_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 451 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.TEXTAREA_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 455 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.UL_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 492 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.UNIVERSAL_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 130 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.UNIVERSAL_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_STYLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 117 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.UNIVERSAL_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_STYLE_AND_TITLE should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 125 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BUTTON_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 366 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.BUTTON_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_ONCLICK should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 370 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 148 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.COMMON_FIELD_PASSTROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_ONFOCUS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 180 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.IMG_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_ONMOUSEOVER_AND_ONMOUSEOUT should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 304 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_FILE_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 465 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_FILE_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 469 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.INPUT_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_DISABLED_AND_ONFOCUS_AND_ONCLICK should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 335 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.LABEL_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 396 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.LABEL_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 400 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.UL_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 496 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HTML.UL_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_EVENTS should be moved out of an interface and made package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_OOI_PKGPROTECT | 500 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlButtonRendererBase.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 196 | Low |
Private method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlButtonRendererBase.getImage(UIComponent) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 642-646 | Low |
Private method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlButtonRendererBase.hasSubmittingBehavior(Map, String) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 291-299 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.model.SelectItem to javax.faces.model.SelectItemGroup in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlCheckboxRendererBase.renderGroupOrItemCheckbox(FacesContext, UIComponent, SelectItem, boolean, Set, Converter, boolean, Integer) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 197 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIForm in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlFormRendererBase.decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 220 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIForm in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlFormRendererBase.encodeBegin(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 65 | Low |
Private method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlFormRendererBase.getAcceptCharset(UIComponent) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 266-270 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlGroupRendererBase.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 65 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Private method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlLinkRendererBase.renderLinkParameter(String, Object, StringBuffer, String, UIComponent) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 870-881 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UISelectOne in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRadioRendererBase.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 65 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UISelectOne in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRadioRendererBase.getConvertedValue(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 364 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.model.SelectItem to javax.faces.model.SelectItemGroup in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRadioRendererBase.renderGroupOrItemRadio(FacesContext, UIComponent, SelectItem, Object, Converter, boolean, Integer) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 192 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIOutput in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.findUIOutputConverterFailSafe(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 476 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UISelectMany in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.findUISelectManyConverterFailsafe(FacesContext, UIComponent, boolean) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 463 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UISelectMany in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.getSubmittedOrSelectedValuesAsSet(boolean, UIComponent, FacesContext, Converter) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 433 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UISelectOne in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.getSubmittedOrSelectedValuesAsSet(boolean, UIComponent, FacesContext, Converter) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 439 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.isTrue(Object) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 207 | Medium |
public static org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.getSupportedContentTypes() may expose internal representation by returning HtmlRendererUtils.SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_EXPOSE_REP | 1923 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 1847 | Low |
Method call in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.renderDisplayValueOnlyForSelects(FacesContext, UIComponent, boolean) passes null for nonnull parameter of renderSelectOptionsAsText(FacesContext, UIComponent, Converter, Set, List, boolean) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF | 822 | Medium |
Private method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.getClientBehaviorScript(FacesContext, UIComponent, String, Map, HtmlRendererUtils$ScriptContext, Collection) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 2029 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 172 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 275 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 369 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 641 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIOutput in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlSecretRendererBase.getConvertedValue(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 188 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIData in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTableRendererBase.encodeChildren(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 171 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIData in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTableRendererBase.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 682 | Low |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIData in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTableRendererBase.encodeInnerHtml(FacesContext, UIComponent) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 286 | Low |
Method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTableRendererBase.renderColumnFooterCell(FacesContext, ResponseWriter, UIComponent, UIComponent, String, int) invokes inefficient new Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 1095 | Medium |
Method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTableRendererBase.renderColumnHeaderCell(FacesContext, ResponseWriter, UIComponent, UIComponent, String, int) invokes inefficient new Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 1041 | Medium |
Method org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTableRendererBase.renderTableHeaderOrFooterRow(FacesContext, ResponseWriter, UIComponent, UIComponent, String, String, int, boolean) invokes inefficient new Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 897 | Medium |
Redundant nullcheck of elemName, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTableRendererBase.renderFacet(FacesContext, ResponseWriter, UIComponent, boolean) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 766 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIOutput in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTextRendererBase.getConvertedValue(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 274 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from javax.faces.component.UIComponent to javax.faces.component.UIOutput in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlTextareaRendererBase.getConvertedValue(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) | STYLE | BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST | 156 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Switch statement found in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.HTMLEncoder.encode(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) where default case is missing | STYLE | SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT | 100-102 | Low |
Switch statement found in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.HTMLEncoder.encode(char[], int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Writer) where default case is missing | STYLE | SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT | 226-228 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 156 | Low |
Switch statement found in org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.JavascriptUtils.encodeString(String) where default case is missing | STYLE | SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT | 213-215 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Should org.apache.myfaces.shared.resource.BaseResourceHandlerSupport.getResourceLoaders() return a zero length array rather than null? | STYLE | PZLA_PREFER_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAYS | 64 | Low |
Redundant nullcheck of mapping, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.resource.BaseResourceHandlerSupport.calculateResourceBasePath(FacesContext) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 72 | Low |
Redundant nullcheck of mapping, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.resource.BaseResourceHandlerSupport.getMapping() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 134 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.resource.ExternalContextResourceLoader.RESOURCE_VERSION_CHECKER isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 49 | High |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.resource.ExternalContextResourceLoader.VERSION_CHECKER isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 42 | High |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Should org.apache.myfaces.shared.resource.ResourceLoader$VersionComparator be a _static_ inner class? | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 82-143 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Method org.apache.myfaces.shared.resource.ResourceLoaderUtils.parseDateHeader(String) invokes inefficient new Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 75 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Private method org.apache.myfaces.shared.taglib.UIComponentBodyELTagBase.setConverterProperty(UIComponent, String) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 210-211 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
ClassElementHandler.buffer not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
---|---|---|---|---| can't throw NoSuchElementException | BAD_PRACTICE | IT_NO_SUCH_ELEMENT | 69 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ClassLoaderUtils.getServices(String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 306 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Dead store to plugins in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ClassUtils.classForName(String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 170 | Medium |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ClassUtils.classLoadingExtensions should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 73 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ExceptionUtils.getExceptions(Throwable) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 59 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Dead store to response in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ExternalContextUtils.getHttpServletResponse(Object) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 651 | High |
Dead store to response in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ExternalContextUtils.getResponseSwitch(Object) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 677 | High |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ExternalContextUtils._runMethod(Object, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 533 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.LocaleUtils.converterTagLocaleFromString(String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 136 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Method call in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.MessageUtils.getMessageFromBundle(String, String, Object[]) passes null for nonnull parameter of getMessageFromBundle(String, FacesContext, Locale, String, Object[]) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF | 265 | Medium |
Redundant comparison of non-null value to null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.MessageUtils.getMessage(String, FacesContext, String, Object[]) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_COMPARISON_OF_NULL_AND_NONNULL_VALUE | 590 | Low |
Redundant comparison of non-null value to null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.MessageUtils.getMessage(FacesContext, String, Object[]) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_COMPARISON_OF_NULL_AND_NONNULL_VALUE | 570 | Low |
Redundant nullcheck of message, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.MessageUtils.getMessage(String, FacesContext, String, Object[]) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 593 | Low |
Redundant nullcheck of message, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.MessageUtils.getMessage(FacesContext, String, Object[]) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 573 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.MyFacesClassLoader defines equals and uses Object.hashCode() | BAD_PRACTICE | HE_EQUALS_USE_HASHCODE | 198-206 | High |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
new org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ParametrizableFacesMessage(String, String, Object[], Locale) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ParametrizableFacesMessage._args | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 55 | Medium |
new org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ParametrizableFacesMessage(FacesMessage$Severity, String, String, Object[], Locale) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ParametrizableFacesMessage._args | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 64 | Medium |
The field org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ParametrizableFacesMessage._evaluatedArgs is transient but isn't set by deserialization | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_TRANSIENT_FIELD_NOT_RESTORED | Not available | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
instanceof will always return true in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.getMacSecret(ExternalContext), since all javax.crypto.SecretKey are instances of javax.crypto.SecretKey | STYLE | BC_VACUOUS_INSTANCEOF | 940 | Medium |
instanceof will always return true in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.getSecret(ExternalContext), since all javax.crypto.SecretKey are instances of javax.crypto.SecretKey | STYLE | BC_VACUOUS_INSTANCEOF | 795 | Medium |
Dead store of null to baos in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.compress(byte[]) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 350 | Low |
Dead store of null to gzip in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.compress(byte[]) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 349 | Low |
Dead store of null to bais in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.decompress(byte[]) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 421 | Low |
Dead store of null to baos in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.decompress(byte[]) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 420 | Low |
Dead store of null to gis in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.decompress(byte[]) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 422 | Low |
Dead store of null to outputStream in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.getAsByteArray(Object, ExternalContext) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 278 | Low |
Dead store of null to writer in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.getAsByteArray(Object, ExternalContext) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 277 | Low |
Random object created and used only once in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.findMacSecret(String, String) | BAD_PRACTICE | DMI_RANDOM_USED_ONLY_ONCE | 990 | High |
Random object created and used only once in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.findSecret(String, String) | BAD_PRACTICE | DMI_RANDOM_USED_ONLY_ONCE | 845 | High |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 671 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 683 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 649 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 634 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 865 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 878 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 954 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 966 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 809 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 821 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 911 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 766 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 728 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 193 | Low |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.decrypt(byte[], ExternalContext) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 494 | Low |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.encrypt(byte[], ExternalContext) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 332 | Low |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StateUtils.getAsObject(byte[], ExternalContext) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 556 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Should org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StringUtils.trim(String[]) return a zero length array rather than null? | STYLE | PZLA_PREFER_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAYS | 685 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 212 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 263 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 327 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 388 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 446 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 509 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 566 | Low |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 630 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.WebConfigParamUtils.COMMON_FALSE_VALUES should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 33 | Low |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.WebConfigParamUtils.COMMON_TRUE_VALUES should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 32 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.servlet.SourceCodeServlet is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-61 | Low |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Dead store to stateManager in org.apache.myfaces.shared.view.JspViewDeclarationLanguageBase.isViewStateAlreadyEncoded(FacesContext) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 252 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in org.apache.myfaces.shared.webapp.webxml.WebXmlParser.parse() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 114 | Low |