Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:


Enhanced standard JSP actions and custom MyFaces actions.

This is version 1.0.10.

Required attributes are marked with a *


Handle all the dynamic form creation for JSF

Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
bundle The bundle to use to convert the lables to readable strings String
displayOnly Render the whole form in display (non editable) only mode String
exclusiveFields true|false - Set to true if only the fields listed within the configuration are to be rendered String
id* The id of the component String
idAsDisplayOnly Render id fields in the form in display (non editable) only mode String
uri* The root model String
valueBindingPrefix The value binding prefix which will be used to create the real value binding. If this is missing and the layout component has a "var" attribute its value will be used. String


Field configurations

Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
disabled configure this field as disabled - like readOnly but grayed too String
displayOnly configure this field as displayOnly String
displaySize the displaySize to be used to render the component String
for* the name of the property this configuration is for String
readOnly configure this field as readOnly - noneditable input field String


Container for field configurations

Can contain: JSP

This tag has no attributes.