UI-Component Sets

Mailing Lists

Use the links below to send mail to, subscribe, unsubscribe or check the archives of the MyFaces mailing lists. Subcribing and unsubscribing is performed by simply sending a blank email to applicable address (as linked below).

Name Archives Purpose Notes Subscription
announce at myfaces.apache.org Announcements, Important news This is a subscriber-only list, so you must join before you can post. subscribe
users at myfaces.apache.org mail-archive.com
nagoya eyebrowse (old Incubator mails)
MyFaces developers and users help other users and discuss MyFaces best practices This is a subscriber-only list, so you must join before you can post. subscribe
dev at myfaces.apache.org mail-archive.com
nagoya eyebrowse (old Incubator mails)
MyFaces developers and committers discuss issues related to the MyFaces codebase and project structure This is a subscriber-only list, so you must join before you can post. subscribe
pmc at myfaces.apache.org MyFaces Project Management Committee This is a private list for MyFaces PMC members only. N/A
commits at myfaces.apache.org Repository changes Please do not post to this list. subscribe