Html5 Support for Apache MyFaces
Project Documentation


Tag name: <fx:effects>
UIComponent class: org.apache.myfaces.html5.component.effect.Effects
Tag class: org.apache.myfaces.html5.tag.effect.EffectsTag
Facelet Tag Handler: org.apache.myfaces.html5.handler.EffectsHandler
Component type: org.apache.myfaces.html5.Effects
Component family: org.apache.myfaces.Effects
Renderer type: org.apache.myfaces.html5.Effects
Renderer class: org.apache.myfaces.html5.renderkit.effect.EffectsRenderer

Container for effects.
fx:effect... components should be nested inside this component.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
additionalStyleClassToActivate String Yes Css style class name to activate additionally with the effect.
deactivationEvents Object Yes Event(s) to deactivate to effect. The effect is activated on the event defined with the 'event' attribute, and deactivated on any of the events defined with this attribute. Value can be strings separated with comma, list of strings or array of strings.
For example to to activate the effect on mouse hover and deactivate it on click or mouse out: event='mouseover' deactivationEvents='mouseout, click' attributes should be defined.
If nothing is defined, the renderer will use deactivation events that make sense(i.e. 'drop' and 'dragleave' for 'dragover' event).
delay String Yes Duration for animation/effect to wait before running.
Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.
Some of the sample values are:
  • '1' : 1 second
  • '1s' : 1 seconds
  • '0.1' : 0.1 second
  • '100ms' : 100 milliseconds
duration String Yes Duration for animation/effect to run through.
Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.
Some of the sample values are:
  • '1' : 1 second
  • '1s' : 1 seconds
  • '0.1' : 0.1 second
  • '100ms' : 100 milliseconds
target String Yes The target area for which this resource will be rendered. For example, target="head" would cause the resource to be rendered within the head element.
If not defined and component is not nested inside of a ClientBehaviorHolder head will be used.
If component is nested inside of a ClientBehaviorHolder and this attribute is not defined body will be used.
timingFunction String Yes Timing function to calculate animation/effect transitions.
The timing functions defined by CSS3 spec are:
  • ease
  • linear
  • ease-in
  • ease-out
  • ease-in-out
  • cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>)

Facelets Attributes

Name Type Required Description