1 /* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  2  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  3  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  4  * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  5  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  6  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  7  *
  8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  9  *
 10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 14  * limitations under the License.
 15  */
 17 /**
 18  * @memberOf myfaces._impl
 19  * @namespace
 20  * @name i18n
 21  */
 23 /**
 24  * System messages base version    <p />
 25  * (note the base version is basically the en_US) version
 26  * of all messages
 27  *
 28  * @class
 29  * @name Messages
 30  * @memberOf myfaces._impl.i18n
 31  */
 32 _MF_CLS && _MF_CLS(_PFX_I18N+"Messages", Object,
 33 /**
 34  * @lends myfaces._impl.i18n.Messages.prototype
 35  */
 36 {
 38     MSG_TEST:               "Testmessage",
 40     /*Messages*/
 41     /** @constant */
 42     MSG_DEV_MODE:           "Note, this message is only sent, because project stage is development and no " +
 43                             "other error listeners are registered.",
 44     /** @constant */
 45     MSG_AFFECTED_CLASS:     "Affected Class:",
 46     /** @constant */
 47     MSG_AFFECTED_METHOD:    "Affected Method:",
 48     /** @constant */
 49     MSG_ERROR_NAME:         "Error Name:",
 50     /** @constant */
 51     MSG_ERROR_MESSAGE:      "Error Message:",
 52     /** @constant */
 53     MSG_SERVER_ERROR_NAME:  "Server Error Name:",
 55     /** @constant */
 56     MSG_ERROR_DESC:         "Error Description:",
 57     /** @constant */
 58     MSG_ERROR_NO:           "Error Number:",
 59     /** @constant */
 60     MSG_ERROR_LINENO:       "Error Line Number:",
 62     /*Errors and messages*/
 63     /** @constant */
 64     ERR_FORM:               "Sourceform could not be determined, either because element is not attached to a form or we have multiple forms with named elements of the same identifier or name, stopping the ajax processing",
 65     /** @constant */
 66     ERR_VIEWSTATE:          "jsf.viewState: param value not of type form!",
 67     /** @constant */
 68     ERR_TRANSPORT:          "Transport type {0} does not exist",
 69     /** @constant */
 70     ERR_EVT_PASS:           "an event must be passed down (either a an event object null or undefined) ",
 71     /** @constant */
 72     ERR_CONSTRUCT:          "Parts of the response couldn't be retrieved when constructing the event data: {0} ",
 73     /** @constant */
 74     ERR_MALFORMEDXML:       "The server response could not be parsed, the server has returned with a response which is not xml !",
 75     /** @constant */
 76     ERR_SOURCE_FUNC:        "source cannot be a function (probably source and event were not defined or set to null",
 77     /** @constant */
 78     ERR_EV_OR_UNKNOWN:      "An event object or unknown must be passed as second parameter",
 79     /** @constant */
 80     ERR_SOURCE_NOSTR:       "source cannot be a string",
 81     /** @constant */
 82     ERR_SOURCE_DEF_NULL:    "source must be defined or null",
 84     //_Lang.js
 85     /** @constant */
 86     ERR_MUST_STRING:        "{0}: {1} namespace must be of type String",
 87     /** @constant */
 88     ERR_REF_OR_ID:          "{0}: {1} a reference node or identifier must be provided",
 89     /** @constant */
 90     ERR_PARAM_GENERIC:      "{0}: parameter {1} must be of type {2}",
 91     /** @constant */
 92     ERR_PARAM_STR:          "{0}: {1} param must be of type string",
 93     /** @constant */
 94     ERR_PARAM_STR_RE:       "{0}: {1} param must be of type string or a regular expression",
 95     /** @constant */
 96     ERR_PARAM_MIXMAPS:      "{0}: both a source as well as a destination map must be provided",
 97     /** @constant */
 98     ERR_MUST_BE_PROVIDED:   "{0}: an {1} and a {2} must be provided",
 99     /** @constant */
100     ERR_MUST_BE_PROVIDED1:  "{0}: {1} must be set",
102     /** @constant */
103     ERR_REPLACE_EL:         "replaceElements called while evalNodes is not an array",
105     /** @constant */
106     ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE:     "{0}: The response cannot be null or empty!",
107     /** @constant */
108     ERR_ITEM_ID_NOTFOUND:   "{0}: item with identifier {1} could not be found",
109     /** @constant */
110     ERR_PPR_IDREQ:          "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, id must be present",
111     /** @constant */
112     ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID:    "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, before id or after id must be present",
113     /** @constant */
114     ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_1:  "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, before  node of id {1} does not exist in document",
115     /** @constant */
116     ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_2:  "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, after  node of id {1} does not exist in document",
118     /** @constant */
119     ERR_PPR_DELID:          "{0}: Error in delete, id not in xml markup",
120     /** @constant */
121     ERR_PPR_UNKNOWNCID:     "{0}:  Unknown Html-Component-ID: {1}",
123     /** @constant */
124     ERR_NO_VIEWROOTATTR:    "{0}: Changing of ViewRoot attributes is not supported",
125     /** @constant */
126     ERR_NO_HEADATTR:        "{0}: Changing of Head attributes is not supported",
127     /** @constant */
128     ERR_RED_URL:            "{0}: Redirect without url",
130     /** @constant */
131     ERR_REQ_FAILED_UNKNOWN: "Request failed with unknown status",
133     /** @constant */
134     ERR_REQU_FAILED: "Request failed with status {0} and reason {1}",
136     /** @constant */
138 });