Apache MyFaces
Project Documentation


Tag name: <mcv:validateRegExpr>
Validator class: org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.RegExprValidator
Tag class: org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.ValidateRegExprTag
Facelet Tag Handler: org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.ValidatorBaseTagHandler
validator id: org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.RegExpr
A custom validator for reg. expr., based upons Jakarta Commons. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
detailMessage String Yes alternate validation error detail message format string (use 'message' and 'detailMessage' alternatively)
message String Yes alternate validation error detail message format string (use 'message' and 'detailMessage' alternatively)
pattern String No the pattern, which is the base of the validation. It does not allow EL expressions (jsp special case).
patternExpression String Yes the pattern, which is the base of the validation. It allow EL expressions.
summaryMessage String Yes alternate validation error summary message format string

Facelets Attributes

Name Type Required Description
for String false {@inheritDoc}