$Id$ = 1.3.1 = == Overview == This release is a bugfix release only (and the fixed bugs are not particularly severe). Upgrading from 1.3 is necessary only if one of these specific bugfixes are required. One minor new feature is introduced : the ability to set the ConversationContext timeout. See the "New Features" section for details. == Backwards Compatibility == This release is backwards-compatible with version 1.3. == Bugfixes * ORCHESTRA-30: viewcontroller framework does not call initView again when conversation containing ViewController bean is invalidated (ie ViewController bean is deleted). This patch doesn't actually make that happen, but it does make it possible for a backing bean to force the viewcontroller framework to do so (by forcing creation of a new ViewRoot instance). * ORCHESTRA-32: NullPointerException when deserializing an HttpSession containing a ConversationManager instance. * ORCHESTRA-34: NullPointerException on timeout of ConversationContext. The ConversationWiperThread does not run inside a request, and therefore had no FrameworkAdapter, but removeAndInvalidateConversationContext tries to check the conversationContext query param. * ORCHESTRA-35: In some containers (eg OC4J), ConversationManager is not removed from ConversationWiperThread on session timeout. Thanks to Steve Ronderos for the bugreport. * ORCHESTRA-36: Improve error message when dependency injection is misconfigured. Thanks to Kito Mann for the suggestion. == Known Issues * As far as we know, Orchestra still does not work with Portlets (ORCHESTRA-17, ORCHESTRA-22). At least, problems have been reported against earlier versions and no-one has tested this release with Portlets. == Major Changes None. == New Features * Enhancement ORCHESTRA-33 allows the user to define a bean whose name is the fully-qualified name of the ConversationContextFactory class. An instance of this bean will then be created at startup, and its createConversationContext method used to create new ConversationContext instances configured in any desired way. To simply set the timeout, this bean can be configured as an instance of the default ConversationContextFactoryImpl class, and the timeout property set via normal property injection to any desired value. == History 1.0 release based on r583187 Branched for 1.1 release on r634925 Branched for 1.2 release on r671173 Branched for 1.3 release on r707462 Branched for 1.3.1 release on r??