1.0.10 1.2 n http://myfaces.apache.org/orchestra Enhanced standard JSP actions and custom MyFaces actions. endConversation org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.conversation.jsf.components.EndConversationTag JSP Ends a conversation onOutcome false false End the conversation only if the action outcome matches the given onOutcome. This can be a comma separated list. If not specified, then the conversation is always ended (except when the action returns null). errorOutcome false false If the action method throws an exception then use the given outcome for further navigation. The specified outcome is checked against onOutcomes just as if the action had returned the same value. If not specified then the original exception will be allowed to propagate. name true false the name of the conversation separateConversationContext org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.conversation.jsf.components.SeparateConversationContextTag JSP Separates the current context from the children. e.g. commandLinks will start a new conversation context