# These are the default build properties that normally need not be changed # Don't forget to use double-backslashes in windows paths! # File path to Java Servlet API 2.3 and JSP 1.2 archive servlet-jsp.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/servlet-2.3-jsp-1.2.jar # File path to JSP 2.0 API archive jsp-2.0.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/jsp-2.0.jar # File path to JSTL archive jstl.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/jstl.jar # tlddoc library (needed for tlddoc creation) tlddoc.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/tlddoc.jar # File path to commons codec package commons-codec.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/commons-codec-1.2.jar # File path to commons logging package commons-logging.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/commons-logging.jar # File path to commons beanutils package commons-beanutils.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/commons-beanutils-1.6.1.jar # File path to commons collections package commons-collections.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/commons-collections-3.0.jar # File path to commons digester package commons-digester.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/commons-digester-1.5.jar # File path to commons el package commons-el.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/commons-el.jar # File path to commons file upload package commons-fileupload.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/optional/commons-fileupload-1.0.jar # File path to Jakarta ORO jakarta-oro.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/optional/jakarta-oro.jar # File path to commons validator package commons-validator.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/optional/commons-validator.jar # File path to struts file for tile support struts.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/optional/struts.jar # Destination file path of MyFaces implementation archive to be created myfaces.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/myfaces.jar # Destination file path of MyFaces JSF-API implementation archive to be created myfaces-jsf-api.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/myfaces-jsf-api.jar # Destination file path of MyFaces components archive to be created myfaces-components.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/myfaces-components.jar # Compiler optimize and debug flags javac.optimize = off javac.debug = on # log4j library (only needed for examples application) log4j.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/optional/log4j-1.2.8.jar # junit library (only needed for JUnit testing) junit.jar = ${project.dir}/lib/cactus-1.5/junit.jar # Destination for JUnit test results test.results.dir=${project.dir}/test-results # Cactus libraries dir cactus.lib.dir=${project.dir}/lib/cactus-1.5 # Tagunit libraries dir tagunit.lib.dir=${project.dir}/lib/tagunit-1.0.1 # print summary when executing tests test.printsummary=false # Tomcat Build and Deploy Support tomcat.build.dir=${project.dir}/build/tomcat # Properties for Tomcat Server # Tomcat home and manager user and password must be set in build.properties (see build.properties.sample) tomcat.home=${env.CATALINA_HOME} tomcat.server=localhost tomcat.port=8080 tomcat.manager.url=http://${tomcat.server}:${tomcat.port}/manager tomcat.manager.username=admin tomcat.manager.password=admin